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Everything posted by M2

  1. The 113th Wing is posted pics of the pilot on their FB page... https://www.facebook.com/113WG/
  2. M2

    Gun Talk

    I need some of these!
  3. The "one person shits their pants, so everyone has to wear diapers" leadership approach. Classic response.
  4. Sorry, no joy. "That display name is in use in the Internal database" It has a different email address attached to it. If that's you, PM me to resolve. If not, think of something else. Cheers! M2
  5. The acclaimed...
  6. M2

    Info. on Laughlin AFB

    You'll have plenty of time to study, as there's not much else to do in Del Rio! Otherwise... https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g60717-Activities-Del_Rio_Texas.html
  7. M2

    Gun Talk

    D While I am 100% behind that idea, I think it would be futile as ultimately it's the base commander's decision as to whether to allow personally-owned firearms on the installation. A few bases (Dyess for one) allow it, but for the most part it's not a "risk" most base commanders will take despite the fact that there's greater danger in driving or crossing the street. But, until such time Trump or the Federal government makes it permissible, we will continue to be stripped of our 2A rights!
  8. Business Insider is reporting that the Army has opened up a similar investigation...
  9. M2

    Latest Movies

    One last, after On Stranger Tides I wasn't sure about the Pirates series... ...and I'm still not after seeing the trailer for 2017's Dead Men Tell No Tales. Hopefully it won't disappoint, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
  10. M2

    Latest Movies

    A close second of movies I am anxiously awaiting this year... I am just not sure if they'll do this one right or not. For one, Ryan Gosling. Two, no Ridley Scott. Third, I am sure the special effects will be CGI, something the original avoided to its credit. Fourth, no Vangelis (although Jóhann Jóhannsson has done some decent scores, I doubt he'll get anywhere close to equaling Vangelis. I still listen to the original Blade Runner soundtrack!). Still, I hold out hope out hope that this sequel is worthy of the original!
  11. M2

    Latest Movies

    What I am really looking forward to this summer... I'll go ahead and say it, I think Trainspotting 2 will actually be better than the original, which was fucking epic! Speaking of the original...
  12. Oh, and somehow the Marine Corps Times got a hold of the HQMC Staff Copy Public Affairs Guidance marked... Pre-Decisional For Official Use Only/FOIA(b)(5) Distribution Statement: LIMITED DISTRIBUTION //FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY// PRE-DECISIONAL - NOT RELEASABLE UNDER FOIA. This document constitutes pre-decisional, deliberative opinion, and recommendations. Not releasable under FOIA pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(5) https://snagfilms-a.akamaihd.net/4c/10/f39221f14c379e3cf4c6b6f0e20b/marine-corps-public-affairs-guidance-marines-united.pdf
  13. I guess it's the Department of the Navy's attempt to divert attention to the Fat Leonard scandal!
  14. Per Wikipedia... She has a master’s and doctoral degrees in international relations from Oxford University in England, 1985.
  15. And nsplayr actually has the nerve to say "So long story short..."
  16. This dude got the ultimate exchange tour...flying MiG-29s with the Germans! https://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/how-to-win-in-a-dogfight-stories-from-a-pilot-who-flew-1682723379
  17. M2

    Gun Talk

    I know it's been a few months, but this video shows why these are pretty much useless (may required a Facebook account to watch)...
  18. I see it all the time, but I've been spending an inordinate amount of time on Army installations lately...
  19. OK, so it's not OK for USAF bubbas to make a "convenience stop" in OCPs but the Army bubbas who wear them can? This all makes no fucking sense. We were all good with one uniform (BDUs) before the crayon-eating Marines just had to be different with MARPAT. Next thing you know we've got the Navy looking like camo smurfs or seaweed. The AF ABU is a joke, and whoever approved it should be shot. The Army pulled its cranium out and ripped off Crye with their Scorpion W2 (OCP) pattern, but it works (trust me, I'm surrounded by thousands of troopers wearing the stuff at the moment!). We gotta quit having so many fucking uniforms, it doesn't make sense!
  20. Sounds like GTMO, a fun place to visit; but after anything more than a week, I am ready to get the fuck out of Dodge...
  21. M2

    MEPS Criminal History

    In that scenario the individual was simply detained, not arrested. Big difference. I would not list it if it were me, and normally I advocate listing anything if there is any doubt whatsoever...
  22. M2

    A Toast

  23. M2

    Gun Talk

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