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Everything posted by rulk88

  1. Our finance office also requires a copy of the travel voucher and/or orders for the dates you claim HDP for.
  2. In my little corner of AMC we've got the same thing. Our community has lost and will keep losing experienced dudes, to be replaced by crossflows from white jets and RPAs. Who benefits when a new IP is pcs'd out of a community 6 months after upgrade?
  3. Hasn't that been taken already?
  4. Manning the Next Unmanned Air Force: Developing RPA Pilots of the Future As a nation, we are in the middle of discussions and debates regarding the current and future use of unmanned systems. Whether it’s the ethical or legal debates regarding “drone” strikes in the Middle East and Northern Africa, or the safety, security and privacy concerns with the use of domestic drones (or unmanned systems) in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airspace, the debate will continue. However, leading drone experts inside and outside of government all agree that drones are here to stay, and the proliferation of these systems will continue to explode over the next decade. But in order for the U.S. Air Force to stay innovative and relevant in the furtherance of unparalleled Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) operations, it must immediately take a new approach and reevaluate the personnel programs that most effectively contribute to this vital mission. A robust RPA community begins with a more deliberate accessions process and carries through to a continuum of education and training opportunities later in an officer’s career. The Air Force cannot wait another decade to ensure the RPA community gets professionally developed, recognized, and promoted on par with other officers in the Air Force. The recommendations presented here are pragmatic changes that should be implemented to more effectively identify and develop future RPA pilots. They are based on the range of education and learning from day one taking place at the various commissioning sources all the way until promotion into the senior leadership ranks within the Air Force. The sooner the Air Force fully integrates these aviators into its professional developmental plans, the more effective the RPA community will be in recruiting, training, and retaining high potential officers. Manning Unmanned Force_FINAL_08052013.pdf
  5. I've been at Travis in the KC-10 for a year and a half. I picked location over mission, but looking back I wouldn't do anything differently. Location is great, there's the Bay Area, Tahoe, and lots to do in between. The 10 community is great, and the mission rocks. Deployed twice, getting ready to go back for #3, pretty standard for the new guy. The missions from home have slowed down a bit, but not as much as you would expect. If you are looking for more specific info, PM me.
  6. Air Force blames wrong airport landing on fatigue, human error https://www2.tbo.com/...isit-ar-614036/ from the last paragraph
  7. KCBM 12-07 Drop, not sure of -38/-1 breakdown... C-130J (PA ANG) B-52 Barksdale F-15 (Saudi Arabia) T-6 FAIP MC-12 Beale MC-12/C-130J Little Rock 2xMC-12/C-130J Dyess C-17 Mcguire C-12 Yokota C-21 Andrews F-16 RC-135 F-2 Japan AF 2xKC-10 Mcguire (AF Res.) 2xC-130J Little Rock 2xC-130J Dyess NSA Cannon T-1 FAIP C-17 MS ANG KC-135 Pease F-7 Nigeria AF
  8. Just finished up at Vance in Dec, lived in base housing. Most of the updates are done, the houses are pretty nice. It's not too hard to get on base housing because of the student population. As long as you have orders with a dependent, you can live in base housing. This happened to a classmate of mine, he lived in family housing for a few months while his wife was at school out of state. The off base market is tough unless you want to buy (wouldn't recommend). Personally, I felt I would have had to put money out of pocket (above my BAH) to get a comparable location off base.
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