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Everything posted by M2

  1. M2

    "Eagle Rage"

    Ditto, thanks UPT-Hopeful! That was sweet (or should I say 'tweet!')...keep 'em coming (sts)! Cheers! M2
  2. M2

    UK Flying

    There is a 3AFPAM11-202 Flying in the United Kingdom but you can't download it from e-publishing.af.mil. POC is 3AF/DOLA, DSN 238-2627. If it is anything else I can't find it... Good luck! M2
  3. M2

    UK Flying

    I have some buds on the UK side, I will ask if they know of a good reference. Cheers! M2
  4. M2

    "Eagle Rage"

    UPT-hopeful to the rescue! Thanks, dude! Cheers! M2
  5. M2

    "Eagle Rage"

    Right here... Cheers! M2
  6. Wanna is correct, every Marine is a rifleman first and foremost, so you will be trained as a rifleman before being trained as a pilot. And if you don't make it through pilot training, guess what you'll be... There are loads of Marines where I work. Matter of fact, I have heard there hasn't been this many Marines in Europe since the end of the first World War! That's what happens when you hire the Commandant of the Marine Corps to be the SACEUR! Anyhow, they are a great, dedicated bunch and true professionals, but you had better be ready for the full and complete Marine lifestyle if you join. There ain't no halfassing in the Marines, it is full on all the time. Cheers! M2
  7. You would be making a bigger mistake not reporting it, even though it was dismissed in court. However, I would try hard not to get any more... Cheers! M2
  8. Wnanna My condolences as well for your loss. Something to remember is how much the person loved to fly, and what they would want you to do in the situation. I very much doubt they would want you to quit flying or pursuing a dream of being a pilot in the USAF because of their death. Death is a part of life, most people don't want to die but it happens to all us eventually. If we stopped performing every activity that someone has been killed doing, no one would drive, fly, go to space, etc. We all accept a certain amount of risk in our lives, and the best thing you can do is to avoid the stupid stuff (not having the proper gear, not getting the right training, etc) and hope to be lucky as well as good. Don't feel bad about your feelings towards your lost friend, it is normal and everyone goes through a period of mourning. Once that feeling starts to subside, you can then determine how it will permanently affect you. If you decide you don't want to fly because of it, then that is your choice and one you have a right to make. But more likely you will realize that it is not what your friend would have wanted you to do. Good luck, and again my condolences. Cheers! M2
  9. M2

    Aviation jokes

    What do Michael Jackson and J.C. Pennys have in common? Both have little boy's underwear half off... Badda-bing, badda-boom! :rolleyes: Cheers! M2
  10. But the best place for a custom printed flying scarf is RamaWorld...I think they'll make any scarf you want! Cheers! M2
  11. For the white silk scarf, try here. , it always works... Cheers! M2
  12. What, no mention of NATO AWACS?!? Cheers! M2 [ 16. October 2004, 17:34: Message edited by: MajorMadMax ]
  13. Didn't I recently read that a Strike Eagle mission in Alaska was flown by a completely Canadian aircrew? There was a line of pilots who flew with the GAF 77 Squadron Fulcrums, who passed all their jets to the Poles back in August. They have (had) a great web page. I still have a copy of a brief from one of the US exchange pilots, "Spanky", on how it was to fly the MiG-29. It had to be one hell of a fun tour! Cheers! M2
  14. Metal MAW was in one of the two regs that 10-248 replaced (can't remember which, I think it was 40-502)...so, bottom line, MAW no longer exists for AD, you have to worry about the tape! Cheers! M2
  15. AFI 10-248 implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 10-2, Readiness, and supersedes all guidance provided in AFI 40-501, Air Force Fitness Program and AFI 40-502, The Weight and Body Fat Management Program. So all you need is 10-248... Cheers! M2
  16. Guys One thing I have learned over the years is that it is never too wise to have everyone sit too far to one side in a lifeboat. If everybody does it then the damn thing will tip over, and we will all end up in the water as sharkbait. Some people will always want to sit to one far side or the other, but luckily most other folks are willing to sit somewhere in between. It balances everything out... By the way, that story has nothing to do with lifeboats, in case you hadn't noticed... :rolleyes: Cheers! M2
  17. Diet and exercise, everything else is just a fad... The fitness program reg is AFI 10-248 (I think), you can download it at the Air Force reg page. I can't access it now due to my hack-filled Belgian ISP, but I was just looking at it today as we were having a similar discussion at work. There are two "failures," and depending on how bad you fail you will be enrolled in two separate programs. I used to administer the weight management program while a commander, and as long as you made progress within the standards (I think it was a pound a week, something like that but don't quote me as I always check the regs when administering them), you were fine. However, it only takes a few failures to make progress to initiate discharge. In my experience the biggest problem with folks, other than those who just didn't care, was they tried a fad diet or some other extreme. It doesn't work, sorry. Adkins and all those have drawbacks, and if you don't exercise you won't make the required progress. The Health and Wellness Center (HAWC) provided all the guidance a person needed, if you can contact them I highly recommend it. I hate to tack this on but I never had anyone survive the weight management program once they started to not make progress standards. Maybe the ding was too much for them, but once they got their first one each and every one of them ended up going out the gate. Unfortunately that included a lot of good people who otherwise had good careers, but the fitness program is no different than any other requirements in the USAF...either you meet them or you get out. That may be brutal but it is a fact of life... Good luck, a positive attitude is the first and foremost requirement for beating this! Cheers! M2
  18. IFR No, leave them at home, you can't use USMC BDUs in the USAF. They will issue you what you need. Good luck at Maxwell, but I am sure you will do well... Cheers! M2 p.s. By the way, I thought there was no such thing as a "former" Marine...once a Marine, always a Marine! You'd feel right at home where I am, we work for Gen Jones...
  19. M2

