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Everything posted by M2

  1. M2

    Scott O'grady

    Ragansundowner I just got to USAFE when this happened, and was staying with a bud from college who happened to be the chief of air/air defense at the IN. We discussed it in great detail, and where many feel O'Grady is an idiot (and have good reason to do so), he didn't do anything wrong the day he was shot down. Sorry I can't go into detail, but he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now, many of his subsequent actions during his E&E time are a different story...as are many of his actions before the incident. However, 2BKC135Pilot, I gotta disagree, O'Grady played it up afterward with the book where he snuffed the title (there was already a book with that title by Medal Of Honor Recipient Colonel George E. “Bud” Day) to his appearance as a Miss America judge. O'Grady was no hero, the only *** he saved was his own, and he did a pretty bad job of it as well. However, the US had to put a spin on the fact that a B-Serb SA-6 crew had knocked down a US airplane, hence the media reporting. I recall someone from the Triple Nickle saying afterward it was time for O'Grady to go home. Luckily Zulu has faded into obscurity. By the way, I believe Wilbur Wright is an O-6 at Ramstein now, can anyone confirm? However,
  2. When the grunts in my office give me shit about the tiger-stripe BDUs (spit), I fire back with this... If anyone wants to **** with the Army....errrr....look more into this fine program, then go to http://www.goarmy.com/btg/index.htm and fill out the Operation Blue to Green Information Form. It does top out at O-3, so I am SOL. So are you, AirGuardian! Plus, they'd probably want me to cut my hair! Cheers! M2
  3. I have discovered the secret to making a small fortune... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...first, invest a large fortune. Then wait. :eek: Seriously, my Merrill Lynch mutual funds, which were suppose to have provided a reasonable and steady return, have gone nowhere over the past five years. But, I bought and sold a house in San Antonio all in less than three years and expected to take a large bath on it, but in the end (sts) I made an easy $18K. If you have the time and can afford it, I would advise looking into real estate as a diverse area to also invest in. We also have a condo outside of Baltimore that we recently got an offer on, should stand to make a cool $54K on it. We've owned it for about eleven years. Not spectacular but when I tried to sell it about seven years ago I was looking at losing $12K. Just some free advice...and you get what you pay for...don't invest money you aren't ready to lose! Be sure to tuck some away into a savings account or somewhere as well, you may need quick and easy access to it. Cheers! M2 [ 08. July 2004, 11:38: Message edited by: MajorMadMax ]
  4. BS... Source: ]http://arpc.afrc.af.mil/ja/sgli.htm
  5. BTW, these guys also make UFT patches... http://www.fun-meter.com/classes.html ...as well as those dandy fun meter patches! Cheers! M2 p.s. Yeah, I said 'dandy,' f*** you!
  6. Hey, AG, if it makes you feel any better, based on a decision by our O-6 Army commander, we DON'T get US holidays off where I work at SHAPE. We only get full-up NATO holidays, and that doesn't include those holidays where US personnel are released for the day (such as July 4th). To put a bigger turd in the punchbowl, EUCOM ( ) constantly extends Monday/Friday holidays into four-day weekends, so we are doubly hosed ( ). And you thought NATO was all smiles ünd sunshine! :cool: F***ing Army... Cheers! M2
  7. Deweygcc Yeah, but be sure that Army unit is airborne! I am stuck in an Army organization at the moment (it's called EUCOM) and there is no ****ing way any of us would get to do anything remotely enjoyable during this tour. It is against Army policy/regulations to have any fun... However, allowing things to suck (sts) is highly encouraged! HUA! Aw, **** it, at least the is good! Cheers! M2
  8. Arnie Best of my knowledge, you have to be in a J-prefix (jump qual'd) position to go to airborne. I can't recall anyone going on AD outside of that. However, I have known two AD officers who went to air assault school without it being tied to their position (sts)... Also, a very rare opportunity arose for me and I go to train and jump with a foreign special forces, so I now wear their wings. My advice, try hard to go while a cadet. It's your best cahnce. Good luck! M2
  9. In the 14 June edition of the Air Force Times (pg 6) there is a pic of Myers and his wife aboard their Harley-Davidson (yeah, I know this is a motorcycle thread but the CJCS riding IS a big deal, even if it is a H-D!) Let me tell you, the times they are a changin'! I have had my Honda ST1100 for 13 years now and back when I first got it officers riding motorcycles wasn't a smart idea, although a lot did. I remember one of my early squadron commanders saying how he had to roll his bike down the street at his on-base housing complex in the early mornings as to not alert his neighbors that he actually rode. Nowadays we have Doc Fogelson actually doing safety commercials on AFN in Europe for motorcycles (granted with another Harley weenie, but as stated earlier seeing a four-star endorsing motorcycle safety is a great sign!). By the way, the USAFE Chief of Safety, Col Scott Adams, also has a commercial on AFN for mountain bike safety, but he's a career Hawg driver so we all know he's cool! Cheers! M2
