Cat E program has its benefits. You can become a Cat E by contacting AFRC. The good deal about it is there is no commitment, i.e., no drill requirements, no UTA's, no 15 day etc. And you can get as many orders as you can handle, for both pay, and points. The only time it is for points only is if you attend a training event and you are not on orders. It is great for a bum, I wish I would have done it years ago. You are pretty much a free agent, and you are still in, etc CAC card, and all. It is called PIRR, participating inactive ready reserve, and it is a good deal if you dont want to punch and still like to do duty every now and then, and do not want the commitment of UTA's etc...
For an airline guy it has its perks... And for an Enlisted Aircrew it does too, you can work staff jobs on orders, no supervisor approval etc... However, the AD unit will be your supervising agent, for OPR, EPR once they cut orders for you, but you still belong to AFRC. You do loose your flight pay unless you have met your gates, I believe. It is a good deal like I said, and alot of guys down it because some say it is for points only, which is not true. If you are on orders you get paid just like everyone else does, and it also adds to your retirement. PM me for more info... Yes you can volunteer for as much orders as you want too. I know Cat E's that have been on AD for years. I think it is one of those best kept secrets, and it is unfunded so no chance of being cut...