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Everything posted by M2

  1. M2

    Gun Talk

    First, go here...XD Talk 1911 Forum. (The XD section is also a great source of info for one of the finest semi-auto handguns out there (guess what I own? )). Anyhow, if you are happy with the XD and are looking for an great entry-level 1911, have you considered the Springfield M1911 GI? Great looking gun (classic military look), excellent performer and reliable as hell. I picked one up and love shooting it. There are a lot of good 1911s out there, but considering Springfield's excellent reputation and quality products, I would highly recommend giving them a look. Cheers! M2
  2. Finally, justice has prevailed... Now, can we get Fogelman back? Cheers! M2
  3. Big fucking deal, a couple of airmen butt heads and get into a punch-up. Used to happen all the time when I was enlisted and living in the dorms. Logically, the next step is the First Shirt cracking their asses in the opposite direction. That is how things used to work in the USAF. Nowadays a bunch of counselors show up and everyone takes a piss test to see if they have been drinking, and the entire squadron gets some overblown punishment and/or restrictions as the commander wants to make O-6 so he can park closer to the BX when he retires and it is these dirty little smudges on his record that could threaten that! Cheers! M2
  4. WTF? I got this... Priscilla Ceballos 2345 Apollo Rd, Apt 1921 Garland, TX 75044-6322 (972) 496-3815 Same phone number, different address. As I expect this woman to be on par with Brittney Spears, moving apartments and/or trailers every couple of months is no surprise... Oddly enough, the Colombian General Consulate in Chicago has the same name! I don't think it is the same person. As such, I couldn't find any pictures; but I am sure she looks something like this... Cheers! M2
  5. Whereas I would agree that the British are much more reserved than Americans, you make it sound like they are unfriendly, which is not the case. I found the Brits to be very cordial, especially towards Americans. We are two people divided by a common language, or something like that! Cheers! M2
  6. "When you get home and encounter a war protester, walk up to him and shake his hand. Then look at his girl friend and wink at her because she knows she's dating a pussy." - Gen Tommy Franks
  7. M2

    OPSEC Question

    From JP 3-54... Yet USAF/PA does it all the time. For a while after 9/11, it was "Major Tom" (rank and first names, but no last names); but lately it seems the USAF has backed off on protecting its members...such as this article on the 355 FS deploying to Afghanistan. However, on this site we (the forum owner and us mods) are more sensitive to operational information. See this thread. And if you have any questions about OPSEC, the AU site has a lot of good sources of information. And I agree that it isn't the smartest idea. And as we have seen lately with the lady that lied about her husband dying in Iraq to win tickets to a Hannah Montana concert or all the posers being called out lying on other forums, it is quite easy to find information on people via the Internet. Some days I am glad I live in a cave! Cheers! M2
  8. Who knows, someone just got picked up with a DWI so anything is possible! However, your track record isn't that great! For one, if the Army recruiter is hesitant about your legal history I don't think you are going to fare too well with an Air Force recruiter! That's a lot of shit there, and the disenrollment and an "average" GPA isn't going to help. But if youi decide you are going to pursue an Air Force flying career, the first thing you'll have to learn is that we have Officer Training School (OTS), not OCS (which is the Army). Also remember that Army standards are lower than the USAF, and most Army fliers are Warrants. Not a bad gig if you like excitement, and maybe once you've been flying for a while you can try and do an inter-service transfer to the USAF. But be wary of recruiters--especially Army recruiters--that try to convince you that the best way to become a Warrant or even a commissioned officer is to enlist. Once you've signed on the dotted line, your ass is theirs and the next thing you know you are rolling through Iraq doing convoy duty! Oh, and I would recommend blowing off that speed camera ticket unless you haven't received any notification whatsoever. You are not required to receive the ticket from an officer, so if you were mailed a notice stating you were busted, you had better pay it or you're going to be even deeper in shit! Good luck! Cheers! M2
  9. Actually, I would think the "old Sammy Sosa" would be more widely recognized and understood by those in uniform... Cheers! M2
  10. The Gratitude Campaign In case you are the recipient of this gesture, it is good to know they are just saying 'thanks.' Here's the story... And the sign... Cheers! M2
  11. Yep, I do miss the EuroStar. The Brussels to London run was a blast! Actually, for short trips I almost like it more than flying commercial! A lot more comfortable, you can easily get up and walk around, the scenery is a helluva lot better. Too bad fast trains have not caught on in the States... This past April, A modified version of the TGV set a new record for rail travel of of 574 KMH (or about 357 MPH)! There is a longer video of it here. Cheers! M2
  12. Reminds me of the story told by the Homeland Defense guy at the JSOU Terrorism Course...he had a letter permitting him to carry his duty weapon aboard the plane, but the TSA inspectors wouldn't let him take a set of fingernail clippers onboard. He noted he was carrying the weapon, to which the TSA person replied, "But you have a permit for it, you don't have a permit to take nail clippers aboard!" As for the pre-flight briefs, have you ever actually seen anyone paying attention to one? I will actually read the safety card and be sure I know where the nearest exits are, but beyond that I have flown enough to what to do if I even get the chance. But you are right, you'd be lucky to survive the impact... Cheers! M2
  13. HD is spot on, shit goes down but the wrong people get punished. Can't go after hadji, might hurt his feelings or insult the local goverment. God forbid we actually blame the guilty! So, since we have to do something, then take it out on our guys. Why not? There's not much they can do about it! Focus the attention on the source of the problem and it will get resolved; but beat the dog that didn't bite you and eventually he will bite you! Keeping some kid from eating because he doesn't have his dog tags on doesn't help anyone. It is amazing that some SNCOs and officers don't get fragged... Cheers! M2
  14. Those aren't even USAF lieutenants... Making fun of lieutenants is like shooting fish in a barrel. No sport. Cheers! M2
  15. M2

