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Everything posted by M2

  1. Morg Clearances take forever, especially the higher ones. I did a five-year update interview before leaving for Belgium two years ago and I still think it is being processed. I filled out the paperwork for the update 18 months before the interview. So at this rate by the time they get done I will be ready for my next five year update! But, In the mean time, I still have full access to everything you could imagine. The collateral (secret) clearance all officers hold is pretty straightforward. I was born in Germany and I had no problem getting mine. Now I hold clearances that many people have never heard of. Heck, we always joke that our jobs are so secret even we aren’t allowed to know what we do! It’s all a part of the wonderful life we live in our giant bunker below Belgium. Florescent lights, stale recycled air, putrid walls without windows…are you sure you want that clearance?!? Chuck's got it right, don't sweat it. Australia is a close ally of the US and having lived there won't effect your ability to get a clearance. Most likely it is just the administrative bumpf that has to happen before you are blessed to know "America's deepest and darkest secrets!" Cheers! M2
  2. I dunno, PAB, the CNN cartoon only shows a Herk dropping the MOAB ( Ka-BOOM), thus it must be the only MWS for it! Also, the C-17 isn't on their cool 3-D Weapons Models web page, so it couldn't be a real weapons system, could it?!?! I too must be bored.... Cheers! M2
  3. Slip It's easy, but as you have probably found out FormFlow is a mother. Best to work in MS Word, use <Shift> F7 for a quick thesaraus, then copy/paste over to form flow to make sure the bullets fit. As for content, BS as much as you can without blatantly lying. Use a "action-result-impact" format and don't let the admin weenies tell you what you can/cannot write (unless it directly violates regs, such as promotion recommendations). You are signing the damn thing, you can say what you want! PM me if you really get in a bind, I will send you some of my copyrighted gems! [ 03 October 2003, 16:12: Message edited by: MajorMadMax ]
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