Chang: Thank you for reaffirming my thoughts that senior leadership does not have a clue as to what it will take to bolster morale and retention in the pilot community, more specifically for the Mobility, Helo, and UAS pilot types. The message is clear through this new pilot bonus this year that those of us who are not figher jockeys are looked at as being expendable. Yet another giant kick to the nuts after the VSP, RIF debacle that has happened in the previous years.
To say that the mobility career field is overmanned is nothing short of utterly retarded thought. I dare you to walk into any C-17 squadron and sit them all down and tell it to their face. When your job has you on the road away from your family more than 6 months out of the year because we can't say no to shipping a container of dog shit to the AOR at the Army's request while quickly sending the majority of our first assignment pilots to MC-12's, ALO, UAVs is just silly. People have been working their asses off for the past several years, marriages have fallen apart, people are stressed out, and now you're basically telling us that we have you by the balls because you're still going to stay in because the economy sucks, nobody's hiring, the 10 year pilot committment, etc. This type of myopic thinking is what gets us in trouble in the first place, and is going to lead to lack of experience in these communities. One day, sometime in the next few years, pilots are going to get fed up to the point where they start walking and we'll be left with the new guys, a few "yes men" mid level officers, and the senior leaders. This will keep reinforcing crappy mentoring, crappy piloting, and a hesitant outlook on the future to these new officers. It's a vicious cycle that needs to be addressed today, not years down the road like every knee jerk reaction the Air Force has done the past decade.
Being a prior E, I also despise the fact that now most of us will be ineligible for the bonus, thus reinforcing the fact that we are not wanted even with our unique experience of being able to relate to both sides of the Air Force. Once again you are losing a vast amount of good people with great knowledge because you think we're too old and are going to stick it out to 20 years anyways. What about us that want to stay in past 20 and try to make a go for making it to O-6 or beyond?
One more point... i'd love to know who you were talking to at Grand Forks telling us that most people there volunteered for that assignment and are now living in the land of sunshine and lollipops. GMAFB! I know first hand that morale there is less than ideal from those that have been non-vol'd to the middle of nowhere, being treated like the redheaded stepchildren of the Air Force. I can tell you for every person that volunteered and is happy, there are four that are hating life, waiting for the day to be released from the unrelenting grip of UAVs to get to a manned aircraft again, or the end of their pilot commitment so they can punch.
I'm done. Time for another beer.