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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Godspeed Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  2. Parker, All the info is pretty spot on, you will start at Tyndall and learn the basics of controlling. I'm not sure how the syllabus at Tyndall is set up these days but I know it involves a mix of sims and live control. I can only speak to AWACS because its where I've been but if you stay with a U.S. AWACS squadron you will go through the process that Disco_Nav talked about starting in the TRS and going through DRG(civilian contractors) will teach how to use the system on the jet. Unfortunately what you are taught on a nice windows based system at and the system on the jet is very different. Make sure you really study through this part and learn the system. Once you get out the 966th you have 7 flights then a check ride. Of your seven flights two can be accomplished completely in the sim usually done on rides 2-4 and on rides 1-5 if you don't control live on the jet can be completed in the sim. The MQT part is exactly how Disco_Nav said. Once you get out into the line try to get as many flights and sims as you can because hours are getting shorter every year. Any chance you get to de-brief with the pilots you worked with take it, if the mission goes bad fess up to your mistakes and learn from them. If you have an specific questions shoot me a PM.
  3. Man I've watched that video ten times its still funny!
  4. Him Him :beer:
  5. Went to SERE with Tom, great guy he will be missed.
  6. Try looking in AFI 36-3003. Page 61, I did the same thing about a year ago. Already been said but it is only a PTDY so you won't get paid anything but it's a pretty good deal to go back to your college town and party. Cheers,
  7. Latest from Foxnews. Not good. https://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,331558,00.html
  8. Him Him, Godspeed Sir.
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