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O Face

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Everything posted by O Face

  1. You’re right. I probably confused the original poster. The point I was attempting to make is that if we got a kid who can’t cut it and make the top half to go 38’s, then we’ll tell them to try to find a heavy unit. But there’s no guarantee a heavy Sqdrn will take them. It’s happened before that they found only an RPA unit interested. But Hindsight is speaking the truth, as a guard fighter guy, your T-38 slot is waiting for you. But, there’s been very many people who couldn’t make the cut.
  2. You are correct. Also, there’s no guarantee a heavy unit will take you if you don’t qualify to T-38’s. There’s plenty of people who didn’t make it and ended up in an RPA or worse.
  3. Well, that oughta do it for this year. I was hoping for a better game, but it beat last season’s, I suppose. Now there’s nothing to watch on tv for 8 months either.
  4. Hell of a season Jackrabbits! Congrats @Danger41
  5. To be fair, Austin probably did tell Biden in person. Hell, they probably had lunch that day and talked all about his upcoming operation. Austin assumes it’s cool and our senile grandpa of a president, wanders off thinking how fun it was to have just had lunch with Grimace from McDonalds, Elvis and Captain Crunch and proceeds to shit his pants, catch a Matlock episode, and in bed asleep by 1600.
  6. So by your logic, it sounds like you are trying to punish babies just for existing.
  7. Gotcha. Yeah that’s shitty. Hope that gets unfucked for you.
  8. I’m probably wrong, but I was under the impression that if you were on orders you would not get active days points on top for your PME? Thats what I was told and it seemed dumb enough for me to believe. I was told some bullshit about once you accumulate a certain amount of points, you won’t get any more for your PME.
  9. Well said, Brother Biff!!
  10. At least we finally got some exciting games tonight!
  11. HAHAHAHA!!! Fuck, you got me. Who is this? Chang?? I fell for that one hook, line, and sinker. Well played. Sorry for the thread derail. Goodnight
  12. I certainly do, but the kicks have been much gentler and less frequent in the ANG. You seem like a very literal person, so I’ll stop with any more hyperbole. What I was attempting to convey was possibly taking the negative situation (AD UPT denial) and ultimately having it turn into a much greater positive instead (ANG UPT selection) @Recagedhas some great scores and went and paid for his, or her, PPL. That shows a lot of drive and determination, which weighs a lot heavier when selecting UPT studs, than some made up, bullshit Lt leadership position.
  13. Holy shit! You’re right!! My bad. Have fun planning next year’s Christmas party. I hope that gets you the leadership opportunities necessary for a pilot slot. I was just offering some free advice to someone who just got kicked in the nuts and gets to wait around another year for an AD pilot slot, from a guy who has experience in both AD/ANG, and can unequivocally tell you (along with everyone else), that you might want to spend this next year applying to Guard and Res units too. Nevermind, I’m sure you’ll figure it out on your own.
  14. By not getting picked up AD, thus incurring another 10 yrs AD. Go guard…it’s way better. I didn’t think that would require much elaboration.
  15. Consider yourself lucky and start applying to ANG units.
  16. It’ll be expensive for them, but why wouldn’t you? As soon as FSU bails, the ACC folds like a cheap suit.
  17. Really appreciate you doing that! Please post those photos if you find them!!
  18. NFL shouldn’t be seen in the College Football thread regardless of how many playoff teams there are. Go make an NFL thread if you’d like to discuss it.
  19. For fuck’s sake… The point I obviously haven’t made clear, is that the US government spending on Ukraine is NEVER going to be too popular while shit is falling apart at home. I’m not saying war is cheaper than deterrence, or that Russia is actually awesome, or that Putin is a great guy; I hope he chokes and dies on his borscht tonight. But when the average American is struggling to put food on the table, cutting another couple hundred billion $ to a country far away from home is ALWAYS gonna be a tough sell. And calling everyone who disagrees an idiot or Putin jock-sniffer won’t help your cause either.
  20. Couldn’t agree more. Could we also include enforcing our own federal laws too? My post was more tongue in cheek dig at Germany.
  21. Actually, I did. After I posted it. Then I edited it to not be redundant. I still don’t quite correlate Germany’s spending on their own military to being equal to us giving away billions. However, if you and I could agree that spending billions of US dollars on our own military equipment and deploying it to the US southern border, was also good for Ukraine, well then I think we are finally getting somewhere.
  22. That is more or less exactly what was said in Congress last week. Look Bud, I love that you’re passionate about Ukraine. I like that you’re hanging out with Polish Generals. I’m certain your current job offers plenty of insight on the conflict that most don’t have. Having said that, maybe next time you’re home and your trip to Walmart costs 4 times what it did a few years ago, or bounce around to our once thriving metro areas and witness the epic nosedive into 3rd world cesspools, you might just gain a little understanding on why so many of us deplorables are slightly hesitant to donate even more of our great grandchildren’s inheritance to Zelensky and pals.
  23. I agree with everything you said. Except, I have never claimed to be an isolationist, nor have I ever stated any isolationist ideals here. I simply posted a marginally humorous gif and Lawman responded with his normal diatribe, and so I felt compelled to respond. I just figured he might need reminded why the half of the US, that he accused of “wanting to give the keys of Eastern Europe to Putin” of might not be as emotionally invested in Ukraine as he is. The simple fact that very many low income US citizens can’t find a place to rent, because Uncle Sam is currently paying out the ass to stuff illegal aliens in any imaginable rental property and continues incentivizing non-citizen, non-tax paying, people to come here and enjoy some more free shit! So yeah, many Americans find these policies downright treasonous, and the threat of Putin doesn’t seem that dire while a working family, of US citizens, lives in their car while their former home is rented to some Guatemalans. That and of course, the US lending money to anyone feels like paying the bum on the corner with your credit card, at this point.
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