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Everything posted by HerkDerka

  1. During an AEF swapout with the new controllers in the tower for the first time: "Al Udeid ATIS information charlie, uuuuuuuuuhhhhhh." Three sweeps and the ATIS when off the air for a few seconds. "Al Udeid ATIS information charlie, 0458Z, winds 170/10, sky cond......uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh......fuck." Five full sweeps of it until they realized their mistake. HD
  2. If you need to be reminded, a swift kick in the nuts will do the trick. HD
  3. And cider was invented for people who pretend to like good beers, but really like cider. HD
  4. I was about to make a witty retort, but then I realized you're pretty much right on. HD
  5. Guinness, Newcastle, and Fat Tire are quickly becoming the Bud, Coors, and Miller of imports and micros. Ahem -- Lohrer Urtyp 1878 -- The Honzo sword of beers. But I will agree on Yeungling. Once of the best domestics ever. HD
  6. What about the number of trees killed to allow a think tank to publish "research reports" on putting surgeon general warnings on airplanes. Kill yourself. HD
  7. What about the JCA? HD
  8. Ouch. It's not going to be fun trying to live that one down for the rest of his career. Oh yeah, that was the first thing they taught. HD
  9. You mean salad troughs. HD
  10. The whole portfolio is still there. Not to mention the few that were left out. - Friends of Joe Brawdy - Mr. Breakfast - Hey bro, you hookin it tonight? HD
  11. Ok, enough rearguing semantics here. The correlation between pilot slots and AAS changes between every ROTC detachment. Getting a pilot slot in ROTC depends on your OM. Your OM is 50% commander's ranking. Generaly, cadets who are heavily involved in ROTC are generally also involved in AAS. Most commanders like cadets who are involved. You do not have to be in AAS to get a pilot slot. Quit worrying about what's fair. ROTC is a game, play it. 1) Get your degree 2) Get your bars 3) Get your slot 4) Get out HD
  12. I think Huggy's closer. HD
  13. I disagree. 1) Everyone is stressed out in UPT. 2) Flying well and natural ability have little to do with the overall experience. UPT is desgined to suck. 3) The overall experience in UPT depends on your attitude and your classmates. HD
  14. I was talking with an ATOC guy the other day and he mentioned his chief issued a direct order that all ATOC troops will wear a reflective belt while in their PT gear. Despite the fact that the reg says reflective belts are not required in PTs. These are situations are always the best. There is absolutely no precedence whatsoever, just mindless queep. HD
  15. I still don't understand Fozzy's statement there. I have never flown a combat sortie unarmed. HD
  16. When you've tried everyone else....Tridelt! HD
  17. I just don't think it's fair that Jill Metzger was left out of the running. HD
  18. Never had a problem with DC. Tough, durable, easy to customize. HD
  19. I can't wait to see her get eliminated in the first round. HD
  20. You missed my point. You said you wish dipping in the office was back. That implies that you aren't allowed to dip in your office. I was saying that sucks. Not that regs ever stopped me from dipping wherever I wanted to anyway. HD
  21. Glad I don't work in your office! HD
  22. It depends on the tasking. Correct on Pope (the BRAC changed it), same for Dyess. HD
  23. - Nose art on planes - Nose art on jackets - F-4 SEAD - USO - The O'Club - Common sense - Fatigues - Blues for shoe clerks - Delta squadron - Recognition for combat leadership - Carpet bombing - Crossflow - Dedication to a mission - Cursing in public - Getting on base with a base sticker - First shirts who know the limits of their authoritah. - People who can handle their own problems without MEO/IG/Life Skills. - Being trusted with alcohol. - Being trusted to look both ways before crossing a street at night. - Information managers do the paper work, pilots fly the planes. HD
  24. Combat Stache = Robin Olds invention. (Grown for entire deployment, a complete scoff at regulations, pomade as required) HD
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