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Everything posted by HerkFE

  1. Just saw her on Fox News. Holy crap, is it just me or is her blinking a bit weird?
  2. HerkFE

    Shoe Clerk Vol 3

    Two things. 1) Too many details that are obviously left out, likely intentionally, to stir the pot. 2) Too bad the airman wasn't a Reservist instead of a Guardsman. A Reservist could have just said "FUBIJAR" and walked away while Mr. Shortpants stood there speechless.
  3. F me, I take a few days off from the internet and come back to this. I missed out on two days of popcorn. Going to make some now. F me.
  4. This^^^^ We can only hope. I've been doing my part....letters sent to my Senators and Representatives.
  5. I went back and read the article again and realized I missed this part the first time: “While I continue to believe the decision to relocate the F-15 mission to California is flawed, I am pleased the Air National Guard leadership will, with this decision, recognize the importance and value of the 120th Fighter Wing,” Schweitzer said in the release. So they are going to send the Montana F-15s to California. Let me guess....probably not an already established F-15 unit that will have to be converted as well. Anyone have the cost estimates to convert a unit to another airframe...
  6. I'm sure that most may know this but for those who don't.....Most, if not all, TSA checkpoints will let military go through the employee's line (whether in uniform or not). If they don't have a special line labeled for "military/employees" go through the First Class line. I travel through SLC quite often and they recently put up a sign in their "employees" line that says something to the effect "ONLY uniformed crews and airport employees". I asked the TSA ID checker girl and she scoffed. She said something to the effect..."F that sign. If you are in the military and I am working the only thing I am going to say is 'thank you for serving our country'" She went on to say that if the regular line is long for me to just go through the first class line.
  7. Mont. Guard gets C-130 mission to replace F-15s By Ryan Hall - Great Falls (Mont.) Tribune Posted : Friday Feb 3, 2012 11:54:05 EST The Montana Air National Guard’s 120th Fighter Wing on Gore Hill is expected to be told Friday that it will be receiving eight C-130 cargo/transport planes to replace the current F-15 fighter jet mission, according to a news release from Gov. Brian Schweitzer’s office. I don't know but I'm guessing these Herks are going to come from one of the Herk units that are getting shut down. Nothing against Montana but this sounds a lot like the BS that went on in the last BRAC. If we are trying to save money, why not leave these Herks in place and shutdown the 120th. Again, nothing against Montana and I hope they stay open but how is converting a unit and shutting down the same type unit elsewhere saving money? Maybe I'm just simple minded.
  8. My old guard fighter unit worked four 10's for as long as I can remember and I'm talking since I was about seven years old (my dad was in when they went to that schedule). The entire place, MX & OPS, was shut down on Monday.
  9. Damn, you bet me to this. If I would have been there and the assholes were going up in flames the caption would have been "USAF guy not doing anything to put out burning Taliban"
  10. Looks like, to me, you can wear the black one...your flight suit/green jacket/leather jacket are authorized outer garments. I'd probably wear the green one anyway just to see how long it took then claim ignorance. edit to add: Ahhh, but this would be great knowledge/ammo to have in case you saw one of those Tops in Blow fags wearing a bag with a green hat..."um, excuse me but you are going to have to remove your green lid....I don't care if you get frostbite, your ears fall off and you can never wear glasses. The reg says...."
  11. Rainman, you kill me. Edit to add:
  12. I wouldn't hold my breath, It's more likely that the Chinese have hacked into the AFCENT/CC's computer and put this message out as a joke.
  13. I agree 100% with this. I was ANG (F-16 MX) then went to an AFRC C-130 unit. While I liked my time in the Herk unit better (for obvious reasons...bending wrenches-vs-flying), the AFRC is much more uptight on the paperwork. For example, when I left the ANG the rule on UTA's was: You get 48 UTA's a year. If your boss said you can do all 48 in a row, you could (never saw it happen but it could, in theory). You just showed up when your supervisor said you could, fill out a simple form, drop it in the pay box and money would appear a few days later. In the AFRC you needed a GD flowchart to figure out if/what/how many you could reschedule then had to submit ~69 pieces of paper to get it approved. Still, as far as which is better ANG or AFRC, I think it comes down to the individual unit. Over the years I have seen good and bad under both commands.
