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Everything posted by 17D_guy

  1. Got an email on Fri at 1600 CC'd to our O6 that I was "due or over-due" for Suicide Training on ADLS. Though we got rid of that for Resiliency training. Are we now doing both?
  2. I enjoyed the workplace reviews that just took place and the focus on a "better work environment" that the CSAF pushed. Then this happens and he's meeting with pissed off senators/congressfolk. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2013/03/air-force-clemency-response031113w/ However this article had a little tidbit that I found interesting - Wut?
  3. Wonder if the evidence is weak because the Vice CC got fired for slow rolling the investigation. Not a lawyer, but this wasn't the appellate processes. It didn't go to the court of military appeals. Franklin just said, "I don't agree" and turned it over.
  4. Us cyber folks have watched as the portal has morphed into a cluster of un-navigable trash from the clean interface it once was. You can just see the "Oh, it would be great if we added this to the portal" CC idea's. CC Corner, Cyber corner, weather, Political correctness tab 1-3, etc. It started with 4 tabs at the top and one set of links. Now it's worse than AOL ever was.
  5. First point - CC's take the Shirt/Chief side. Or the CC is the one sending it again. Second point (#1) - Agree, but from my support purview the flying community is very insular. Not a bad thing since you all depend on each other, but just the lack of awareness of some of the challenges within the support community hinder our ability to help/morale and enhance our crybabyness. You know how often I get told computers/network should "just work" and the AIRCREW member who said it is dead serious. Or my second favorite, "It's just a quick fix." Is it? Third point (#2) - To a degree yes. But you guys bitch about your heritage getting jacked, what do we have left? No patches, no ball caps, no undershirts. Those are just a short list of the things gone since I've been in. My enlisted career field had heritage dating back to the 60s! So old we had Snoopy as a mascot and were proud of it. Apparently just shortly (2~4 years) before even the Comm Sq had a bar in it. Instead we get a shitty uniform where I look exactly the same as a finance, services, CE or POL guy. I work on f#ckinging networks, I build the BLOOD of the Air Force and make it work (including your shitty forwarded emails). We also build the tools to avoid the digital puke you get (SharePoint) but the old f#ck SNCO's/CC's won't use it the right way. Could I get a Comm Patch with some nerdy lightning on it or something? Or maybe a ball cap that say's 9th Comm. Also, stop outsourcing the best parts of my job to civilians, usually the retiring E5~8 who doesn't even like tech, and giving me and my Airmen only the opportunity to take your trouble call and do additional duties. Sorry for rant.
  6. Aircrew here get hammered because they miss this due to out-processing again at day 90. Damn, no call sign.
  7. Well, that's a space helmet right? Somebody tell me I'm wrong, but the space shuttle was cheaper - And the plane's not even f#cking flying yet! edit: forgot source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_program, normally wouldn't cite wiki, but this isn't my Master's class.
  8. If I ever meet someone who argues for "Tactical Application of Band Resources" they will get kicked in the balls.
  9. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-06/air-force-trains-on-f-35s-with-balky-radar-limited-views.html Wow
  10. perhaps they can get to our evaluations next?
  11. Was going to post that in the WTF thread. Of note, we also have Resiliency Managers in our org now sending us emails about resilient stuff...
  12. Get rid of additional duties? Come on, we need an emergency manager, facility safety manager, and facility anti-terrorism monitor.
  13. Band of Brothers music took it from strange to laughing my ass off. ----------------- Why Join the Air Force - Combat Zone
  14. Pictures aren't memories, they're evidence.
  15. Credit as a community sure, credit as an individual for actions completed in the course of a mission?
  16. They really didn't have to "reality tv" the show at all. The emotion came through strong, especially with how the whole SF medic thing was handled. Buddies kissing him on the forehead, saying good bye... jesus that was tough. The shorter start/stop life has always been harder on me and my family than the longer departures/returns. Gone for a year on a remote, easy to plan for, easy to work around. Gone for 4 months every 3/4 months, on top of "training" and other duties. Especially if the Sq isn't supportive at all. Those "short" deployments were/are much worse. And I don't even fly.
  17. I have been blessed to have a decent clearance with some cool caveats for awhile now. That bolded part makes me want to drown puppies. Seriously? Just write something out.. "I think it's classified, eh.. screw it." The story, while light on details, doesn't even read that way. Possible options: She has a journal at home that she filled with classified info. She took classified docs home. Are either of those even remotely ok? Also.. with the rigid requirements for working with this stuff (inline statements, overall statements, etc) how can someone not currently involved with it not know? Additionally, with the pre-publish review requirement... wtf? Good to know you have a line somewhere.
  18. So much entitlement.
  19. So.... it's for people who contribute more than the Bronze Star for Service rates? Is that a deployment/PCS O5 medal, or an O6 medal. I need to update my chart. AOC commanders rejoice!
  20. Oh good, the cool parents raise great, upstanding, hard working, non-entitled kids.
  21. Latest info. Does it even really matter? She's in the reserves. https://security.blogs.cnn.com/2013/02/20/first-on-cnn-paula-broadwell-military-promotion-revoked/?hpt=hp_t2
  22. Was just wondering if there was this much fanfare when the flying medals were initially introduced. Were the infantry officers enraged that those people high above the danger were getting glittery things too? I remember reading about the fight just to get dependable weather for the fliers, real life/death stuff.
  23. Well at least he didn't beat around the bush (STS) like Skeletor would have.
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