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Everything posted by HerkDerka

  1. Corona Light 9/10 Man Law #567...Beer does not require 690 pounds of hops per batch or a $9-per-bottle price tag to be good.
  2. Take the initiative and run with it. Sounds like an 8-BPZ to Brig Gen opportunity.
  3. Perfection. UPT studs take note, this is what we want to see.
  4. And not all sky cops are warriors.
  5. And the inevitable AF Enquirer issue with the headlines "Schwartz To Airmen: Do The Spice, Pay The Price!" Also, expect the MDG pecker checkers to close the MDG down for seven days to receive training on the identification pumpkin pie smells during piss tests.
  6. Unacceptable and mind-numbingly maddening in every way I can possibly think of. Probably part of the reason the T-6 world is fat on BUDDA drivers. Leadership? Nope. Grand standing? Definitely. Wasting time and rescources? Sure thing. FW&A? Shack. Good example? Negative. Uber gay? Absolutely. Contradictory to everything you're ever taught as a pilot? You bet. GearMonkey, I'd recommend forwarding a copy of that memo to the local IG.
  7. My reading came to a screeching halt when I saw this sentence in the article : Really AF...Really?
  8. My simple explanation says the FBI investigated an abduction and found out it was just a case of trashy sex, abortion, and lying. As a result, they left if to Big Blue to prosecute since it was their business.
  9. One time, I broke at least three flying rules to medevac a grunt who had been shot in the head. He lived. I weighed my options and made a sound decision. I guess in hindsight I should have manned up and followed established rules. Feel free to preach to me all you want about professionalism...I don't care, I'm not a professional. You can tug on the koolaid all you want.
  10. Steamship round. Mmmmmmm mmmmmmm! That's item number three on the AF's Standardized List of 35 Weird Meals to Serve in Chow Halls. Chipped beef and Shepherd's Pie are the first two.
  11. I cut all but the important part out of your post.
  12. If the quality recruits you're talking about are the same ones facebook addicts that normally haunt finance and the MPF, then I say shit can the T-clones. Two.
  13. I'm in again.
  14. Good to see you back Bushmaster.
  15. Best idea ever.
  16. Awesome. I see the future of the 3-3 and the words "Taxi TTPs".
  17. If you've met both Huggy and Kuma, then you understand what this is all about. Glad to see you finally joined the board Kuma, 'bout fucking time.
  18. If that was a joke then it's one of the worst jokes I've seen. I'm trying to figure out where you're getting your info from since you seem to think that the usefulness of tac airlift depends on the enemy's equipment.
  19. Are you retarded or just trolling?
  20. Really? Really? YGBFSM. No wonder he's a "former" NTSB official.
  21. James Sikes needs to pay that cop a pension for the rest of his life. He saved him from being know as "The guy who died trying to go fast in a Prius".
  22. ROTC may have changed since I was there, but I'm having trouble seeing what exactly an ROTC cadet is supposed to "lead" while touring an AF base. You're going to tour a base, that's it. Tell your cadre to get a life.
  23. Are you kidding me? You'd rather we fight World War III than terrorists? And the "Charlie Wilson and the Taliban" arguement never works. By that same logic, we should have helped end the mass murder in China during WWII.
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