  14. Probably another idea that makes sense but will never happen. Too many empires that would have to crumble.
  15. Loach, what you are saying makes sense. The problem is these closures/consolidations/BRACs (call it what you want) are rarely done in a manner that makes sense and saves money. It's always done according deals made in back rooms and on the golf course.
  16. Not sure about all of the details with Willow Grove but Pitt was saved but did have to send their ~ late 80's birds to Pope and they got the late 70's models from OKC.
  17. Well I'm an O.R.F. now but one of my buds who is still in said the AFRC boss was at my old unit last week. He told them something to the effect that he had some big decisions to make soon and that he wanted them to know that it wasn't personal, just business. So the rumor that is going around there is that they are on the short list. Uhhh, their planes have been gone to Pope but they got the Oklahoma City Guard's iron and are still open. Oklahoma City Guard moved across town to Tinker, converted to the -135, and share the iron with the AFRC unit.
  18. I actually did not even know it was Ramadan. I think it was the first day. I had handed my ID to the immigration dude and stepped away from the window (completely out of sight) not intentionally because, again, I didn't even know it was Ramadan when this Shoe bitch said this. I could have understood if she said something like "Could you maybe step over here or over there out of respect to the Qatari's?" No, her exact words..."You can't drink water, it's Ramadan". I took my water outside...in public, and continued to consume. I have told this story to some people I know who have worked with Muslims in their civilian jobs. They said the Muslims don't expect us to observe Ramadan anymore than they expect us to pray with them. I have met the enemy and he is us.
  19. Last year during Ramadan I was told by an AF shoe, and I quote..."Sir, you can't drink water, it's Ramadan". This was while I was trying to re-enter the soveriegn country of Qatar about 11am (translation, 110 degrees) post mission, post mx debrief, post armory stop bag drag of every f*(@king thing I owned from the plane. Oh, did I mention how muthaf*#$@^ing hot it was. Right after that I think was when I had the pleasure of "The Ginger" saying something about my sunglasses. So glad I will NEVER see that POS part of the world again.
  20. Heard we got his son today. Adios MF. https://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/10/15/yemen-says-local-al-qaeda-media-chief-six-others-killed/?test=latestnews Edit to add link
  21. I was still in MX (F-16 avionics) in the ANG. Had just finished loading Mode IV and KY-58 for the jets flying the morning lines. One of my co-worker's wife called and told him about the first incident so we were watching when the second hit. About two hours later all the supervisors were called to a briefing and when they returned they asked that half of us volunteer to go home and get some rest so that we could come back that night if needed. During the day they flew some of our jets to Eglin to pick up live munitions. When I returned that night, we launched jets to fly CAP over Atlanta...(so I was told). Another story as told by a fellow FE that I would meet in 2003....he was in the last day of RT at Fairchild. He said all of the sudden the games just stopped as all of the cadre learned of the incident. They didn't know what was going on but could tell something wasn't right. He said the games resumed and, at the end of the game that night (we all know the "ceremony"), they were told what happened at that point. He said, of course, they thought it was still part of the game and they all were thinking "what a cruel fvcking joke"... just as someone in the crowd basically shouted out something to that effect. In the debrief the next day the cadre told them that there was some discussion as to whether or not to tell everyone what had happened that morning but the decision was made to continue the training and reveal at the end. Again, I wasn't there and I am sure I screwed up some of the details but thought it was an interesting story.
  22. Snowbasin ski resort, near Hill AFB, gives $525 season pass to military including retirees. Their discounted season pass for civilians is $995. The civilian discounted pass has to be purchased prior to Oct 2. No deadline for purchasing the military discounted season pass.
  23. That's cool. I graduated from Faulkner...didn't even know we/they had a football team.
  24. Exactly. How can they be trusted to fly an aircraft?
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