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Everything posted by JarheadBoom

  1. True. But I forgot to add the price to my post... $14.97 for 50rds. Not bad in today's market.
  2. Ammo update: My local Wallyworld has been out of ALL pistol calibers for a while now, with no projected get-well date. I went to the Wallyworld near my parents' house (1/2hr. away) and they had Blazer Brass in several pistol calibers... so I reduced their inventory by two boxes of .45ACP. There is ammo out there... *** EDIT *** Price was $14.97 per 50rd. box of .45ACP 230gr. FMJ.
  3. Most recently: A game of Battleship, from start to finish. Complete with (man-made... ok, person-made) splashes, klaxons, ka-booms, and the "You sank my Bat-tle-ship!" line from the '70s TV commercials for the board game.
  4. You've contradicted yourself. Which is it: no respect for the rank, or customs and courtesies should apply? Make up your mind. This is, contrary to popular opinion, a military organization; respecting the rank, regardless of your opinion of the person wearing it, is the way it works. If you haven't figured that out yet, I respectfully suggest that you have A LOT to learn.
  5. Or the Democratic Party.
  6. -Toughbook on every flight (that can never be connected to the network again). -Epubs on a non-networked computer in the SQ msn planning area. -Thumbdrives updated from the above computer. Works, but can be a pain in the ass. The FE still has to carry all the aircraft pubs, so 90% of the time we just use theirs, and only go to the epubs for something obscure. Supposedly, something better/easier is in the pipeline... but I ain't holding my breath.
  7. TRAP - Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel It's a standard secondary-mission training event for USMC helo crews in a MEU(SOC) workup cycle. The grunts have TRAP as a secondary mission as well (for instance, the TRAP platoon during the MEU I was on was the 81mm mortar platoon). I forget how it works once the footprint gets larger than a MEU though...
  8. A DUI... ...but he was an asshole, and deserved it.
  9. "Alright, which one of you clowns hit the PROPS DISASSEMBLE button?" Here's one from a friend of mine near Ramadi, with a similar effect...
  10. Wow, Buzz Lightyear went to the inauguration? Cool! . . . . . . . . . . NOT.
  11. Google found the numbers for the 732AS at McGuire for me. I'm assuming you're looking for a C-17 slot since you inquired about Chucktown... (609) 754-5103 / 4211
  12. Last I heard, the residents in the Eglin area are displeased about the noise issue (apparently the F-35 is gonna be significantly louder than the other hardware currently at Eglin), and are vigorously opposing the basing proposal. I think the environmental impact statement isn't done yet, either... but I may be wrong about that.
  13. Lifeguard?? Oh, you mean the fully-clothed TCN dipping buckets of poolwater out to wash-down the pool "deck" area. Sarcasm, BTW...
  14. I'll comment briefly on the MP thing since I was called out by name, then heed M2's advice... In my experience ('93 to '04) USMC MPs generally had a much more serious attitude toward their jobs, compared to most of the USAF SF troops I've encountered so far. There are very few situations that I know of in the military world where enlisted personnel have legal authority over commissioned officers - an MP carrying out his/her duty is one of them. Hell, it might be the only one. I know USMC MPs took that very seriously. As always though... the 10% rule applies... just like every other career field/organization. Back on topic: FUBAR, welcome aboard. * Edit for emphasis/clarity
  15. Roy's was open earlier this week - Steak Sunday. Not the best steak I've had... but certainly not the worst.
  16. Pool at Dhafra was open earlier this week. Only closed on Mondays... dunno what the significance of that is.
  17. Just returned from a brief (and painless!) stay at Dhafra. WiFi is alive and well in the CAC, although there are occasional outages to deal with. Signal can also be picked up occasionally in other areas close to the CAC, depending on how good your wireless antenna is. I saw several people over the course of two days sitting at the picnic tables, Skype-ing and surfing...
  18. During a recent flight: About 20 seconds of The Hound War Song... on a kinda-busy Victor freq. The best part was after the "offender" stopped transmitting. After 5 seconds of silence on freq (and a shit-ton of laughter in our airplane), some old-sounding dude said "What the hell was that?" The answer was enthusiastically provided by a young lady flying something for Continental: "That's Dos Gringos!"
  19. Niiiice. Love the "funnel" effect....
  20. Nope. Wouldn't help me on a no-notice anyway. I'd rather get my AR and cargo checks done on the same mission, but the scheduling doesn't always work out that way.
  21. I'm trying. There's one literally FOUR minutes' drive from my house... 25yd indoor pistol (open 24hrs!), 25, 100, and 200yd outdoor rifle/pistol ranges (with covered firing lines), trap and skeet, and an archery course. Price is very good IMO. Their website says they're maxed-out at 1100 members, but I cannot recall a time when I saw more than 10 cars in the parking lot at one time. Unfortunately, they're not answering the phone right now... There's another private club within 20min of me, but that one has less range-space, for more money and "volunteer" time. But their website doesn't talk about being maxed-out, so that may be where I end up.
  22. Never seen a PMag in person, but I agree 100% that most AR failures are magazine-related. When I was in the Corps, every M-16 stoppage I ever had myself, or witnessed others experience, were all magazine-related. The feedlips are delicate on USGI mags, and the slightest tweak/dent renders them all but useless. Answering my own question from earlier: While I was out doing other stuff, I went by my local Wallyworld to see if they had any .45 ammo. They had 2 boxes of Win. White Box on the shelf.... now I have 2 boxes of WWB. Three more magazines should be arriving on the big brown truck tomorrow as well. I might have to head to the range on Friday... Edited for format/clarity.
  23. Pretty sure it's part of the AMC supplement to 36-2903 that directs the wear of the flag for us heavy folk. Not 100% on that, though - I don't have the AMC sup, and I'm not interested enough in confirming it to go searching for it.
  24. Finance Guy - thanks for the references. I'm printing them out to keep in my orders/receipts folio for when I have to go fight the next money battle. We're required to submit a copy, front and back, of the flight orders in addition to the 1610 and all the other stuff. This is Ellsworth's rule. On the signatures note - our Finance office at McGuire was told, by Ellsworth, that the signatures on the back of the flight orders, certifying that gov't meals were not available/would adversely affect the mission, NO LONGER MATTER. THAT is what I have a problem with. Ellsworth wasn't TDY with me - who are they to tell me whether I could've made the chowhall or not while staying within AFI 11-2KC-10V3 regulations for crew rest? There are WAY too many of your coworkers who apparently don't have a clue that there's a significant portion of the Air Force that operates independently of the chowhall's hours.
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