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Everything posted by 17D_guy

  1. But that's not fair to us support folks!
  2. Not sure if this goes here, or in the WTF thread... It's a bit of a read. More of Rainman's "Goofy Grape Guard" behavior. I'm sure the Gen in charge isn't lying through his f'ing teeth... https://www.militaryt...targeted-101512
  3. Hey, look everybody, a troll!
  4. They don't make us do drill do they? You know.. for discipline, or morale, or.. whatever they can think of.
  5. I just don't even....
  6. That's the flavor of the month year. Perhaps we can just change it back to personnelist at some point. That, or SharePoint monkey. I'm trying to explain to all the Amn/Lt's that have only been in since they got rid of 'em (circa 2007 I think) how big a deal this is. None of them think it's a good idea, or important. I suppose the problem is on my end with all the joyful screaming.
  7. So.. my stint in that wonderful school of ASBC helped me get promoted over a Nav who didn't even have chance to go? How are there no rated guys on the board that can take care of this shit? We've got to have fliers knocking out AAD's for O3? FOR O3!? I think it's bullshit for me as a Cyber guy, but come on!
  8. Don't get your Bachelors and focus on this CCAF that is so educationally strong it can be knocked out with CLEPS, DANTES, and Amn Leadership School. Sounds legit.
  9. Really depends on the leadership. Sometimes they meet at the club in their polo shirts w/ embroidered call signs. I'll let that sink in... Also, European Regional CGO Exec Officer and not married. Plenty of time to Exec (whatever the hell that means) the regional CGO after those 12 hr finance shifts! I rest your case my honor.
  10. But I thought the IG was independent and worked for me?!
  11. Is there a problem w/ the way that Capts are getting passed over? Legit question, I'm not there, nor are my peers so I'm unqualified to respond.
  12. Best thing for my career in the AF was figuring out that email really wasn't that important. Servers, routers, switches, etc - not important of themselves, or because I worked on them. Before Comm went Ops the important stuff was the UAV video, ATO's, emergency orders and that sort of enabling that was our real mission. We had a Wing CC - BG Wright, who's slogan was "Where are you in the kill chain". Sounds lame, especially since we were at Beale, but he pushed it and people started to come around and realize what the real mission was about. He'd do Sq tours and ask the Amn where they were and they'd have to answer. I still think about it when I'm trying to explain to Senior Leaders that stuff, does in fact, just break and we can't tell them when it will happen or why, or how long it'll take to fix. Especially blackberry's, damn those things to hell.
  13. Most Helpful Critical Review- Wow.
  14. Having had to hand hold my Navy supervision through this process (and the shitty O5 that made me write my own PRF) I can tell you that AFI is full of goodness for your situation. It's not full of feelings and interpretation like some other ones (ex. 36-2903). It clearly lays out who will do what when. Read it, learn it. Take it with edfsr's post and work it (STS). The worst that could happen is you wait a year for O3. Besides.. it's not like a Capt/Maj exec is going to get in trouble or held responsible. That never happens.
  15. https://www.nytimes.c...ss&emc=rss&_r=0 That whole autonomous area totally works in Pakistan.
  16. You forgot these sections: and finally Finance using not accurate numbers.
  17. Call/write your congressman/senator like some drone folks did? Also, look up the AFI and give it a good scrub. There should be something in there covering it. However I think your options are, unfortunatly, limited. I really am disgusted with how the Air Force is handling air crew in this. Is it just that there's not a lot of rated on the promotion boards? I thought a rated officer was the president. Are they not aware of what's going on in the pipelines?
  18. Of note, the vast majority of those that I enlisted with that went in Open General got Sec Forces. Those that crosstrained into my field from Open General were Sec Forces. Don't go Sec Forces. Dont' go Open General. If you have questions about enlisted AFSCs ask on the airforectimes forum as they have a greater spread of those fields. Aircrew enlisted woud be here.