    Aviation jokes

    C'mon, what ever happened to the classics?!? "What does a fighter pilot use for birth control?" "His personality!" ...and a few more because EVERYONE always love a good joke...don't read any further if you are easily offended...EVERYONE gets offended in the following jokes, so I consider them equal opportunity for all! "Why does Mike Tyson cry during sex?" "Because mace will do that to you!" "Why is divorce so expensive?" "Because it's worth it!" "What's the difference between a girlfriend and a wife?" "45 lbs..." "A blonde, a brunette and a redhead are all in third grade...who has the biggest boobs?" "The blonde, because she's 18!" "Why do men find it hard to make eye contact?" "Because breasts don't have eyes!" "Why is driver's education on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in redneck schools?" "Because they are using the cars for sex education on Tuesdays and Thursdays!" "How do you get a sweet, 80-yr-old lady to say the F... word?" "Get another sweet, 80-yr-old lady to yell 'BINGO!'" I'll be here all week! Cheers! M2
  20. Here are the ones that I know... Former Weapons School Division = New Weapons School Squadron Command and Control Operations Division = 8th Weapons Squadron Special Operations Forces Division = 14th Weapons Squadron F-16 Division = 16th Weapons Squadron F-15E Division = 17th Weapons Squadron Intelligence Division = 19th Weapons Squadron HH-60G Division = 34th Weapons Squadron Support Division = 57th Weapons Support Squadron A-10 Division = 66th Weapons Squadron B-1 Division = 77th Weapons Squadron Space Division = 328th Weapons Squadron B-52 Division = 340th Weapons Squadron F-15 Division = 433rd Weapons Squadron KC-135 Division = 509th Weapons Squadron B-2 Division = 715th Weapons Squadron C-17 Division = 57th Weapons Squadron Don't know the F-117 squadron... Cheers! M2
  21. I am not a lawyer nor did I spend the night in a Holiday Inn, but you might want to check on that a bit more closely, as I don't think you can just 'declare' a state of residency without having lived there or established some form of residency (PO box, owning land, etc.). This wouldn't be the first time a finance office was doing something that wasn't quite legal, but if they are then take full advantage of it while you can! Most people switch to a state after being stationed there, and as a lot of people go through UPT in Texas, it is common for them to switch. You might want to be careful as some states (such as Texas) do require that the tags on your car must be from the same state that your drivers license is from. Hence, if you do get a Texas license, then you need Texas tags. Was a big problem when I was in San Antonio, as people would run out to establish residency and get a license, but they wouldn't switch their tags over until they expired. Cheers! M2
  22. c17wannabe You did right. As a rule: - I always stand when someone from my chain of command or someone higher in rank to me comes up and talks to me - I always stand when my commander enters the room - I always stand when a Colonel or higher enters a room, unless there is already someone of equal or higher rank in the room - I appreciate it when people junior to me stand when I address them and I am standing - As you get older you will find it is less "jumping/snapping to attention" and more "politely rising." Don't want anyone to hurt themselves... - When in doubt, stand up. You will never be wrong in doing so (just don't call a room to attention when there is someone of higher rank already in there. I've seen that happen on several occassions. Unless designated, or when it is completely obvious, let someone else do it). Cheers! M2
  23. We had both of our dogs chipped here in Belgium, and they both got the AVID chip. It does only hold an identification number, and you have to register your animal with PETrac (a member of the AVID group) in Norco, California. You can choose either a one-time registration fee of $40 for up to eight pets, or $15 for a single pet. There is a $6 information change charge, such as for changes of address, but they have special rates for military personnel. By the way, at the AVID site I noticed... "On the chip side, you can purchase AVID® microchips that can be read only by an AVID® scanner or you can purchase AVID® microchips (called EURO Chips) that can be read by our competitors' scanners also. The price of the chips is the same." (source) Hope this helps.... Cheers! M2
  24. You will have to take a Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF, http://www.msf-usa.org/) course, either the basic or experienced rider versions. They are both free, but as flyinjunky said you will have to track down your unit or wing safety officer to get info. Also, the USAF version do not provide bikes as the MSF courses do (since they are free), but if you don't have a motorcycle I guess you can always take the civilian course. Either way, the MSF web site has tons of good info on what you'll be learning. Good luck and have fun, but be safe! Cheers! M2
  25. I just read in Air Force Times that Gen Jumper is getting rid of his 750 Magna for a new FJR1300! Cool or what? :cool: Cheers! M2
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