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Everything posted by CDAWG

  1. I don't know the individual personally, but that is what the slide said at drop night. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. 14-13 C-130 x 6 *4 were guard/reserve other 2 were active two Yokota (Correct me if I'm wrong) F-15 x 4 JSTARS AWACS RC-135 x 5 (3 or 4 were Navs for sure 1 EWO) B-52 x 2 EC-130 x 2 (NAV) KC-135 U-28 AC-130U (NAV) MC-130H (NAV) B-1
  3. I know they only use Navs for Spec Op missions, are they upgrading and won't need a Nav? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. https://chair-fly.com/services This is the cockpit I remember. This is a link to a website to buy the poster. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Is this unit using you as a CSO on the MC-12?
  6. Your class threw a great drop night! Had several beers myself. Did everyone get their top choice or close? The only guy who didn't look happy was the one who got the KC-135.
  7. CDAWG

    Mustache March

    I've been searching through several threads and am having a hard time finding the picture/OP. Someone posted a picture of their tailgate with a picture of General Olds that said "I'm with Olds" can someone post or message me the link. I'm interested in getting the image from the OP. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I was issued a pair of McRae's the other day. So far they've been comfortable.
  9. 14-03+1 (14-04) F-15 x4 RC-135 x4 (2 EWO, 2 Nav) MC-130 Herby EC-130 x3 (2 EWO, 1 Nav) AC-130W Nav B-1 x2 KC-135 B-52 (1 EWO, 1 Nav) AC-130U EWO U-28 C-130 Reserves C-130 Active Duty! HC-130 Reserve
  10. I'm currently in CSO training and haven't been assigned an airframe yet. Has anyone in here been a PIlot/CSO married to an Air Field Ops officer? My fiancee commissions this spring.
  11. 14-03 Drop. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Kc-135 U-28 B-52 E-8 B-52 Ec-130 Nav Rc-135 ewo Mc-130 ewo Hc-130 guard AC-13oW F-15 F-15 Rc-135 ewo F-15 Kc-135 Bone Rc-135 ewo Rc-135 ewo C-130 yokota (Pretty rare these days) Rc-135 ewo Bone F15 B-52
  12. Wow 14-02 had an awesome drop. Nice selection of aircraft! Thanks for posting this!
  13. CDAWG

    Cannon AFB

    Typed Cannon AFB into YouTube and found this video. Cannon can't be to bad it looks like they have a Golden Corral.
  14. 14-01 had a drop night. Anyone know the results?
  15. Anyone know 13-15's drop? I believe it should've happened already.
  16. Similar question. I will be PCSing for the first time in two months. Will TMO ship my motorcycle along with my other items, or will I need to move it by other means?
  17. CDAWG

    Cannon AFB

    I know the MC-12 doesn't currently have a CSO. Would moving the aircraft to AFSOC change that?
  18. Another question for those who have spent some time in a U-28 squadron. What is it like to be in a U-28 squadron that might be different from other airframes? For example, I've met a few C-5 Aircrew members who have mentioned they are really laid back with members of their squadron since they are on the road for long periods of time, and feel comfortable calling a full bird (Their Squadron Commander) by their first name in uniform, to include enlisted men. (Not Judging) . The KC-10 guys from what I notice seem to like the image of them being perceived as the "Gucci Boys". There is a squadron at Travis AFB where some of them choose to wear sunglasses that are blatantly out of regs. (Again, Not Judging I thought it was interesting) Edit: Spelling.
  19. I was curious if there is a nickname for the U-28A aircraft, or if the aircrew call it something unofficially?
  20. Has anyone read any books that are about or from the Nav/EWO side of the story. I enjoy books about all aspects of aircrew but can't remember running across any that cover this aspect.
  21. A question for those of you who have gone through IFS before attending UCT. I'm aware that the beginning of IFS is the same for Pilot/CSO candidates, what makes the rest of the course curriculm? Also, what is the attrition rate like? I've heard that IFS has a different failure rate compared to the RPA and Pilot program. I've seen other people recommend studying alot and chair flying with fellow classmates is the key to success. Just trying to get a gouge of the program.
  22. I'm not at Pcola yet, I'll be heading there at the end of September. My question for you is, how are people ranked? What aspects of training and other things go into creating a score? I'm curious how someone could #### over their classmates, are people given the opportunity to throw their bros under the bus to make them look good in training?
  23. Where did the two U-28 studs stand in their class? I ask because I am interested in this aircraft.
  24. Did any of you actually get this scholarship and activate it? AFPC's method of selecting cadets this year made the need to give out scholarships pointless.
  25. The 13L AFSC has been around for a few years now, are they still pulling studs out of the cockpit?
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