    USOs at Airports

    I'll second that, I was at the Denver USO earlier this summer and it was quite a place! And I've had great experiences with the USO at Atlanta as well. God bless the great folks of the USO! Cheers! M2
  16. There are numerous ways to lose your security clearance; but if you apply a little common sense (easier said than done for some people), you really have nothing to worry about. Not commiting any felonies would be a good general rule; and if you find yourself in any kind of hot water, the best thing to do is to make your situation known to your chain-of-command as soon as possible. They prefer to hear it from you than the police, creditors, etc.; and will do everything possible to try to help you through it. Clearances are expensive and time-consuming to conduct, it is in their own best interests not to have someone lose one over circumstances that could have been easily avoided! Cheers! M2
  17. Wings Know a Lt Col at work who came back after retiring. I will see if I can find out more on how that worked from her and get back to you. Hang tight... Cheers! M2
  18. Thanks, "fighterace," that made my day more than HerkDerka's post of Major Payne! You'll go far in the Air Force. Don't let anyone on here convince you otherwise. Cheers! M2
  19. Seriously, are you really asking this question? Secondly, come up with a new name. Lastly, let me know and I will kindly delete this thread before too many people make fun of you. Cheers! M2
  20. M2

    Jeep Wrangler

    Put on a 2.25" BB this past Sunday, along with some Doetsch Tech 3000 shocks. Also got some AR Outlaw IIs with Firestone Destination MTs (31x10.5) thrown on two weeks ago. Then I tossed a few holiday decorations on it for shits and grins... I am still contemplating a 1" BL, but not anytime soon. For now I'm happy... Cheers! M2
  21. M2

    Jeep Wrangler

    Scoob, you are very close to getting banned...another dumbass remark like that and you're going on vacation! Cheers! M2
  22. I'll second that! Is the 94th Aero Squadron Restaurant still open? Was a great place to eat, overlooking the runway and considering the historical significance of the airfield. There was a similar restaurant adjacent to Craig Field in Jacksonville, FL when I was growing up there in the 70s, but that place, called 'Hendersons,' closed down in the early 80s... Cheers! M2
  23. Whereas most sky cops I've run across have been pretty cool (I was an SP augmentee myself during my early enlisted days), everybody seems to have at least one run-in with the real brainiacs of career field. Mine was on Randolph for driving too slow on one of the roads that parallels the flightline. My new bride and I were TDY to San Antonio and I was showing her around base one evening around 10:00pm after dinner with some friends nearby. The cops were trailing our convertible rental car a few blocks back (trying to be sneak) but as I knew they were there (wasn't too tough) and was keeping it under the speed limit, I figured no problem. We get near the main gate and the lights go off. Needless to say I pretty much laughed in their face with all the accusations of "suspicious behavior" and "holding up traffic" (there was none), and told the SSgt if he wanted to get his OIC on the spot we could discuss it further, otherwise I was leaving. I got the "well, we'll call this a warning" response and just shook my head and got back into the car. There is nothing worse than a bored sky cop! I know that job sucks, I've done it. However, there is no reason to act like an asshole. I've noticed that since retiring and growing my hair out that the SPs don't bother with me as much. I guess the realization that I don't have a first shirt or commander to answer to dissuades them from messing with me... I am still nice to the cops and rental guards on base, but I am not going to take any shit from them! Never have, and won't start now. And anyone who can't clearly see whether to go the Nav or SP route should most definitely go SP! Cheers! M2
  24. I'll second that. Eric and Brian are great dudes, and Eric's son Mike used to be on this forum. He completed UPT back in June... Cheers! M2
  25. Honestly, this is such a minor issue that it will probably won't be pursued any further; but if you omit it and it shows up during your background check, things will get ugly as the investigators will wonder what else you have failed to mention. If it meets the criteria of reporting it, then report it. If you have any doubt, report it. Trust me, I know how much asspain is involved if you forget to include something, even during a periodic reinvestigation... Cheers! M2
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