Not sure if it is a loophole, but most squadrons have a snacko that sell patches, coins, prints, shotglasses, etc to generate some funds. I know Gill Howie of Squadron Prints if you are interested in selling her prints. They are the best out there (IMHO) and Gill's a sweetheart to deal with, but she's dating a Dutch Viper driver so don't get any ideas! Most of the other stuff comes from Korea or Turkey, some of the older guys in your squadron probably know someone in one of those countries.
Something else to remember is that the commissary is a different animal, run by an organization called DECA. They are not AAFES and it is where we buy all the goodies for our snacko. No one at DECA has come down on us about it, and it is pretty obvious when a major and a captain buy four carts full of sodas and munchies.
AAFES has always been assholes about snackos, don't know why because lots of times they make their profit off the initial sale. I ain't no JAG officer (thank God!), but if it goes real ugly then have the squadron wives (oops, should I say "spouses") run it. What is AAFES going to do to them?
Of course none of the above is guaranteed to work, I would advise trying to find a halfway cool JAG officer (good luck), especially one who doesn’t like AAFES, who could maybe help. Nothing like fighting fire with fire!
Good luck, let us know how it works out!
Cheers! M2