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Everything posted by M2

  1. M2

    Gun Talk

    For some reason people still go there despite all the buffoonery that goes on, I guess that only proves you can't fix stupid. I've been once in the past few years, had a buddy in town who had a small window of opportunity to shoot so we got a private bay so he could check out some of my AKs (all of which are now lost on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico). I still vehemently hate the place and would rather not shoot at all than to risk my life on their regular ranges.
  2. Some Yugoslav SKS and AK rifles can also fire grenades...
  3. M2

    Gun Talk

    Tac No guns for sale at any of the BX/PX in the SA area, you have to go up to Killeen (Ft Hood) to see that and it's not worth the time or effort. Lackland has ammo, but not a lot of it and the prices are ridiculous. As for ranges, it depends on what side of town you're on. There is a nice new indoor range called Nardis that opened on the SE side of SA, I haven't shot there but I keep hearing great things about it. I shoot on Bullis but it's only open on Saturdays and Sundays. Blackhawk which is SW of SA in Atascosa is pretty cool, as is Cedar Ridge up NE of SA. Bracken is pretty strict but I've never had a problem the few times I've shot there. I've heard Bexar County Community Range out towards Sequin isn't bad, but I've not shot there. Steer clear of the Bullethole unless you are ponying up the month for a private bay. Too many idiots shoot there, it's been dangerous and I avoid the place but if you get a private bay it's better. Also stay away from Texas Thunder indoor range on Bandera Road, way overpriced and you have to buy their overpriced ammo. A Place To Shoot on the southside is also worth passing on. Lastly, Bass Pro has an indoor range but by appointment only (210 253-8800), plus you have to check your weapon in when you go through the front door and it's $10 per person for 30 minutes of range use. Hope that helps! Cheers! M2
  4. Vol III for the Kindle out for free on Amazon... https://www.amazon.com/Yellow-Green-Beret-III-Asian-American/dp/1477405755/ref=la_B006H9NFMI_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1356330635&sr=1-2
  5. M2

    Gun Talk

    Anything instead of turning it into the police! It's like the DDR programs we had in Iraq and Afghanistan, thousands of historical weapons were turned in and destroyed. It's idiotic. It has value if only because it is almost as old as I am! Cheers! M2
  6. M2

    Gun Talk

    Why is he turning it into the police? Why doesn't he just give it to his son-in-law, or sell it to someone looking for a decent shottie? Hell, if he's willing to just let it be destroyed, I will take it off his hands just to save it from that fate. There's no reason to just throw it away unless for some reason it is not safe to shoot and/or cannot be repaired...
  7. M2

    Gun Talk

    Hell, I had that happen to me long before the ban scare! Some bozo out near Bastrop had a milled Bulgarian AK for sale at a great price. After having the deal all set up, the morning I was getting ready to drive out there he goes NORDO on me. Never did reply to my emails, texts and phone calls. Then earlier this year I had someone ask me the price on a Russian milled kit they had. I gave them an honest answer (and others confirmed it) and they said I could have first dibs on it if they decided to sell it. Later they did offer it to me, and I was going to drop by their house but he said they had a sleeping baby and asked if I could come by the next morning. Then late that night the asshole sends me a text saying he got a better offer. So these douchebags have existed long before this recent panic, it's just events like this bring them out of the woodwork... Thank God I no longer have any guns or ammo to worry about! Cheers! M2
  8. M2

    Gun Talk

    Not that I need any more ammo, 'cause all my guns fell out of our boat in the Gulf of Mexico; but if anyone needs some 7.62x39 at a decent price, Brownell's has Wolf for $52.99 for 200 rounds (so 26.5¢ per round). Here's the deal. https://www.slickguns...hipping-over-99 Order here: https://www.brownells...040-113733.aspx With free shipping on orders over $99 (use Coupon Code: DSR) Actually, I just found an even better deal from The Sportsmans Guide... https://www.slickguns...j-1000rds-21997 Just as a comparison, AmmoEngine's cheapest ammo of the same caliber is the same stuff for 55¢ a round... Cheers! M2
  9. M2

    Gun Talk

    I feel so much safer now that all those nasty "assault rifles" are no longer around...
  10. Time for a Golden Eagle Ban! Where's Obama to protect us?!?
  11. M2

    Gun Talk

    I ain't got no guns, lost 'em all during a tragic boating accident in the Gulf of Mexico a few weeks back. It was horrible, all those beautiful firearms fell into the water and sank to unreachable depths. Oh, and all of my ammo as well! Cheers! M2
  12. M2

