It doesn't matter, since when does chanting "USA USA" constitute racism? And exactly what "race" are we talking about?
That's what people chanted when we beat the Russians in hockey at the 1980 Winter Olympics (well, those of us who were alive back then), why wasn't it insulting then?!?
By the way, what didn't get reported was that the visiting team's supporters were chanting "Alamo Whites" earlier (the home team is Alamo Heights). Of course, I guess that's allowed even though in San Antonio there's a Hispanic majority.
For the most part there has never been any real "racial tensions" in SA, but recently a high school in Devine (SW of SA) filed a complaint with the Feds because the girl's volleyball team had a disproporational amount of whites on it, and now this bullshit.
It's all fucking ridiculous...