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Everything posted by Longhorn15

  1. The silver lining is in 5 years when the AF completely reverses course there should be a good market for secondhand Diamond twins!
  2. For those who don’t want Ukraine to negotiate an end of the war with Russia, how do you see this war concluding?
  3. Notice none of us that like our Teslas said anything about “green” aspects of them. I drive them for the same reason I fly to warm places in the winter: I like it. They’re faster, a better overall experience, very little maintenance and I don’t spend hundreds a month on fuel. I don’t know why so many Americans are anti-Tesla, especially when a US car company is leading the world. When was the last time that happened?
  4. About 10 mins is the most I’ve seen. Not sure it was a full 1/4”. Just turned on car defrost mode from the app and went outside to a warm and defrosted car. Defrost mode basically blasts max heat on everything.
  5. Highly recommend. I've left mine at the airport for 2 weeks in near freezing weather and had no issues. Most of the anti-Tesla stuff you see is people who've never owned one, had a terrible use case or are bad at planning ahead. The older resistive heating cars lost of energy during cold sub-zero weather, newer Tesla's all have heat pumps and aren't nearly as bad. It is maybe a 15% degradation in below-freezing temps. When the car is sitting at the airport you're going to lose 1-2mi/day in mild temps, 3-4 in below freezing and 10-12mi/day if you leave sentry mode on. If you forget or can't remember if you turned sentry mode off, you can just turn it off in the app. I would highly recommend a Tesla to anyone who can have a charger at home, dedicated off-street parking and commutes less than 150mi/day. If you live in a rented apartment or drive greater than 400mi road trips weekly, they're probably not for you. I wouldn't recommend any other EV. Even road trips are easy with superchargers. Did a 2,000 mile trip in the cold last winter, no issues. The car can go further than my kids can between stops. You'll be amazed at how few lawyer-driven nannies there are. I now despise all the bongs/chimes a Ford, GM, BMW, etc... give you and how they won't let you do things like enter GPS points when moving, even with a passenger. The tech just works every time. It is awesome. All built in America by an American company.
  6. https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2017-12-12/nato-expansion-what-gorbachev-heard-western-leaders-early “led to believe NATO would not expand east” Read and decide for yourself whether we “agreed” to anything or not.
  7. Absolutely not. We’ve completely lost our sense of ourselves if we force women to do our fighting for us.
  8. I always knew the AF/DoD didn’t care about me. I lived with that during the numerous deployments that achieved very little. I at least had fun with the bros. It is somehow worse that we now are deploying people for 6 months to train. It grates on me far worse than any combat deployment ever did. Just when you think it can’t get worse, the military finds a way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. It’s not an argument, it’s a possibility. If the writer is so anti-MSM why is he using anonymous sources with no corroborating evidence? You know, the exact reason no one trusts the MSM. Being against liars and propagandists doesn’t automatically make you a beacon of truth. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Actually read the article. After years of being lied to by the MSM and their "sources" I don't see a reason to give this article any credibility. I can make up how anyone would've accomplished this and cite an anonymous source to attempt to bolster the point. No one in the media knows who did this. Until someone has some real evidence or credible sources willing to go public, it will remain that way. I find the US unlikely due to Biden's past timidity. Don't forget Biden is the one who didn't want to risk going into Pakistan to get Bin Laden. It doesn't seem likely that he would risk fracturing NATO via-a-vis Germany by cutting off a potential gas supply that might be needed during winner. Russia would risk little if this was found to be them, as it is their property. It does play well into the Russian domestic narrative that they are under attack by NATO. It could also drive a wedge between NATO countries. Does that mean they did it? Nope, it just means it may have been them.
  11. Badass patches is great for all kinds of patches and name tags Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. The focus on road trips and long range completely misses the huge advantage of convenience and fuel cost that a Tesla has over ICE. Electricity is significantly cheaper than gas and you leave home each morning with a full charge. The inconvenience of stopping at a gas station every week or so is gone from everyday life. I have to charge for 40 minutes to do an 8 hour drive. Superchargers typically have decent food nearby so one is a lunch stop amd the other is a piss break. Fuel cost to drive 500 miles: $14. If you don’t have a place to charge at home, then an EV probably isn’t for you yet.
