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Everything posted by HerkDerka

  1. Geez, enough with the "tactical" paint job on trainers already. HD
  2. Try saying that three times fast. HD
  3. In general, the differences don't really matter. In Navy training, they expect you to act like an officer and study. If you don't, it's your ass. However, they also give you a master curriculum guide that tells exactly what you need to study before each flight (and they call us spoonfed). It makes the GK session easier and also give you a little direction in your studying. With that said, Navy training is slower paced, takeoff times don't mean a thing, and they are taught less in primary than AF studs. One time at Corpus I was talking with a Navy stud about getting back into the instrument phase. I asked how much training he had in primary and his reply was "Oh, I flew a TACAN AND a PAR!" They make up for it in intermediate phase though. Their formation phase is a joke. On the the other hand, AF training dishes out a bunch of suck. But it can be helpful since the fire hose is set a little higher in AF training. You have a set graduation date and you have to learn all of your shit in that amount of time. Navy bases suck facility-wise but have better locations. Vice versa for the AF. Don't get into the "better or worse chance of T-38s at Whiting" thing. It's a waste of brain power. If you do go to Whiting, don't worry about hacking it when you go to Vance to finish up. Any slowness adapting to the AFisms will disappear within a week or two. In the end it doesn't really matter. You're learning to fly. HD [ 21. December 2006, 22:26: Message edited by: HerkDerka ]
  4. Didn't you just say our service members in your country have...... You can howl for us to turn the cop over to you all you want, but while the incident happend, he was protected under the SOFA that YOU signed. Kyrgyzstan's poetic speechs are getting lame. -------------------------------------------------------------- "Welcome country of my home Kyrgyzstan!" "Here we have the many women sexy time." "We also have new the system mass transit for make better transportation through country." "We famous for great ATC system. Of all former republic Soviet Union, is number one. HD [ 20. December 2006, 23:28: Message edited by: HerkDerka ]
  5. What's sad is the lesson this kid learned from this whole thing. He's pestering the wrong people, going outside the chain of command, and whining when he doesn't get what he wants. As a result he has a full bird kissing his ass and acting like the kid is actually an officer. This will cripple him someday. But then again, from what his blog said, he's pretty much tarnished his image at the academy. Hopefully the ride is worth it. HD
  6. Gents, this is Bender sober. Please help Bender find alcohol. Although I agree with what Bender is working for, that was still hilarious JS. HD [ 20. December 2006, 23:24: Message edited by: HerkDerka ]
  7. Motivational speaker. HD
  8. Elmendorf's BX has a great selection of rifles and handguns. HD
  9. The Maj may seem harsh. But it sounds like this kid has been bugging the schedulers. Scheduling shops are the busiest shops in the squadron. Any cadets who bypass the normal routes and directly call (and pester) a squadron's scheduling shop deserve what they get. HD
  10. A new low for PA. HD [ 13. December 2006, 20:56: Message edited by: HerkDerka ]
  11. Give us the update Rotor! HD
  12. He certainly seems to have a mild fixation on degenerative homosexuality. I do however wish that he was stop hiding his emotions and tell us how he really feels. Priceless. This clip will make it Air Force Wide in 5...4...3... Best...Noise Complaint...Ever! HD
  13. Come on now, pcoandgo. There are people in this world who have only their word and their balls. HD
  14. I would agree that SELO and exec are shit jobs. But at least as a scheduler you write your own ticket on flying. Of course, that is assuming you can get out of the office. It depends on how much work your additional duty involves. But generally you'll either work your additional duty, work on ground training/mobility items, mission plan, or study. HD [ 11. December 2006, 20:45: Message edited by: HerkDerka ]
  15. HD [ 10. December 2006, 03:34: Message edited by: Toro ]
  16. Rotor, here's a few with my compliments. I'm sure M2 and me can dig all of the media you need. HD [ 10. December 2006, 13:05: Message edited by: Toro ]
  17. Weak. HD
  18. Classic. HD
  19. Because you have SA. All they have to do is teach how to fly the plane. HD
  20. Next time, try wearing cargo pants and a knit shirt. Five buck says no one messes with you if you look like a contractor. HD
  21. Fact: Most cadets get "FAM" rides. Sandbagging. Fact: Most cadets generally refer to them as "incentive rides" even though it is incorrect. This term (from the ROTC standpoint) just means a cadet riding in an AF plane. I have never heard any cadet refer to riding in an AF plane by any other term. What kind of sortie it is doesn't matter, you don't have any control over it. Fact: Cadets will pretty much only see "incentive rides" in a white jet. The only instance I can think of is JETO in FT. Fact: MAF and CAF assets have strict flying hour programs that are used to train their pilots in their wartime taskings. Not to mention it costs millions per hour to operate these aircraft in terms of fuel, mx, training loads, etc. There is no room built in for sorties just for cadets. If you ride in a plane that doesn't say VN, EN, CB, or XL on the tail, then the sortie is almost guaranteed to have training in progress. In this instance, you are on a FAM ride.....you are along for the ride. The pilot might let you fly for a couple minutes at the end of the flight if training is complete and you have the gas, but the sortie's purpose was not to let you fly the plane. Question: Do we need to argue semantics? FAM, incentive, orientation. If you are a cadet and you get to ride in an AF plane, it doesn't really matter what the ride is called does it? HD [ 05. December 2006, 00:43: Message edited by: HerkDerka ]
  22. Vector, it's just German...frau. HD
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