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Sierra Hotel

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Everything posted by Sierra Hotel

  1. Thread Bump... Anyone hear anything new about Palace Chase (Heavy Dude currently in AETC w/4 years ADSC)....
  2. Info :beer: To the crew...
  3. Be sure to read the MNPS manual... Most of what you will need is in there. Dont fvck up your way points when entering them in the flight computer, bad news. ALSO, since you are in a Herk, be sure to say hello to the guys cruising 10K above you at .77.
  4. My wife went a year ago right before the Olympics. Beijing is a must, so is the terracotta soldiers and the great wall!
  5. Always back up your stuff. You never know when you computer is going to tank and you loose it. I would back up your stuff and do a fresh install rather than just upgrading. This was you delete the viruses from your computer from downloading all the porn.
  6. Yes you can use a CAC with windows 7. Most of the AF cac readers that are USB need a firmware update to work with Vista/Win7. Also, there are a couple of tricks needed to install it. You will need to use the compatibility mode as well as install the C++ redistributable program included in the Home Use zip file. If you need help, PM me. If enough people need help, ill post full details online. (Im the computer guy for our unit). BTW, windows 7 is money! Much faster than vista without the crashes. If you buy the upgrade, do a clean install instead under the custom settings when you boot from the disk. Most of the guys I know have problems with the vista to win7 direct upgrade. Cheers, Mclovin
  7. The other thing to remember is that on certain airframes that when the jet brakes, TACC (the anti Christ center) re-cuts the mission with a new mission number. This way when the jet takes off, it is 100% mission capable for that flight. The old mission number just disappears.
  8. I too am interested in this...
  9. I went to TCU... check out "Avery Point" apartments. They are nice and PLENTY of TCU hotties live in there (lived there for two years) . There are a bunch of apartments off Bryant Irvin Rd and you'll be about 15 mins from Downtown or the Base. It really is the best of both worlds. PM me if you want more details. Mclovin
  10. You would need to talk to finance to figure out the staying at an appartment. The kelly inn is tolerable for the short time you are there. The problem is that the area around it is not great. You would need to drive a ways to get to anything worth renting. I was there last October. If you talk to the C-5 school, you might be able to swing a TLF on the Lackland side. As far as all the money details, talk to finance before you make any decisions. As for the training part... When I was there, I trained on the non-amp aircraft down there (no amp a/c and I dont think they have an amp sim either). You will do a bunch of sims in the old cockpit, then fly the pieces of crap they have on the ramp and get your initial qual. Expect to break a lot and to get alerted to a bunch of broken jets. It took me almost three weeks to get 5 flights and a check ride. You will get AMP qual'd when you get to Travis. The first C-5M will show up at Dover early next year. Looks like it will be a while before you guys see them at Travis. I'm at Dover, but went through this not too long ago.... PM me if you have any more questions. McLovin
  11. I like this landing...Nothing beats flying down the side of a mountain at 20ft AGL!
  12. Kelly generally has a few that are flyable, most are in need of MX but we’re lucky when we even get off the ground. Apparently, there has been an on going battle to improve MX and it hasn’t really been successful.
  13. Anyone have a copy of Sleepy's letter for the SCRA? Thanks, McLovin
  14. Thanks for the info, I was talking about all the FLIP which now requires PKI to access the site as of 1 Oct 07. Thanks, McLovin
  15. I refuse to get a CAC reader for my home computer.... So, I was wondering if anyone has a digital copy of Area Planning - 2 (AP/2). I have everything else on disk (gp, ap1 etc....). I have to do mission planning and need all the rules for flying in the NATS and so forth. If anyone has any good gouge, please PM me or post. Thanks, McLovin
  16. Be careful about cheap sunglasses. They will dilate your eyes due to the darkness but they wont filter out UV rays nearly as well as they claim on the label. This makes your eyes A LOT more susceptible to cancer and premature aging. Also, Oakley claims that they have the clearest lenses as voted on by AOPA or one of those flying organizations.
  17. All of the lodging for C-5 training in now at the Kelly Inn, which is located off base at lackland. You don’t get the choice of staying in town anywhere because they have an entire wing of the inn reserved for the C-5 guys. The nice part about it though is that you get FULL per diem because there are no government meals available. (Make sure you get this put into your orders, because the nice airman at Vance had no clue). Also, the training is approx 102 days, give or take the sim availability and how often your plane breaks. From what I hear, you do get some free time while you are down there. Tonedef
  18. C-5 Training is about 3.5 months long down in San Antonio assuming you dont get a lot of mx issues
  19. It is bad luck to wear your first pair of wings according to tradition...So you break your first pair, and give the other half to someone special. Tradition says that they are never to be put back together until after you pass on.
  20. VN 07-11 T-1 Side KC-135 Wichita RC-135 Offit C-5 Dover C-17 Dover C-17 Alaska C-17 Charleston KC-135 Guard TACAMO - Navy to tinker
  21. Just curious if anyone opted to turn down the SGLI for something better and if so who did you go through. Im pretty sure I can get more coverage for the same cost but want to see what others think.... Thanks, Tonedef
  22. Dont get me wrong.... My priority is pilot training, getting winged, and doing what I signed up to do. At some point you have to look at the big picture as well as try to find the community where your skill set will help get to 100% mission complete. THAT is why I posed the question about 38's or T1's... SO DO NOT QUESTION MY RESOLVE TO STAND AND FIGHT!!! ~toper
  23. Hi.... What will lead to a better life T38's or T1's? I’m about to select in Pensacola for T-38/T1/T44. I know it is not a for sure deal but as of right now, I’m the only AF in my class that is thinking about 38's. So If I put it down, I will probably get 38's (grades are good enough to get them too) I want to have a family (currently married no kids), get my MBA, get some leadership exp, and fly a good platform and I’m not sure what I should choose? Please Help....
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