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O Face

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O Face last won the day on July 24 2024

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  1. Most definitely, but I loved the headline, the entire article, really.
  2. We aren’t putting up with your shit anymore!!!
  3. Exactly! Isn’t 70 kts just about normal taxi speed for SWA?
  4. I think we identified an AGR who DOGE might consider less than essential. That’s an awful lot of posting here during the duty day. Get back to faking work nsplayer. Elon is coming for your ass.
  5. Don’t try to get up Banzai
  6. Cleaning house is never fun. You seriously wondering why Trump brought in outside help?? I know you’re not that dumb, but just in case, I’ll let you in on a secret…The elected Republicans are in on it too!! Holy shit that must’ve blown your mind. I’m certain that there were plenty of (R) elected officials getting their pockets lined by USAID funding for writing gay love ballads for Amazonian beetles or something equally ridiculous. And yet you sit there aghast that these people aren’t being used to treat their own illness? I realize the government sits up higher on the pedestal for a liberal and our view of necessary spending varies dramatically. But you cannot tell me you believe the fed has their checkbook in order. If Biden or any other (D) said they were cutting wasteful gov spending and then actually started doing it, I guarantee you I would applaud them, so quit accusing me of the otherwise. And you also seem to have a problem with young people looking at numbers. Would you prefer some sharp minds like McConnell, Pelosi, and Watters get to the bottom of this wasteful spending? I don’t give a fuck if it’s a roomful of Kindergarteners, if they handed the president the USAID budget and said “get rid of it,” more power to them. I promise the US government will not be “kneecapped” without the hardworking folks in USAID.
  7. Excellent catch!!
  8. So nsplayer’s political moratorium ended with the Biden administration? Guess I can’t blame the guy. I think we’re all trying to pretend it was just a bad dream.
  9. You have great scores, you have a bunch of flt time. All good things. You might want to re-think the Lt in UPT letter of rec, however. Unless he’s going back to the squadron you’re applying to, that’s kind of like asking an 8th grader to write you a letter of recommendation for grad school. Also, just to be clear: National Guard = Army Air National Guard = Air Force The USAF Reserves do have unsponsored UPT slots sometimes. Highly doubtful a fighter unit would be so short manned they’d need to go into the open market looking for a free agent, but a possibility perhaps. As far as indoc goes, if you’re picked up by a fighter unit, you’ll be on orders for 5+ years and expected to be in the squadron working even more than your AD counterparts do. So consider that when making your PhD plans and not wanting to be active duty for 10 yrs. Reserve applications are generally like the Air Guard. Go find a unit and apply, if hired, you can stay there until you retire. Good luck
  10. Unbelievably sad. We had the greatest flight school the world has ever seen…. “Let’s fuck it all up!!!”
  11. Not vain at all and a valid concern. Dude shows up for his first airline interview and tries using the military hr conversion factor and the airline is like “wait, you went to Embry Riddle just like that civilian guy over there. We only give mil credit to Navy and Army trained guys now.”
  12. Emphasis on the “Rudder” of the stick and rudder skills. It does teach you a lot. I got my endorsement after a few hrs, but it took some time to feel comfortable with a cross wind landing. Hell, at this point I’d hope the AF sends these poor kids to hot air balloon school just to get them some more hours in the air.
  13. Agreed! I was hoping the playoffs would’ve had a few more games like this one! I gotta hand it to ND, they’ve been tough. Texas is in trouble tonight, I think.
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