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Everything posted by GW

  1. Posting for the 143d AW UPT hiring board (C-130J in North Kingstown, RI) posted on the jobs board today. Contact me with any questions. GW 143d AW Careers
  2. Short answer: no. Your training and experience points to your ability to successfully complete any training program you start. Longer answer: maybe. The name of the game (stop me if you've heard this one) is seniority and if Southwest is what you're looking for (honestly don't know who is requiring Bus types to attend training) than do everything you can to make you hire date as soon as possible. If that means diverting some real cash and a few days of your time in a simulator then only you can really answer your question. Not a definitive answer I know, but obviously nothing in this industry is. GW Edit: to c-21's point a good buddy in my new hire class went a got his 737 type and hewas hired into the airbus. So my advice: don't overthink it
  3. If this is what they're teaching at AIS now (and I only graduated two years ago) than the AF has completely lost sight of the intent of this course.
  4. Guard Question: Is this course a unit funded school or an ANG funded school? Trying to find the answer to this question while 9+30 ahead of EST is getting somewhat infuriating. Thanks. GW
  5. Better question: Why do tanker toads need log-in pop ups to read this post? GW
  6. F that noise, it's my hearing and vision that I'm purposefully destroying in the defense of this country. If somebody has a problem with that I probably don't want to work for them anyway.... GW
  7. We did a Kangaroo Court last year: Best Party Seen to Date GW
  8. I'm not a Doctor, but I'll take a look... Still not enough info, unless FFDO doesn't mean what I think it means. Stop being coy, spill it and let the collective experience chime in with their opinions. GW
  9. Here's the bitch of it: I'm in the guard.
  10. Where did this AF go? Because that's not the AF I know now... GW
  11. It also gives us something to laugh at after sitting in that stuffy room for 8+ hours and we're trying to remember who the F that second guy after lunch was.
  12. Hydraulic failure? or sleeping pilot(s)/wing walker(s)?
  13. Que the Crickets....
  14. Thread revival/hijack. Does anyone here have any experience using the scheduling output function from GDSS2? I'm looking to import the G2 schedule into a squadron calender on a intranet web page and I'm hopping to avoid re-inventing the wheel. Note: I'm not taking about a simple static HTML page here, I'm looking to keep the information in a database. GW
  15. Sigh. You both had my hopes up for a second, but no luck. The installer gives me an error when I attempt to load. As far as I know there was a software update from Apple a while ago (at least since 08) that for some reason prevents the installer from loading the reader on an Intel Mac. How's that paperless Air Force working out for everyone? GW
  16. I'm pretty sure the 10% rule applies here
  17. The J's have been coming to and from Afghanistan for several years now. Nothing like promoting one narrow side of the story, good job PA. GW
  18. 21st Special Tactics Squadron from Pope Air Force Base, N.C Good group of dudes to work and play with. Highly recommend going on that trip if it shows up on your x-country board. The praise they receive is well deserved. GW
  19. The power of the internets is cool. Thanks Jeff (and Toro for merging my question into this thread) GW
  20. With great trepidation I start a new topic here, standard disclaimer search function failed to turn up the info I'm looking for. I am looking for the actual AETC Memo, AFI or DOD Reg that spells out the AF UPT age limit. I am NOT looking for anecdotal evidence of "my buddy start back in 2005 at age 29 1/2, so I'm pretty sure the limit is that you have to start UPT by the time you're 30" Thanks Hercs Rule GW
  21. I know the J model course for the full Vis, SKE, NVG, Air Land, Air Drop you're looking at spending about 6 months at LRF. E's and H's school house? When I went though the 53rd a few years ago it was the same amount of time, can't say if that's still the case, but would be suprised to hear that it changed. Seasoning at most slick guard 130 squadrons will run 90 days (unless there's some extra qual or mission that the unit owns). I've seen guys break up the seasoning days for civilian job considerations. I don't know the mechanics of what was required to make it happen, I do know that in the one instance I'm thinking of, it did not work out well for anyone involved. The flying suffered at the expense of the civilian job, and the civilian job suffered at the expess of the flying. I would say if your coming to the guard all ready rated you'd be ok, but if you're just out of the pipeline hitting the line for the first time, its not the ideal situation. GW
  22. GW

    USOs at Airports

    I didn't see it mentioned so I'll add it to the list. Charlotte has a pretty good one, up stairs from the food court in the main terminal. GW Edit: and after reading the rest of the thread I notice osulax05 already pointed it out. Disregard everything I said after hello.
  23. Back when I was going through the process I was an alternate at two different guard units at the same time, and ended up being the primary at one of them. So it can happen, I am proof. The short answer to your question is: it depends. In my situation, I never heard another thing from the first unit, while the second unit had me take a physical and get my security screening paper work started. I'll let you guess where I ended up. Now, after the fact I learned why I had been prepped as the alternate at the second unit: both of the primaries that were selected ahead of me had issues. Issues that didn't disqualify them (geography for the first, and family health matters with the second), but raised enough concern that they prepped me, just in case. One month later I got the call that I was the new primary. My point is, that there are a thousand different reasons why a unit would do things the way they do, and no two guard units will do it the same, it all just depends. I never got involved with the reserves, they could have their own standardized way of doing things, but I doubt it. One of the reserve guys here should be able to speak to that. Good luck. Keep at it, perseverance counts. GW
  24. Now that, is a good wingman. Lead you're on fire. GW edit: "Dyslexia for Cure Found!"
  25. Yes, it very much is fully operational. The Guard has been deploying with it from 04 thru the start of 07, and is now deploying on the AEF rotation schedule. I won't say too much more than that on a public forum. The actual rotation cycles (ie 4 on 4 off etc) varied from guard unit to guard unit. I would expect the AD (ie the 41st, and the 37th at some point) to do their own thing when the time comes. Several reason that I know of, most of which have already been discussed crew concept, msn, avionics. In my opinion it was and still is, an attempt to break out of 50 years of "Herc-isms" and get some new blood and perspectives from the C-17 community into an airframe that looks and flys like a Herc, but doesn't act like a Herc. I fly with some people that know a lot of/all the people at the school house right now, including some former 17 guys, PM me if you're interested in getting info straight from the source. BTW, the full Qual/MSN course has several different "flavors", the one you mentioned clocking in at 6 months (assuming you can run them concurrently) is for guys right out of UPT. Depending on your current qual the course could be considerably shorter. GW Edit: Just re-read your post, coming over as an AD IP to the J would put you in the "short course" category, not sure what that's running these days.
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