Heard on a recent transPac, during an AR cycle:
21 - "Hey Gary, maybe we should ask the boom to glue some hair to the basket for the next cycle, you might be able to get in on the first try."
22 - "Nah, we'll tell him to paint it brown."
23 - "Not funny, guys."
Next cycle...
21 - "Hey Gary, I heard Ace was doing pretty well on the other tanker. So, did you get some bleaching done or what?"
22 - "Oh, dude, that's horrible..."
23 - "Still not funny, guys."
Once the AR was done, one of our FE's (who is a DJ in one of his .civ jobs) pulled an iPod and headphones out of his bag and started hunting for songs. The co asked them if they wanted a little music, the receivers replied affirmatively, the engineer dedicated the first song to Gary in his best DJ voice, and Miley Cyrus's "Party In The USA" went out over AR Primary. We then got to watch a Carolina lawn dart wing-rock and tail-shake to the beat for the duration of the song...