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MountainHerc last won the day on November 26 2018

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. 20-01/02 KDLF T-1 C-130H x2 (MT & unknown) (ANG) KC-10 McGuire (AFRES) EC-130J Middletown (ANG) KC-135 Fairchild x2 KC-135 Kadena KC-135 MacDill KC-135 Sioux City (ANG) C-17 Dover C-17 McChord x2 C-17 McGuire C-17 Charleston x2 C-130J Little Rock C-130J Dyess C-12 Yokota C-146 Duke Field E-3 Tinker U-28 Hurlburt C-5 Dover T-6 Laughlin x2 T-1 Laughlin T-38 T-38 Laughlin F-16 TBD x 4 F-16 JB Andrews F-15C Jacksonville (ANG) F-15C Kingsley Field B-52 Barksdale x2 A-10 Davis-Monthan
  2. The list is up on MyPers for ANG CY19 O-4 & O-5.
  3. If you look at the list of “Musts” that’s on the doc that JustHanginOut posted, it seems pretty clear 92T’s can’t be eligible. -Must have less than 15 years -Must have more than 4 years total military service -Not be fulfilling a service obligation other than 1) initial (ROTC, Academy, OTS) 2)Promotion 3)PME 4)Transfer of GI bill Put me in check if that seems off.
  4. Audible is linked with Amazon, so that’s what I use.
  5. I’m not sure if this book has been posted on here, looked through and couldn’t find it. Just finished the audiobook and was pretty impressed. Goes into the air war in Vietnam from an F-4 pilots perspective.
  6. Yeah. Currently a nav. I heard through the rumor mill that NGB was getting a lot of flak from units who were waiting over a year with guys chambered to go but we’re waiting on waivers.
  7. Hey guys, rated timeline with an Age waiver here. Just got my dates and figured I'd send this out. FC-1- April 2017 FC-1 Approved- June 2017 (They thought I might need a waiver, didnt) Age/Time in Service Waiver submitted- July 2017 Said Waiver sent to NGB- October 2017 Said Waiver Approved- April 2018 UPT Dates Received- 10 July 2018 UPT Start Date- 1 November 2018 Best of luck to you guys. MH
  8. Has anyone seen much movement in the Age waiver side of the house? Timeline is roughly; March 2017- FC1 FC1 Approved- May 2017 (Had an issue that they had to retest for and resubmit after a month) Package submitted- June 2017 HQ Approved- October 2017 Still sitting at NGB for Age and TFSC Waiver approval.
  9. Welcome to the blue side of the house. Are you now ANG or AFRES? From what I've seen in the ANG is your first drill weekend, or when you show up for in-processing thats normally where guys are sworn in. I cant speak to the AFRES side.
  10. Congrats man! Welcome to the greener pasture.
  11. Sorry to hear. I can't believe it took 7 weeks at SAF. Did you have a guard hiring letter? Reapply in a few months. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  12. Congrats Bluedevil
  13. 3 years Off Nav: denied 2.5 years off Nav: denied 1.5 years off Retrain to new airframe/6months off Nav: approved
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