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Everything posted by Surf70

  1. Rumor is that Cruise was just supposed to do a cameo in the new film. Now he is in the lead, said he would not do it unless he had the lead part...lol So they had to rewrite the script... Kelly McGillis is also in it, she does not look like she used to. Also Cruise said he would not film the next Mission Impossible until Top Gun 2 was done... https://www.movienewz.com/top-gun-2/
  2. Do they have a two seat version of the F-35? Cruise said in another article "I cannot wait to be in those Jets!" "I want to be in those Jets!"...lol... I was thinking FA-18's since the F-14 is at DM... Mathew McConnehey is also in this one...Rumor...
  3. Top Gun 2 in the works. Rumor is he will return as a Instructor at Miramar and also Iceman will be a Skipper on a boat somewhere in the Pacific. https://www.accesshollywood.com/tom-cruise-talks-top-gun-2-and-mission-impossible-5_article_66057 untitled.bmp
  4. Extends until December 31, 2018, the authority to convene selection boards to consider the discharge of regular officers below the grade of lieutenant colonel or commander who have served on active duty for at least 1 year in their current grade, are not on a promotion list, and are not eligible for retirement
  5. Some years ago at the Deid I happened to be hanging out with some of my Brit friends and some how ended up in one of their squadron leader "talks". He started out by saying he had some "bad" news, and then some really "bad" news he had to share. He started off by saying that they (the brits) lost a Nimrod over afghanistan and there were no survivors. A humble silence fell over the group as he read the names of the crew members lost. He asked for a moment of silence (something we don't do anymore, thanks to the liberals), for the members and their families. After the moment of silence he went on with the rest of the bad news. "And for the other bad news, the bar has been closed pending the agreement with the yanks after their change of command"... A huge uproar erruppted, with "Those Bastards", and "Piss off you beeb, beeb and beeb"... I felt sorry for their squadron leader, but I figured he knew what he was getting into before he called the meeting. This went on for at least thirty minutes, of name calling and "when will it be decided, "F them we will go home" ect... Where folks is our moral fiber? What has happened to us? Where is the balance? I have always liked the Brits, and the Aussies for that matter. They understand people better than we do, and "get it"... We used to be just like them. What happened? Loosen the noose around people's necks, and the suicide rates will drop. Common sense here folks... What happened to it?
  6. Their version of Nomex for the swabbies...
  7. Yep this was filmed almost 3 years ago. MGM had some money problems, filled bankruptcy, and a Chinese firm bought them out. Since then the producers were forced to digitally remove the Chinese invaders and change them to North Korean instead. What a wash... Release date is Nov 24 2012 though... Chris Hemmingway (Jed), Scarlett Johanson and many others in the film...
  8. Yep this is what it will look like with Iran... Our Navy guys will have their hands full to say the least...
  9. They need to ask those guys to do a Heritage type flight at Airshows this year. Now that would be cool...
  10. I miss the OK city guys with their Herks... Now Nashville is gone, who is next?
  11. Cat E program has its benefits. You can become a Cat E by contacting AFRC. The good deal about it is there is no commitment, i.e., no drill requirements, no UTA's, no 15 day etc. And you can get as many orders as you can handle, for both pay, and points. The only time it is for points only is if you attend a training event and you are not on orders. It is great for a bum, I wish I would have done it years ago. You are pretty much a free agent, and you are still in, etc CAC card, and all. It is called PIRR, participating inactive ready reserve, and it is a good deal if you dont want to punch and still like to do duty every now and then, and do not want the commitment of UTA's etc... For an airline guy it has its perks... And for an Enlisted Aircrew it does too, you can work staff jobs on orders, no supervisor approval etc... However, the AD unit will be your supervising agent, for OPR, EPR once they cut orders for you, but you still belong to AFRC. You do loose your flight pay unless you have met your gates, I believe. It is a good deal like I said, and alot of guys down it because some say it is for points only, which is not true. If you are on orders you get paid just like everyone else does, and it also adds to your retirement. PM me for more info... Yes you can volunteer for as much orders as you want too. I know Cat E's that have been on AD for years. I think it is one of those best kept secrets, and it is unfunded so no chance of being cut...
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