  19. We were already talking. I'm prior too.. whoopee. How much of that time volunteering is taking place during your "work hours". Additionally are you still working 12~14 hr shifts as a finance officer?? Doing what? Outside of end-of-year, I've never seen finance officers burn that much oil on legit work. How much is busy work, nice to have, idea-fairy, something a Col mentioned in passing? That opinion includes my good friends who're finance now, officers and enlisted. Is all your volunteer work on the weekend? How do you fit in PT time? Do you have a family? When do you see them? My wife's been gone every 75 days for a 90+ deployment. She's not finance, she wears bags. Plus the Sq wants her to work on upgrade training and knock out that AAD. All that time is supposed to come from time with me & our kiddos. What OTS time management lessons are you applying to get all this done? I can assure you, we're not all deploying and to say as much is just nonsense. Deployments to MacDill/Stuttgart etc don't count. Deployed in place doesn't count. Did you get a Bronze Star yet? /rant Mostly what we're all amazed at with this is the large national organization (there's a fing conference) that has time to put together a magazine that aggregates all this nonsense (look at some of the numbers), but medical and finance still close for training hours, PT, not have hours servicable to those of use who work swings/mids, and still jack up vouchers. CE won't work on anything that's not a ticket, no matter the emergency. Comm Cyber can't seem to patch comptuers without breaking them, and services keeps changing the color of their khakis. As always, it's trying to look good, with out actually being good. EDIT - you liked your own post.
  20. Those jobs exist in our Sq's too, and are just as souless and non-mission directed. How about we just give everyone back a Sq. orderly room instead?
  21. I wonder how this will effect my careerfield now that we have the 6-month PCS for initial training. Waiting on clearances could delay initial OPR at the Sq and depending on initial assignment there are some serious length schools that could impact the rating timeline. Granted it's nowhere near the "deal" you rated bubbas get, but if it gets more competitive for O3 (why wouldn't it) that could ding the cyber field. It's super shitty what's happened to you guys.
  22. Please read his post again. It's not just the 10 years commitment. Remember the training time involved.
  23. As a non-rated myself I wonder where all this free time comes from. I've looked at doing the CGOC because we don't have a large pool of peers in our Sq to interact with and it's good for networking and "getting things done". Remember, we don't have Sq bars. It helps to know, on pleasant terms initially, who the finance CGO is, same with medical and personnel. I get the bashing at times, but that's a serious incentive to me to head over, and I like to volunteer when I can -- not for promotion. But, we're so f'ing undermanned that I just don't have time with all the queep or anything else to understand how they knock all this nonsense out. I'm checking through EPRs to make sure the brand new SSgts didn't shit on the form and hand it up. My TSgt can't be bothered to look at them for a variety of reasons (overworked usually, lazy the other 49.9% of the time) and the MSgt are worried about making SMSgt/Top-3 more than anything else usually. (Side note: reason #2 I wanted a commision was to throat punch bad SNCOs.) Amn.. oh my god.. I don't usually get into Amn becuase that's the supervisors job. So when Amn snuffy is late by hours for the 4th time in 3 months and the SSgt tells me it's just verbal counseling again, the SSgt gets face rolled. Which takes time. Add that to the AAD, upcoming PME (whatever it is now), Add'l duties, and idea-fairy killing, I just don't have time besides robbing the family more to put towards something like that. Where are they getting this damn time??!?!?!?
  24. I have a Col that I work with that sat the board and confirms the pass-overs for those without OPRs to include aircrew, or those who didn't make it through aircrew training and reclassed into something else. Couldn't imagine getting medically DQ'd from UPT, sitting casual, going intel, waiting on clearances/training and then not getting promoted. Additionally.. those that got passed over at the last board completed for APZ consideration and knocked some of your/my peers out for Capt this time as well. I've yet to hear anyone O6 and above sing about the virtues of this selection process. If I had to do another year as a Lt I'd punch.
  25. At the pentagon. I've never seen Generals/Senior officers outside of that fine establishment wear anything but bags the vast majority of the time. You've seen officers show up in blues just 'cause they wanted to? Sounds like a CSAF we just had. That guy as you mention, was a douche. Uh, no. It's a question the AFSPC CC and Chief addressed directly in briefings at my base and in a personal meeting.
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