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Everything posted by Fuzz

  1. 11-2t-6 11-248 its everything about everything you'll do in the plane, study it and know it cold second only to BF/ops limits. And three on the notebook, you'll retain about 30% of the info from your debreif and the last thing you want to do is get downgraded on another sortie cause you forgot what you were critiqued on last flight. Edited for buffoonery.
  2. Seems like there may be more to this story, but then again it is New Jersey. https://www.nbc40.net...-of-service-dog
  3. So should the military allow people who are getting married in another state also get the leave? why do hetero couples have to burn leave that homo couples get awarded extra leave for it? As for the married with and without kids, I agree it is a skewed standard however with the way today's world goes paying more per kid or something has worked out great for welfare (sarcasm). I think the two standards are probably the best standard, or have a single, married, and married w/ kids categories.
  4. The premise of my original post was that if homosexuals are going to get dependent benefits and everything else like a hetero married couple gets, then they should not get 10 days of leave as well. As for dependent vs single, I think it all comes down to costs, a married couple (especially with kids) is going to need more room (higher BAH) and has more mouths to feed (higher BAS). What sense does it make in today's budget mess, to increase everyone BAH/BAS when they don't "need" it and I use that term loosely because I'm talking about finding a good place to live and not paying out the butt for some high rise apartment downtown?
  5. HU&W said what I was getting at, the equality for all has a bad habit of turning into special favors for the group being focused on. Give it to all or give it to none, as for any state being open to hetero couples, that's true but most people I known traveled somewhere either one of their homes or a another location to get married, not really all the different for homo couples.
  6. https://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_MILITARY_GAY_MARRIAGE?SITE=7219&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2013-08-07-18-46-39 Proposed plan for Gay couples. Personally I think that's BS, its no different than Amn Snuffy going home to marry his high school sweetheart or any other military member.
  7. Ehh wash it out with a hose, let it dry over night, should be FMC for the first go of the day right? Now the LGPOS in the bottom pic might as well send that to the boneyard.
  8. Hell will most likely freeze over before I willingly fly on an Cargo/Passenger RPA. If an ISR or Strike RPA goes down nothing it lost, I want a brain up front in case something goes wrong, not some computer.
  9. Fuzz

    Gun Talk

    Worth the watch, great self defense scenarios with good TTPs for each scenario.
  10. Yep been there, done that, the funny thing is they couldn't comprehend why I wanted to cut them a check instead of having it deducted out of my paycheck. Like I really trust you idiots to reinstate my pay on time when the debt is paid after you fucked this up from the start?
  11. I'll take it you did not pass or barely passed and was consistently crushed by the IPs (probably for your attitude). It is designed for zero hour guys that have the skills to make it, we know cause we've all watched/been one of those guys, of all the guys I know that failed out only one I would say probably got screwed.
  12. Don't worry about that did you get a copy of the latest WG/CC OPR/EPR writing guide???
  13. Fuzz

    Gun Talk

    Why? Why not, never know when you need to turn a zombie into pink mist. https://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/08/02/Manufacturer-Makes-Largest-Center-Fire-Rifle-Ever-Bullets-Are-40-Each
  14. Oh good she's from Columbia, I wonder what her views on the military are like. Although being the former "executive vice president for communications and government affairs, responsible for media relations, marketing communications, congressional affairs, policy analysis, compliance with laws governing engagement with public officials, corporate responsibility, and community relations" (how the hell you fit that on a business card I don't know) maybe she can help us with our SAPR image.
  15. https://www.wisn.com/news/armed-agents-raid-animal-shelter-for-baby-deer/-/9373668/21272108/-/item/0/-/13d8x2mz/-/index.html The stupidity is overwhelming.
  16. Recommend watching on mute so you don't have to listen to "Alluh Akbar" be yelled 69,000 times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxkjs-1ks2U
  17. Fuzz

    Gun Talk

    New CO gun control law stops gun buyback programs, for some reason I'm not even mad https://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/07/26/Police-Gun-Buy-Back-Program-Canceled-Over-Colorado-s-Strict-Gun-Laws
  18. Nope can't access mine either, I thought it was because the AF was blocking streaming therefore I couldn't watch that stupid video and therefore couldn't access my email. That would have been a better irony than comm having problems.
  19. Most likely not, from what I remember, the rated board meets to decide slots, then there's another board for ENJJPT, so if you weren't picked up by that board then I don't think there's a way. If he got picked up for a rated slot this past Feb. with the anticipation of him graduating/EADing sometime next summer, then (depending on when the board is) his package could meet the ENJJPT board sometime next school year and he could have lost a chance to compete with the EAD being moved up.
  20. 17s to McChord all the way, great leadership, good focus on training (great for new guys), seems to be a way more relaxed atmosphere than what I hear from my friends at CHS.
  21. I didn't know there were any states left in the U.S. where you could marry a 12 year old.
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