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  1. Damn summer intern... https://www.ntsb.gov/news/2013/130712.html
  2. Teen was in fact run over by fire truck. Unclear if alive or dead when it happened though... https://news.yahoo.com/police-teen-asiana-crash-hit-fire-truck-164953414.html
  3. https://www.ntsb.gov/aviationquery/ Flight 665 registration N651AA Flight 3407 registration N200WQ
  4. RIP friend.
  5. https://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4508 searched a phrase from the article and it was right there
  6. my post didn't convey the tone.... I meant whatever as in the no big deal sense *shrug* my bad The first coupla times I was just a surprised 2LT and just waived as an acknowledgement b/c that's what they had said you could do at OTS. But after a coupla times, I returned the salute and got used to it - so much that when i went to another base, I found myself running my fingers through my hair to cover for my hand rising up despite the civ gate guard not doing anything but handing my ID back to me. I'm cool
  7. At Sheppard, the civilian gate guards ALWAYS saluted. Saturday morning not in uniform? salutes all around. I had a couple act put out that I wasn't initially returning the salute in my civilian clothes and baseball cap. Whatever, here's your salute back then...
  8. YC

    Booze Talk

    My favorite bourbon: 1792 Ridgemont Reserve (Might have to go elsewhere to get it b/c I've noticed class 6's not carrying it anymore. Or you can have them order a case for a discounted price - I'm still working though my last order...) The others I enjoy: WL Weller Special Reserve, Eagle Rare, Gentleman jack, jack single barrel, Maker's Mark, and Old Grand-dad bonded. Some bourbon trivia: What's the difference between Jim Beam White, Jim Beam Black and Knob Creek? They're aged 4, 8 and 9 years respectively. Otherwise it's the exact same stuff.
  9. All I was getting at was that he didn't get to try out the existing BAK-15 because of the policy for solo takeoffs - which may be perfectly legitamate and in no need of change. Say the scheduler had put a dual crew in that same jet instead and now they would've taken the BAK-15 - because of normal ops. I wondered why they didn't have them on both runways when I was there so I'm all for it.
  10. Since he was a solo stud, he had to takeoff on 15R compared to if it had been a dual crew, they more than likely would have taken off on 15C which has the BAK-15.
  11. Didn't say. Solo stud did a high speed abort and he caught the MA-1A. Stopped in the grass and had a main gear collapse. He egressed without injury
  12. AETC Hot Topics (CAC req'd) Summary is in the doc dated 25 Feb
  13. So I was watching the A340 RTO fire video from our video Thread and I started thinking about how I've got this answer memorized: "In the T-37, maximum temperatures will occur in the wheel/brake assembly 5-15 minutes after maximum braking is applied." But I don't know WHY max temps occur 5-15 minutes AFTER. That makes it sound like the brakes continue to heat up after you take away the friction and that doesn't make sense to me. Anyone got the answer? [ 11. December 2006, 05:32: Message edited by: Toro ]
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