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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. https://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20131112/NEWS06/311120020/Witnesses-Woman-punched-Air-Force-officer-repeatedly-after-he-groped-her Oh this story gets even stranger (cliff notes version below): "The alleged victim, a 23-year-old Treasury Department employee, testified that Krusinski firmly grabbed her buttocks and said, “Did you like it?”.............The employee, who is transsexual, said Krusinski grabbed her buttocks with both hands, acknowledged that they were both male and said, “It’s OK. You can come home with me.”
  2. I personally don't have a problem with this. If you read the article they are actually targeting the demographic (first-term Airmen) where the highest likelihood of this behavior is taking place.
  3. https://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20131027/NEWS05/310270007/Lawmaker-sustains-6-month-hold-3-star-s-nomination Scary that this may just be the norm in the future. After the Wilkerson debacle and now this it may be increasingly unlikely that any Convening Authority will stick their neck out when reasonable doubt exists...
  4. Thanks for quoting the entire text.....
  5. https://us.cnn.com/2013/10/17/us/air-marshal-upskirt-photos/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 Definitely WTF...
  6. I thought you were talking about BQZip's mom for a second there...
  7. I need some new wall art for my son's room. This might be just what I'm lookin for!
  8. Something along the lines of "Flowaaa", "Wanna go?" and PILSUNG!
  9. Flame away gents: https://uncamouflaged.blogspot.com/
  10. "...many Marines with idle time could have been assigned to guard duty. Instead, some of them took online college classes and others worked out in the gym twice a day." Priorities
  11. Jesus Tapdancing Christ...
  12. Just about nailed it wrt the entire speech tonight.
  13. Read my mind...
  14. I'm sure his wife would be down with that!
  15. Pics of crash site here: https://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/22698685/2013/06/26/police-fighter-jet-crashed-near-luke-air-force-base Glad it appears both are OK Added: Pics of ACES II https://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_west_valley/litchfield_park/FD-Fighter-jet-crashes-near-Luke-Air-Force-Base
  16. Amen Brother...well said.
  17. Bobby

    Gun Talk

    Well that can be said about most of my Saturday night activities in college...
  18. This is complete BS....
  19. And this line of thinking is exactly why things never seem to change...
  20. 2. Same. This is what I did and it is definitely the way to go!
  21. How is one a "victim" until an act is substantiated? Sure seems like a prejudicial title that may sway opinions on a jury...
  22. I argue that he is more westernized than any of his predecessors. He spent the better part of his adolescence being educated in Switzerland. Doubtful that he could ignore the reality of the "outside world" while growing up in it.
  23. Rainman sighting...in Alabama
  24. Copy...PT Failure = DUI Really?
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