  13. I was thinking about taking a 3 year bonus, which would take me past 20 by a little bit. If 5 years is the min, I’m definitely gone at 20. The extra $35K/yr makes a big difference in the calculus. With it, I make more with the AF than with Atlas, without it, I’ll take my chances. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Illegal to have alcohol on base? Where is that happening? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Interference and the “Trump is a Russian agent” narrative are very different. It is dishonest to link the two. You’ll no doubt be horrified to learn that a lot of nations interfere in our electoral and law-making processes. There are entire organizations dedicated to this, they’re called PACs. A lot of former lawmakers make a good living putting foreign interests above American ones. This is nothing new. Despicable and should be illegal, but nothing new. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. This guys article has a logic problem. If fighters are outdated and drones are the future, why do we need to convert drone operators into fighter pilots? Shouldn't it be the other way around? RAND also says we should put more FAIPs into fighters since they meet the definition of experienced faster. The problem is, they really aren't any more experienced than anyone else except in admin and tend to progress along with their non-FAIP peers. Drone operators have useful kinetic experience that only translates to a very small slice of what fighters do. Similar to FAIPs being good at an ILS, it isn't that relevant to being a good tactical aviator.
  17. Are you OCONUS? If so, you can get 30 days PTDY to move and job hunt, but can’t start another job during that time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. There are pages for both CAF assignments and the CAF Fighter community. Can't speak for the whole CAF Fighter community, but I'm not that interested in what Junior has to say. If I had a nickel for each time I heard him say "ops isn't special" I could buy a few beers. He was instrumental in creating the problem, now he is in charge of solving it. Classic Air Force
  19. We finally agree on something. No free services, no school for illegal children and no birthright citizenship. That’ll reduce illegal immigration immediately. I don’t blame the immigrants, they’re just doing what I would do if I were in their shoes. I blame politicians that make the illegal route the easier one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. F-4G flew well into the F-15 era, and was damn good at its job. It was never replaced because the AF decided that LO would solve all problems, and we didn't need EA anymore. I think most would agree that was a bad decision. Do you want to start an A-A fight with the F-35 loadout? You're right, F-35 is more than LO, F-15X is also much more than just a new F-15C. There are significant limitations to F-35 and putting all our eggs into that basket isn't perfect. Would I love to have 400 F-22s, yes. Would I love to have the F-35 able to solve all problems, yes. I disagree with your notion that there is no scenario in which I'd rather be in an F-15X than an F-35, but that is as far as I'm willing to go down that discussion. When it comes to cost, the difference in purchase cost is negligible. This is all about sustainment. The F-35 is expensive as hell, the F-15X is cheap by comparison. Does anyone really think we're going to buy 1,763 F-35s? We need some cheaper aircraft with a lot of capability, F-15X is one way to work towards that future.
  21. But do we need to financially incentivize then to stay? People need to realize there is more outside the AF than just the airlines. I know of several former Nav/WSOs that got out and are working for Fortune 500 companies making more than a commercial pilot ever will, though they do work more than half the month. The cost to train an F-15E WSO is only different from pilots in UPT vs UNT and a few TR sorties in the B-course. Everything else is the same, for the millions invested a financial incentive makes sense to retain 12Fs. Especially the instructor corps that is badly undermanned, but since AFPC doesn't see the difference between an MQ student and an evaluator, they say their manning is fine, undermanned, but fine. The real issue here is when people say it isn't about the money, they mean it isn't just about the money. Now that the AF has decided to use money as a show of relative value, the 12Fs are rightfully feeling extremely undervalued compared to us vaunted 11Fs. This crisis has a lot of push and pull factors. The airline pull may not be there, but there is certainly the AF push of 60-hr workweeks, lack of mission focus, endless queep and the joke of mission support. I'm frankly surprised we get any WSOs to stay past their initial commitment. Since most are still under 30 when their commitment is up, I'd bail and go get a top-tier education and kill it in the business world.
  22. Also, no military experience, let alone AF experience. Quite the experienced academic, so his opinion is worth exactly...zero.
  23. I think a lot of the cost savings you're assuming aren't as much as some think. The cost of high bandwidth, secure and not jammable satellite time is very expensive. Remember the news about hackers getting into cars computers while they're driving? Imagine that hysteria times 1000. If the cost savings isn't there, why would they spend the money to develop a very expensive infrastructure of satellites, that customers may not go for? It will take genuine AI to be able to replace us, and we're not there yet. Someday probably, but not yet, and as mentioned before, the FAA will slow roll this big time. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. The nature of the Executive Orders in question are completely different. EOs are for the purpose of the POTUS directing the executive branch how to implement policy, and have been around for decades. Restrictions on immigration are exactly within the President's authority. Trump seems to have exceeded his limits by including lawful permanent residents (green card holders,) a mistake I imagine an upcoming EO will rectify. Obama used EOs to get around the fact that he couldn't get the legislation he wanted passed and just ignored law to rule by executive fiat. That's why I'm okay with it so far. EOs implementing a legal policy within the President's job description = perfectly fine. EO ignoring or de facto changing law and doing whatever you want = not fine, or "banana republicish"
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