  10. GW There's a list of manufacturers here, but I have to endorse MARDON as well. Great folks! Cheers! M2 [ 07. June 2004, 23:58: Message edited by: MajorMadMax ]
  11. Metal Thanks, ing nice of you to post that info! Cheers! M2
  12. Johann Nice sentiment, but you are going to get schwacked quick if you think that the easily offended types aren't the military. The are rampant, and one offhand comment, such as using that term for a flight cap, overhead by these folks will quickly have the equal opportunity and legal folks on your *** faster than shit. A few years back at SOS we actually had a guy stand up in Polifika auditorium (a.k.a the Blue Bedroom) and in front of 700+ of his fellow CGOs ask Gen Ron Fogleman (then CSAF) what he was going to do to remove Playboy and other magazines that were, in his words, "offensive...especially to women of color" from the shelves of USAF BXs. Fogleman maintained his cool and said that decision was above his pay grade, but the sheer fact that someone felt they could stand up and ask such a stupid questions shows how bad things have gone since the days of painting naked women on the nose of aircraft. I don't agree with it all, and luckily I work in a lovely bunker four floors under Europe with a lot of NATO types that have no idea what being PC is all about (God bless 'em); but much like Tailhook we have all learned the hard way (sts) that our profession has been infiltrated and it only takes on joke or crusty comment and the next thing you know you are the subject of the Spanish Inquisition. Personally I think it is the folly of bored minds, ‘cause it all seems to go by the wayside when the shooting starts and shit gets serious. But, in the meantime, to be forewarned is to be…well…whatever the **** that saying is! Shit, just look at how certain words above are ****'d out on this forum. Why can I put icons in my post that pretty much say the same thing, , but I can't say shit or ****? (cool, I guess I can say shit!) Whatever happened to our right to free speech?!? I thought that was one of those part of the Constitution I have been protecting for the past 23 years! Awww.... Cheers! M2
  13. Nice bike, if you ever get over to Europe, check out Nürburgring. I haven't ridden it yet, I rode up there from Ramstein but didn't know the track was closed that day. Didn't matter, had a great ride up and back. If you want to see what the track looks like, download the video from the BMW K1200S web site. They rode the 21km track (with 73 corners) in under 8 minutes! ****ing A! Go to Episode two and click on where it says 'Under 8 minutes' Cheers! M2
  14. Just ing with ya, 135...notice the grin! I'd buy one myself if I had any money left over after the wife and kids get ahold of my pay. However, I can't bitch as I still have my 1991 ST1100, another great Honda V4. I've had it since I made 1Lt, it's a great bike and even more fun over here in Europe. Cheers! M2
  15. I was in the Reserves while in college back in the late 80's, after I completed my active duty enlistment (I had two years of inactive Reserve time on my enlistment following active duty, so it was easy to jump up to the active Reserves). The world was a different place back then, and 20 years ago I would have recommended it. It was a great experience for me, my annual tours were easily knocked out during the summer and it was nice to still be able to "play" Air Force while in AFROTC and school. However, in this day and age I am not sure I would do it (sts) all over again, with the number of call-ups and deployments going on, the chances of missing a lot of school are just too high for it to be beneficial. On the flip side it does get you an "in" with the unit you are considering applying for. A bud of mine from school was also in the same Reserve wing I was in, but later switched to a Florida Guard unit and later got a slot with them. He flew Vipers for a while, then converted over to Eagles. Not bad, eh? It's a noble thought, but in my not-so-humble opinion I would advise against it, unless you are willing to take that chance of deploying and are in no rush to finish school. If you can spare the extra time for basic/tech school/deployments, then consider it. However, I recall talking to a Reservist SP at the gate at Del Rio, he was on a two-year call-up and sitting in the middle of BF west Texas. Another thing to consider is who will take care of all your "stuff" while you are gone, if/when you go. I know I really haven't been much help, it is a difficult question to answer. Good luck with your decision...it's a tough call! Cheers! M2
  16. gearpig Don't let the bastards get you down! You can still have a lot of fun in the USAF, you just gotta watch out for the PC types as they will stick it to you in a heartbeat. Just keep your SA on and enjoy...just don't expect to make O-6 either (or maybe even O-5!!). Cheers! M2
  17. Hell, I was more offended when it was called a "cover." Please don't use ****ing Army terms for Air Force things. Whoops, can't say "****ing"...sorry! Thanks! M2
  18. Or you could try one of these... Koenigsegg Swedish Supercar Just keeping the thread alive! Cheers! M2
  19. Base price for complete car. Based on Honda Accord Donor. * 2.2L F22 engine. $35,900 But what a pimpin' car! Cheers! M2
  20. A K1 Attack... Sweet. So that's an Accord under there, huh? Not much of it left, is there? Cheers! M2
  21. I knew two of the T-bird guys on the team a few years ago, both were AFROTC grads from UF. I think having Viper time is a plus, but any fighter (including Hogs) time qualfies. Cheers! M2
  22. M2

