Is it an accurate impression that MLR drives the SR's adherence to the rules/customs of PRF writing? My understanding is that SR credibility is a large factor in how many additional DPs they win for their people at MLR. Does it take on the feeling of an awards fight club or is it a straight review/scoring of records? Most of us will never see an MLR, and it doesn't get the same attention as the actual board, but it seems to play a big part in outcomes.
The MLR will do a quality review of all records (including those slated to receive a 'P' outright) prior to scoring. Only records that were pushed to compete for a DP by their senior eater will be scored. If the board president sees any issues with PRF quality, there is time to address them prior to the PRFs being due to AFPC. The three boards I've observed were all focused on selecting the best officers for the total force and strength of record was very important. "Glove" saves with a superstar strat 1 time leading up to the board isn't enough. The board sees right through that stuff and it gets called out.