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  1. TERA approved 11M (130J) @LRF UPT ADSC 2017 06 year group Just over 19 yrs total with my E time Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  2. Saw this last weak, we went to da same skule. I hope she becums very sukseful
  3. Thanks HercDude, I figure the same, move some stuff as my PCS to LR. Then when we PCS again we'll have movers do it....since we are going overseas. I'll have to find a cheap place in LR. Should be easy with all the training there.
  4. Kids will be in school, she is well established with her job and friends. So it makes more sense for her to stay at WP while I'm in training. Yes, we'll have to pay for 2 residences, but I dont plan on spending a lot of scratch on a place when I'll only be there for 6 months then turn around and PCS again.
  5. Anyone leave their spouse at their prior base while they were at LR schoolhouse...I'm not sure how this works since its a PCS. Wife wants to stay in place rather than PCS twice in one year.
  6. Yep, it definately made it downrange and with other services, seen it on the peg board behind where an Army and Marine Capt. sit. Awesome.
  7. SHACK!
  8. OVERREACTING......Seriously? Pound sand
  9. :beer:
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