Sounds like a standard desert queen case:
A fat and ugly chick goes to the desert.
After three and a half months, said chick is starting to lose a little weight from not having enough Burger King on a daily basis.
The chick begins to receive attention from men that she would not normally receive.
The chick is at first flattered, but then starts acting like she is the hottest thing on the base.
As a result, her would-be suitors begin to lose interest. The chick continues this charade for another month in complete denial.
The chick boards the rotater. The second the gear is in the wells, someone walks up to the chick and says right into her face..."Ugly again."
Chick begins reading John Kerry books and eating Double Texas Whoppers with extra ranch dressing to fill the void.
[ 29. January 2007, 16:40: Message edited by: HerkDerka ]