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Everything posted by M2

  1. Agreed, and I am curious as to how many Army personnel involved in this incident are facing a court martial as well...
  2. So you know all the facts and are certain beyond a reasonable doubt that Capt Foley is guilty as charged? Please share this detailed knowledge with the rest of the forum as while it is tragic that Francis Campion died, most of us are not convinced Foley was responsible for his death.
  3. Not a satellite, it's a disco ball with straws jammed into it!
  4. Like I said, I am that fucking awesome!
  5. You must not be able to see the word F U C K I N G !
  6. M2

    Latest Movies

    OK, it's from 2008; but if you haven't seen Hank & Mike then you're missing one of the funniest low-budget comedies of recent years... Cheers! M2
  7. Funny shit...
  8. Doesn't anyone know how to UTFSF anymore?!?
  9. Rain, you're never alone with a schizophrenic!
  10. Should be fixed, let me know if it's not. By the way, was this an accident as well, or is there a bigger issue here that needs to be addressed? Also, do you want your display name to be back to 'Fury220'? It's an easy change. Lastly, how many accounts do you have? We need to get you back to just one. Cheers! M2
  11. What's getting raped is what little left of our heritage we've still got... Eventually this is all that will be left...
  12. Figures it would be Dutch, we'd never have such a great safety video like that in this country... From the country right next to the country that brought you Cheers! M2
  13. They should follow the lead of the Marines by providing detailed instructions and examples on how to haze someone!
  14. WTF?
  15. Seriously? This has someone's ass in a knot? I've got worse/better (depending on your perspective) nose art on my Jeep! And good-fucking-luck to anyone who tries to get me to remove it! Cheers! M2
  16. Any variation of the name 'Wayne' isn't good, especially if it's a middle name...
  17. "Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope CSAF, and nice red blue uniforms—oh damn!"
  18. If you haven't realized already, I am that fucking awesome! Cheers! M2
  19. Try it now, I am pretty sure I got it set back to IP.Board. I changed your 'Skin Choice' under your profile back to that setting, don't ask me what the fuck it means, I just think I got it fixed. Cheers! M2
  20. Finally...
  21. WTF?
  22. Even funnier, the dude/chick/whatever is 6-foot-8, a cranium taller than everyone on his/her/its team; yet he/she/it only scored three points during a woman's basketball game?!? And a transsexual lesbian, that's takes some time to figure out...
  23. Before anyone asks, no, this is not me and my wife; but it's definitely a WTF photo!
  24. Sorry, line drive to center field...
  25. Interesting time killer...this guy hikes out to old aircraft crash sites and looks for wreckage... Joe Idoni's Aircraft Crash Sites Galleries Cheers! M2
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