    Scott O'grady

    I know the story of "Hoover" or "Zulu" O'Grady's shootdown pretty well, but I am not sure what parts of it are unclassified to discuss here. Do you have a SIPRNET email address? I had just arrived at USAFE when it happened, and was staying with an old bud who happened to be the chief of air/air defence. I would suspect there is a lot on his story on the Internet, I am just not that interested to find out. Oddly enough, they just found the remains of his Viper a few years ago (it was in Airman magazine) and I believe "Wilbur" Wright, a.k.a. BASHER 51 that day (O'Grady's lead) is now an O-6 at Ramstein... Cheers! M2 [ 25. April 2004, 14:12: Message edited by: MajorMadMax ]
  23. M2


    Kunsan = WP = Wolf Pack Cheers! M2
  24. Herc Spent four years at Ramstein and loved it. The base is crowded and parking sucks but there are lots of great places to live off-base within a half-hour's drive. We lived up near Sembach AB outside of Winnweiler, it was nice as Sembach still has some facilities (shoppette, gas station, movie theater, commissary) so it was convenient. The snow at Ramstein isn't that bad, when it is bad you usually won't have to come in. Gas is more expensive than in the States, but a hell of a lot less than on the economy. You will get 400 liters a month rations per car, so if it sucks gas big time then you may want to consider storing it and buying a used BMW (a popular choice, I had two 3-series and they were great cars). Insurance is expensive as well, but what do you expect in a country with the autobahn? That said, driving is a lot easier as the Germans are very disciplined and expect you to be as well, so no sitting in the left lane unless you are passing. But yes, a majority of the autobahn is still unrestricted, so you can go as fast as your TA will take you. However, having just driven to Spangdahlem yesterday and doign 120 mph on the way home, my VR6 Passat was drinking the gas...18 mpg and dropping fast! Still, it is nice to be able to do that, but keep in mind that even at those speeds I was being passed by Mercedes and Porsches. Kaiserslautern is a great place, as is most of Germany...if you can't have fun there, then something is definitely wrong with you! Cheers! M2
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