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Everything posted by Razor666

  1. Any chance you can hyperlink that RPA thread you mentioned (can't seem to find it). Also if anyone of the older wiser dudes have good intel on what happens after you drop RPAs from UPT that would be great. Got some studs here at Shepp asking me about it and I don't know what to tell them since I have zero SA on that situation. I would assume that the AF would screw them over after their 3 year tour in RPAs and not give them a fighter/bomber reassignment (my AF cynicism). Also ENJJPT leadership has kept the RPA thing pretty close to the chest from current students however the new ones in processing got a brief to expect 2 dudes from each class to drop RPAs not necessarily based on how well they do in UPT. The next class to drop (next Friday July 24th) just got their dream sheets handed back to them and told to rank RPAs....
  2. I legitimately passed the test. The docs put a red lens in front of one of your eyes and a clear prism in front of the other. The prism, depending on which way it is flip, will either bend the light or leave your vision normal, it is impossible to know which side the prism is on without actually being able to see the lights either grow apart or remain one of top of the other. When they are on top of each other, the red light and white light will merge to form a pinkish light. If they are basically right on top of one another, even if they are maybe a couple mm apart, say "one light." If they are really far apart, one white light a couple of inches away from one red light, say that they are "apart." That's the whole test. The reason I failed in the first place was a poor explanation on the part of the med tech. I was saying apart when they were mm apart and therefore failed. So there you go, if you have any other questions, reply to this post or send me a PM. Thanks!
  3. Update: Passed the test. Asked the doc and he said my eyesight was PQ. If anyone needs help with a similar issue, feel free to message or reply to this thread.
  4. GODUCKS: The docs didn't really know why I failed. They were confused on how I would pass the in-depth tests that deal with depth perception and just mess up on the Red Lens. They thought it was a more of a communication issue of what I saw then anything. Because on further testing, I passed everything which ruled out possible serious other eye/depth perception issues. So they said they were just going to put in a waiver for the Red Lens Test. When I asked how successful those were etc. they just said they don't give out guarantees but "take it how it is, you passed all the other eye tests and all the in-depth eye tests to see if you truly did have a problem." I feel that if I were diplopic, they would have told me and or I would have failed the other depth perception tests. So that's ultimately where I am. I have to wait approx a full year before they start putting in my class' waivers here at the Academy. My predicament is, if I don't fly for the USAF, then I really don't know what I want to do in the Air Force. So I'm trying to research and find out as much as I can about this waiver thing so I can feel pretty confident about my chances or if things don't look good, seriously start to look at other career options. Also GODUCKS, if its okay to PM you then I'll tell you about whats going on in further detail so you can give me your professional opinion. Thanks again.
  5. GODUCKS: Thanks for that correction and info! Do you happen to know if the waiver board usually gives out waivers for a situation like this? If so, do you think I have a good chance of getting one with my predicament? I've searched through the Air Force Waiver Guide etc. and couldn't find anything that really answered that specific question. Thanks again!
  6. Cool, so pretty good chances of me getting a waiver for that test? Especially since I passed all the other tests I had to take because I failed the Red Lens? Thanks again for the replies!
  7. The Red Lens Test is the one where they put a red lens in front of one of your eyes, then put a light in different fields of vision and ask how many lights do you see, then sometimes they take this glass and put it in front of your other eye and ask you how many do lights you see. I'm thinking it was more of a communication issue and that is what the doctors were thinking but they said they would try and get me a waiver for that test since on further examination, I'm all good. The docs never told me what I was "supposed" to see so any light shed on that one would be helpful as well. I researched as much as I could about the whole Red Lens Test waiver to but to no success that is why I'm posting my question on here. Hoping some experienced docs and pilots can give an answer to me.
  8. I am a Cadet at the Air Force Academy and I recently had my vision tested for pilot qualification. I passed all my tests with flying colors except the Red Lens Test which I failed. The docs told me to come back for in-depth testing of my depth perception (which is a more thorough examination then the Red Lens Test) since I failed the Red Lens Test. The depth perception test was the one with the circles etc. I passed that one with flying colors as well. The docs then retested me on the Red Lens Test at the end of the depth perception test and I failed it again. The docs said they are going to try and get a waiver for the Red Lens Test and my myopia. The docs said that I passed every vision test except the Red Lens, and when they did a more thorough exam of my depth perception due to my failure of the Red Lens (to find out if something else was going on with my eyes), I passed all those in-depth tests perfectly. So my question is, are Red Lens Tests waivers heard of and do I have a good chance of getting that waivered based upon my tests above and getting my pilot qualification? If you could answer this, or point me in the direction of someone who could give me a pretty certain answer, I'd highly appreciate it because this is obviously very important to me. If you need to know anything else in order to give me a better answer, please feel free to ask. Thanks!
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