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Everything posted by ellsworb

  1. +1 on NBoKC! I VSP'd last year and they were still able to help out my wife and I on a great mortgage back in PacNW. . really thankful for their services!
  2. Actual LRE FTU IP here. . this is not the case. They're sent to the us for training as soon as possible, or as convenient, or if leadership doesn't want to see your face. . almost universally never because the student is appropriately experienced. And very few maintain their qualification when they return. Which is an incredible waste of time and money.
  3. Anymore folliow up to this? My CC would absolutely support me delaying my separation as we will be crushed with the VSP departures.
  4. I'll throw out my position. . I was pulled out of the MAF for an RPA billet. Been flying my Bonanza since I left, but haven't been in a heavy in a while. I still need to do my ATP and thought the type rating would be good sim prep. So that's my plan. . FWIW, SWA is like #3 or 4 of my "Top 10 List".
  5. Approved 2004 11M filling an RPA billet for the last 4.5 years 14 Months UPT ADSC waiver In other news, my wife was tentatively offered a training slot to RETURN to the C-17 (from RPA's) today.
  6. Anyone see the NEW statement of understanding for the VSP types? The one with the new paragraph e stating that all future disability payments processed by the VA will be withheld until the VSP is paid back in full?
  7. There is NO integrity left in this system. None. It's gone.
  8. This process is just insane. This is the 2nd delay, and the fourth change (since I started counting) for the VSP. What kind of monkey is running this?
  9. Remember fellas, Integrity first and all that.
  10. They'll let you sign up for more than one applied course at a time. Hell, I'm currently enrolled in 3 applied courses right now (all of which start in Dec). At first I was pissed, then I called and complained that I was going to be deployed, blah blah blah. . POOF, enrollment for 3 of 4 right there, with the assumption that I"ll have the prereqs done prior to start. The National Security one sucked.
  11. Which is only a requirement for what DOD Lodging facilities must PROVIDE. Does not apply to what a CC can order for his TDY personnel.
  12. Yes. I'm out at the first opportunity. Which is in 2 years, assuming I can have 6 months waived on a Palace Chase app.
  13. Cap, On a related note, if one were to be hired but NOT full time, what's the maximum one could fly? Thanks.
  14. You're my hero Porkchop.
  15. ellsworb

    Booze Talk

    Yes. It is an incredible bourbon. Whatever they did to age it properly worked.
  16. I would REALLY like to see the qualification of that survey. Either they are stretching a question, or simply misinterpreting the results. That is certainly not inline with my observations at KINS.
  17. Good point. Mine is probably 12 or 13. .not a lot.
  18. Porkchop would probably know better, but, I know of exactly 0 pilots staying past their UPT commitment that have not already re-categorized or already took the bonus. Zero, zilch, none of em.
  19. This is true, and it is absolute bullshit. Porkchop, call Crush or myself tomorrow for some more fantastic gouge from the LR side.
  20. our 2-mws- vol 3 actually outlined that crew rest facilities needed to provide quiet, dark, cooled facilities for rest.
  21. I just completed an 18 month search and purchase process about 4 months ago for my Bonanza V35TC. PM me if you want to talk about things!
  22. WOOT! Austin is turning into a motorsports mecca with that new track. I'll be there!
  23. ellsworb

    Gun Talk

    I too have a PT111 and just went through 2000 rounds through it. Not a single issue with the weapon. Anything from cheap Federal to Reloads, it consistently eats the ammo and puts lead downrange. It is now my everyday open carry piece, but will probably be replaced by a Kimber I hope to order TOMORROW!
  24. No kidding. Just look towards Clay Lacy's fbo. All those jets are there for a reason. Across the street is an impressive array of studios!
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