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Everything posted by gateway

  1. wrong, try again..
  2. Check out airforceots.com. You'd have better luck taking these types of questions over there and posting more aviation-related question here on baseops.
  3. You can use the G.I. bill and the kicker however you want. They pay you monthly as long as your in school. averages out to about $700/mo (for 36 months) for full time students. I'm speaking from experience in the ANG.
  4. The TACP PAST is harder now, it changed in January of this year. (unless ALO's aren't held to the same standard as romad's) The run needs to be a 1.5 in 10:47, more calisthenics, etc. Looks like fun!
  5. I just got word that my paper-work went through so i'm good with the braces. I considered removing them myself pretty seriously, until I figured out that wouldn't help my case at all. I had a fork all picked out and everything [insert crazy person smiley face].
  6. Hello I have an issue. Right now i'm processing to enlist in the Air Force, but I have braces on my teeth. I got them put on in November 2011. Now I'm preparing to go to MEPS, but apparently taking them off prematurely is DQ'ing. I obviously don't want to wait another year, and my orthodontist's won't put in writing that "the treatment will be completed" because it's not. I was hoping someone would have a definitive answer to how I can circumvent this rule. perhaps by taking them off now, before I even go to MEPS. Any help would be appreciated, my recruiter is stuck too.
  7. haha okay. It's nothing like that, no need to get bent out of shape. I'm not sweatin' a thing.. edited for wording
  8. Interesting, it seems like these things are handled in accordance with the hiring unit, so it's probably going to depend on how the unit has always done things. I ask because in a conversation with two pilot selects, one AD the other Guard, this varied. I wasn't sure if you could just skip it all together until you were done with UPT?.. but then I guess that wouldn't do much good, learning the weapon systems and other sensitive material, or whatnot.
  9. I just read every post in this thread to try to find an answer to my question, before posting, so I wouldn't get burned haha. At what point in time does a pilot select in the guard fill out their SF-86? I know they're hired for the next fiscal year, that's why i'm wondering. Any input from recently hired guys would be appreciated.
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