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Everything posted by HerkDerka

  1. Formation phase is a long way away. Focus on your ability to study, that will pay off sooner. I wouldn't say formation is the biggest obstacle. IMHO formation phase was the best part of tweets. Some people take to it like a duck in water and some have to work at it, it just depends. Some students breeze through the program, some have trouble in one area like instruments or formation, and some are hanging onto the tail the whole way through. The key is to keep up a good attitude and apply yourself, eventually the light will turn on. HD
  2. Okay, I got what you were trying to say there. Well put. HD
  3. You can't be a SNAP if you aren't a flier. Sensitive New Aged PILOT. For the ground pounders, it's just standard shoeclerkness. HD
  4. That explains it. HD
  5. Those are two different scenarios. I agree that there's no point in lighting someone up who legitmately didn't see you. On the other hand, it's bad form to allow an on-purpose missed salute go unchecked, especially if younger airmen are present. Pilot or not, you're an officer and young E's look up to you and follow your example. By the same reasoning, I would never call a chief "sir". HD
  6. No need to expand from there. That pretty much sums it up. HD
  7. I don't know about UPS, but Fed Ex's engineers are pilots. They work on a seniority program: start out as an SO, promote to FO, promote to Capt. I don't know if Fed Ex hires standard engineers. Nice sugar-coating. HD
  8. True. Item one on a looooong list of "heritage". HD
  9. It ain't just the Army. Standard Big Blue fashion: We want our own proud heritage. Let's get PT gear and wear it around the AOR, just ike the Army. Then let's make PT gear saluting in the AOR mandatory, just like the Army. HD
  10. One time at the Deid I was walking to chow in my PT warrior suit. I passed a shoeclerk butterbar and gave him a nod as I passed. He stopped me and began to lecture on why it is important to maintain good customs and courtesies. I let him go all of the way through his spiel and then mentioned to him that ordering someone of a higher rank to salute him is contradictory to "good customs and courtesies". The look on his face was priceless. The whole PT gear and saluting thing (in the AOR) has got to go. HD
  11. Interesting, I've never really liked the zetaliner. I preferred the old heated bubble wrap crap. HD
  12. Regs be damned. One of the greatest CC's I have ever seen once showed the way it's done. We boarded the rotator and sat down. He gets on the PA "Alcohol will now be served on this flight. One rule: No spider monkeys. I fill my first two weeks of duty crew with spider monkeys." Best rotator flight ever. HD
  13. Him, him. HD
  14. No they're not and not at Al Udeid. HD
  15. No...I'm not. HD
  16. I think one of the biggest examples of NSPFness at the Deid is the dog and pony show the skycops host at the end of every AEF. The skycops always set up a little booth where the shoe clerks can come by and get their pictures taken wearing body armor and holding an M-16. The sad part is that you know those people show those pics to their family/friends and drone on about being in the shit. That my friends is the Deid defined. HD
  17. I love this statement. What big life-choice does she have to make right now? Funny, the last time she "decided what she wanted to do", she got knocked up, had an abortion, went AWOL, and then blamed it on Kyrgyzstan. Give it up Big Blue, lynch the bitch. We're tired of this shit. HD
  18. That's why you throw an Ambien into the mix. HD
  19. Still do and have since 2003. HD
  20. Their primary job is to rescue downed aircrew. I think it's safe to say most aircrew hold PJs in high regard. HD
  21. Get over it. You got the no-shit answers you asked for from guys who know BOTH the military and GA side. We are telling you this for your safety and for ours. Learn the lesson and press on. HD
  22. First thing Brew, your first post shows exactly why you should stay out of MOAs. The fact that you don't see the wrong in it, the fact that you think flying "only a 172" somehow degrades the danger, the fact that you think sophisticated avionics have anything to do with it, and your blind assumptions that any other pilot in the sky can see you show how little of the big picture you have. Next time take the 20 minutes to go around, you obviously could use the time. Secondly, check the search function. It has been explained at great length in past threads why GA should stay out of MOAs. HD
  23. The man's got a point. HD
  24. AFSO-21 in action. Tops In Blue can do it all and with half the talent! HD
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