    Gun Talk

  13. Box lunches are gonna kick your ass!
  14. M2

    Gun Talk

    They already jacked up prices after the election last month, their well-known opportunists and I find it hilarious that they just became a sponsor over on the AK Forum... For example... https://www.cheaperth...roduct/AMM-223C Lake City Bulk 5.56 @ $900.00 (now $699) per 1000 Fuck 'em!
  15. The wrong kind of blow job... More here
  16. OK, how about this then? How to paint a squirrel...
  17. M2

    Gun Talk

    Saw similar events play out at recent gun shows as well. All this gun control talk has people freaking, as if it weren't bad enough already with Obama's re-election. I am just glad that some of us had the foresight to prepare in advance! Cheers! M2
  18. Guys The other pilot's situation has yet to be resolved, so hold off on the speculation. I've gotten word that after Axle's acquittal, 18 AF has dropped its case against her; but her future has still yet to be determined. There is obviously more information that cannot be shared at this time, but once things have been resolved her side of the story will be posted. Jared was not the only subject of this witch hunt, so don't jump to conclusions until all the facts are known! Cheers! M2
  19. M2

    Gun Talk

    Of course she will, it's how she keeps her idiot constituents happy. Gun sales have been on the rise for a while, just before the election (October) the number of background checks on people applying to buy guns--considered an indicator of future sales--increased by 18.4%, and it's not all about the threat of an assault weapons ban because a large number of those sales are for handguns which would be unaffected by it. In truth, it's incidents like what happened in Newtown that cause people to realize they cannot depend on others for their own safety, causing them to seek other means to protect themselves, their families and their property. Despite what morons like Feinstein think, the majority of Americans do believe in the Second Amendment and understand that more restrictions will not prevent a similar incident from happening again. If anything, the argument that MORE armed citizens might be a greater deterrent is lost on them as they don't understand that had an armed citizen been present at the school, the number of victims may have been reduced. Bt that is the problem with our government, after such events they punish law-abiding citizens and give criminals even more opportunity to kill. Her face is an assault weapon, let's ban that!* Cheers! M2 * - Yeah, that's immature, I know; but such rationale that depriving law-abiding citizens the right to defend themselves irritates me to no end. California has some of the strictest laws in the country, but in 2010 it had the highest number of gun murders - 1,257, which is 69% (no, I did not make up that percentage) of all murders that year and equivalent to 3.37 per 100,000 people in the state. Even in her own state, Feinstein can't figure out that idiotic legislation is not doing anything about the problem!
  20. M2

    Gun Talk

    The Glock or XD would be a good, less expensive choice; but all are great guns. For those two, you'll have to determine which feels better to you; the XD has a 1911-like grip angle whereas the Glock requires some bending of the wrist. I was a big Glock fan until I held a XD nearly seven years ago, at which point I much prefer it. Any reason you're stuck on .40 caliber? I've shot 'em and honestly have yet to figure out why they are such a popular choice with law enforcement agencies. I know they're derived from the 10mm the FBI thought was the answer after the 1986 Miami shootout where two Special Agent were killed and five injured in a confrontation with two serial bank robbers (who were also killed). Since the 10mm proved too hot a load for many officers, the .40 S&W was developed; but for me it incorporates the snappiness of a 9mm with nominal energy advantage. Plus a later FBI study showed that all factors (shot placement, etc) being equal, the advantage will always go to a larger round that creates the greatest wounding effect. Obviously it's personal choice, but I would like to hear your reasons if you're willing to share them. It's no biggie, I just don't own any .40 pistols and while I have shot them, I just have never understood their appeal. Cheers! M2
  21. Wow, I've never seen that link before, it's pretty interesting. I'm surprised at the number of Lt Cols that are listed and the charges, or how many CMs are going on here at good ol' Lackland! Cheers! M2
  22. Previously posted...
  23. I posted the link back in post #126.
  24. 'Tis the season...
  25. SFGuy's post has been re-approved given Axle's acquital. I PM'd him about why it was temporarily unapproved and he understood. Sorry, but no. While it is OK for individuals to give advice on here; anyone needing true legal representation should contact a lawyer and not depend solely on what is recommended to them on an Internet forum (even this one). If you want to know more about the military legal system, I suggest reading The Military Commander and the Law. It contains everything most military personnel need to know about the UCMJ and military proceedings. Beyond that, you need to talk to a JAG/ADC/etc. Cheers! M2
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