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  1. Wise words! Thanks for your reply and sorry about my tardiness. I'm about half way through the Gunship FTU at Hurlburt. Awesome place, fantastic location and, best of all, a great community of folks. Couldn't be happier. Thanks for taking the time... Smokus
  2. True. My apologies. EC-130s are very capable as well...just a mis-speak. I worked quite a bit with the CAOC LNO at Al Udeid and was impressed with the capabilities. By the way, have you read my other post? I had back surgery and looking to find folks from different communities to talk about transitioning. Any insights to the quality of life, deployments and Nav/EWO leadership possibilities in the Compass Call. Wait, is there another EA airframe that you might be from and I'm offending you further?! I hope not... Smokus
  3. one, the Air Force lost its Electronic Attack (EA) mission when the EF-111 was retired. As I understand it, the AF paid the Navy to expand the EA-6B capabilities to fill-in as America's only EA platform. With that, the agreement was to send AF folks to help augment the Prowler aircrew. It works for both the AF and the Navy. The AF gets to keep SA on the EA game, while the Navy gets manning help (which has always been an issue since I joined the AF 10 years ago). That's how I understand it, but I could be totally wrong! As for the drops, I don't know about current trends today. I'll ask around. When aircraft dream sheets went around for my drop, the EA-6B wasn't available. All it took was asking my flight commander. It never hurts to ask (it only hurts when you keep asking and start getting annoying). The leadership piece is interesting. You have both an Air Force commander (390 Electronic Combat Squadron) and a Navy commander (which ever Navy squadron you're assigned to). There used to be 3 Navy squadrons: VAQ-133/134/142. Can anyone else weigh in on that with more current data? The Navy commander is your everyday functional boss. Don't ignore the AF commander, because he ultimately signs your OPRs, but he doesn't have as much interaction on a daily basis. I got about 800 hours in the F-15E in my first assignment with about 250 combat hours. It could've been more, but I had back surgery and was DNIF for 6 months of the 3 years. It is very typical to get 1000 hours in your first F-15E assignment these days. It's becoming more typical to go ops-to-ops as well. In the F-15E, I only deployed to Bagram once and to Korea once. You are very busy with non-flying related jobs (in both airplanes). I am a firm believer that we should be the best aviators we can. However, I also believe that we are Officers first, then aviators. Everyone's experience is different, so I'll let someone else chime in on this topic as well, please.
  4. Yes, the Prowler was my #1 choice. I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to go to Whidbey Island before we lost it. My wife and I want to retire there when the time comes. It's not for everyone though, the island is quite isolated (2 hours to Seattle) and there's very little night-life. We can talk a lot more about that if you're still interested. I was told it was a "guaranteed" follow-on to the Strike Eagle. Turns out that nothing is guaranteed in the AF, unless it's in writing (even then, things can change). I had to fill out the ADP and compete for a Strike Eagle B-Course slot. It worked out, but I think it's the AF's chance to weed out weaker guys if they need to (I can't blame them for that). It was not easy to transition since the Strike Eagle B-Course is quite demanding, even if you are fairly competent. It took a long time to get rid of the Navy habits (though it only took one kick in the junk for not standing up while briefing wx/notams/ep!!). Hopefully with the CSO training, you're already getting an Air Force base of knowledge, instead of being fully Navy-indoctrinated. Is that true? The tour timing in the EA-6B is 3 years total, including about 10 months at the Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS = FTU). However, during that 10 months, you work about 4-5 hours a day (standard Navy training). The operational squadrons are changing to boat-going squadrons (7 months in an 8-man room). I spent a week on the boat and can talk to you more about that if you care. I know a guy that just finished his Prowler tour and went on one 6-month deployment to Bagram, Afghanistan (expeditionary squadron = land based) and 7 months on the boat. With about 4 months of work-ups on the boat, that left him very little time at home. My experience was the opposite. I did one 6 month deployment to Bagram, then various TDYs, but nothing else substantial. I got about 600 total hours and 300 combat hours (we only flew once or twice a week while at home). The disadvantage of going to the Prowler first is that it essentially removes you from the pool of WIC candidates (you'd be getting pretty old once you got enough experience in your primary airframe). I can probably talk all day about Prowlers/Strike Eagles, so please ask any other questions and I'll try not to continue rambling! Smokus
  5. Are there any current/qualified HC-130 Navs that can expand on capabilities, deployments, quality of life and Nav leadership possibilities in your community? I'm a Strike Eagle SEFE WSO that had back surgery looking to transition (to a non-ejection seat aircraft), but I don't know anyone in your community. My email is mapolus at gmail if that makes it easier. Thanks, Smokus
  6. I was a first assignment Prowler guy, then went to Strike Eagles. When I left Mtn Home about 6 months ago (the 390ECS is part of the 366OG), only experienced Strike Eagle WSOs were being sent to the Growler. I'm not sure if they were all EWO trained or not. As for dropping Prowlers out of Pensacola, I only know of 4 dudes (including myself) that went that route. The first two both got UPT slots while in Whidbey. I didn't apply because of my vision, but I feel confident that it would've been a competitive application. I still think it's a decent path to take and doesn't "ruin your career" as many will tell you. I showed up to the F-15E FTU and was the class leader, but was essentially on the same timeline as the FAIPs (of which there are many in the Strike Eagle community).
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