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Everything posted by M2

  1. "Headed?!?" And no, that's not a 'STS' question, nor is it a grammatical one. I am surprised at your claim we are "becoming" a military that allows zero thinking. Many will argue we reached that point years ago!
  2. Even more vintage!
  3. Some great vintage footage!
  4. M2

    Gun Talk

    You can only have too much ammo if you're swimming or on fire! A buddy of mine told me about a guy he knows who has a shipping container full of ammo buried on his property south of San Antonio. Of course, that's all he told me! πŸ˜‰
  5. M2

    Gun Talk

    HeloDude Honestly, like you unless something interesting shows up in my feed, there's not many I watch or actually follow on YouTube. Garand Thumb does some interesting videos, and I know his background so there's some validity to his comments. Hickok45 is always entertaining. He's like many older Texas gentlemen I've met over the years that can talk your ears off about guns, and it's always an education. Nutnfancy is irritating. As if telling people to stock up on ammo is some kind of epiphany! Worse of all, he's not even entertaining! Other than Garand Thumb and Hickok45, I watch more Doug Demuro than anything else...
  6. Same circus, different clowns! Although I will admit when it comes down to actually being a productive president, I think the last clown did a better job of it!
  7. M2

    Gun Talk

    Sorry, HeloDude, but Nutnfancy is a complete fucking idiot who I quit watching years ago! I get your point, and it's a valid one; but using him as an "expert" on the topic negates your otherwise sensible argument. There are so many things wrong in that 45 minute video (TL:DW) that even when I tried skipping through it, I still had to endure stupidity at a level no one should put on U-Tube. Plus, anyone who hasn't learned to "buy it cheap and stack it deep" by know deserves to be in an ammo panic. I do agree prices and availability will get better; but we've already had too many of these "scares" to not have learned the lesson by now. Anyone who failed to do so will simply be weeded out if the real need ever arises. Tough for them.
  8. I guess our hope is that COVID will magically disappear like the Spanish Flu... https://www.healthline.com/health-news/what-we-can-learn-from-the-1918-flu-pandemic-as-the-omicron-variant-spreads
  9. From Mike Rowe (one of the few celebrities I actually trust!)...
  10. Was it in poor taste? Yes. Should Biden be spared the same attacks Trump had to endure? Hell no!
  11. From a year ago... Electric scooters to be distributed at Edwards Air Force Base on Friday $1 to unlock, and 15Β’ per minute to ride. I guess suggesting riding a bicycle instead is just being too much of a dinosaur again!
  12. Yeah, this is progress towards a more effective fighting force! πŸ™„
  13. And just because it's different doesn't make it right, a fact many "openminded" people fail to accept!
  14. Atlas is on the GAL, so if interested contact him directly.
  15. ADMIN NOTE: Gents, it's getting ugly in here! People are losing their sense of civility to each other, and it has to stop! Personal attacks and name calling will not be tolerated. Either have an adult discussion and respectfully disagree, or this thread will end. No more warnings. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!
  16. Did you not talk with an ADC when presented with the Art 15?!?
  17. Of course, if this shit is allowed, why not a skateboard?!?
  18. Do you want me to move this to the WTF thread?!?
  19. "Perhaps the best Air Force recruiting commercial in history was posted to social media on Monday, but the Air Force recruiting service had nothing to do with its creation. The 14-second long video shows a pair of pilots making their way down the flight line at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, flight-suited up and carrying their helmet bags. The thing is, one of them is not walking: he’s rolling on a skateboard while holding what looks to be a cell phone to his ear..." https://taskandpurpose.com/mandatory-fun/air-force-pilot-skateboard-flightline/ 1504528583_AirForceamnncosncoonFacebookWatch.mp4
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