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Everything posted by M2

  1. M2

    Gun Talk

    Respectfully agree to disagree. There's a lot more to being a cop than shooting (but I agree, most cops are lousy at it and many will admit it!) just as there is a lot more to being in the military than marching.
  2. M2

    Gun Talk

    No, we're not.
  3. M2

    Gun Talk

    Got this for $275, not bad considering the current market. I'm picking it up later this week... I know they have a reputation for being a bit finicky with ammo, but what .22 isn't? Even .22 firearm I own has its quirks, but I'm expecting this to be a fun plinker. Cheers! M2
  4. M2

    Gun Talk

    The "Cuomo," I like it!
  5. M2

    Gun Talk

    For my fellow AK enthusiasts, the Guns & Ammo Complete Book of the AK-47 2013 is available for pre-order now. It will be out in March. Будем здоровы! M2
  6. M2

    Gun Talk

    $1200 for a standard WASR-10? OK, it's a GP but that's no real biggie. That's not double their price from six months ago, that's more than triple it. WASR-10s went as low as $299 last year, but were mainly running around $350-400 at best...
  7. M2

    Gun Talk

    SGAmmo has/will have 1000 rounds of 7.62x39 for $250... https://www.sgammo.com/product/golden-tiger/1000-rds-762x39-fmj-bt-golden-tiger-124-grain-ammo-limit-1-case-day-customer Get some!
  8. The question is, what post-military job opportunities do Navs/EWO/WSO/CSO's and ABM's not have?! I have to agree with nsplayr here, there are plenty of employment opportunities post-military. The vast majority of retired and prior-service officers I know are employed in lucrative positions. While some don't end up in aviation; most are skilled, experienced and motivated enough to find some kind of good work (and pay) once they leave the military. But of course, some prepare themselves for that eventuality better than others...
  9. WTF? Does Go Daddy think this is going to draw customers?!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-3j4-4N3Ng
  10. WTF? Kudos to The Guardian for that last line! Cheers! M2
  11. Sí, gracias!
  12. 50. WTF?
  13. M2

    Gun Talk

    Not surprising, I recently renewed my 03 FFL (C&R) and it was a circus. First, the ATF lost my paperwork; then I got ahold of the examiner and was told I could email it to him. I did and didn't hear anything for a couple of days, so I emailed him to make sure he got it. He claims he didn't, so I resent it to the same email address and this time he got it. While we were on the phone and he was looking up my account, he mumbled something about a disorderly conduct charge in 1983. I was "WTF?!?" as I was stationed in the UK at the time and while I was involved in some shenanigans, I was never formally charged for any of it. He responded he was looking at someone else's account, which makes me wonder who else has got my same FFL or SSN?!? I remained courteous and respectful the entire time, but I was tempted to go off on the guy. Honestly, this is all this particular office does. I wondered if they were staffed by former USAF MPF or Finance personnel! And the kicker, while they lost my original paperwork; they did manage to deposit my payment! Cheers! M2
  14. Nope, that's who I was thinking of; back to the topic at hand...
  15. A hero among heroes!
  16. M2

    Gun Talk

    That's it. OK, I got some bad intel. First, these were ProMags not PMAGs. This group was buying some of the latter but the issues are with the former. Secondly, these are the 40-round magazines.
  17. No different than the anti-nuke clowns at Offutt...
  18. M2

    Gun Talk

    There's an interesting story behind that pic...
  19. M2

    Gun Talk

  20. This he of television fame?!?
  21. Like it is now? That's the problem with the liberal agenda, it's all about lowering the standard. It's happening not only in the military, but also immigration. We have too many illegals coming into the country, so the solution is to lower the requirements so they can be here legally. And I love how supportive nsplayr is of "official policy" as long as he agrees with it! I guess it's OK to enforce someone else's opinion on others, but never the other way around! Panetta's been a lackluster SecDef, and now he's trying to end his tenure with a bang (STS). I am reminded of a departing COCOM deputy commander whose going away speech was littered with all the things needing to be fixed in the command. Thanks, asshole, why didn't you address these problems when you'd still be around to deal with the consequences of your decisions? Chickenshit politics, clearly enough. And nsplayr, you can talk a good game; but deep down you are full of shit like every other liberal around. Go to your account settings, and there is an 'Ignore' Preferences setting. Type in 'nsplayr' in the 'Add a new user to your list,' check the appropriate containers (Ignore: [ ] Posts [ ] Signature [ ]Messages [ ] Chats) and select 'Save Changes.' If I get five bucks from everyone that does this to ignore nsplayr's posts, I'm taking the wife on a cruise! Cheers! M2
  22. This is the only known photo of Rainman... He's always saying he wears a bag to work! And it's not me, I'm not that young or thin! Cheers! M2
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