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Everything posted by brickhistory

  1. Atlantic publishes "anonymously sourced" article last night. On the record sources, including infamous John Bolton, say it's false. Well-produced and scripted Democrat attack ads released using the story today, within 8 hours of the release. Same for the anti-Trump veterans letters being distributed citing the piece as evidence. Same outlet, among others, was 24/7 "Russia, Russia, Russia." Color me squint-eyed and a little cynical about another type of collusion. Not to mention, nary a word anywhere about a FOIA lawsuit filed this week against Secret Service for admittedly destroying records regarding Biden feeling up the wife of an agent at a photo op. Agent had to be physically restrained from decking "Fingers." Nothing to see here. Move along...
  2. I, too, would be interested in your reasoning. Seriously. Not because you will get me to change my mind on who I'm voting for, but what you know/believe that Biden has accomplished. If your reasoning is "Orange Man bad" and you'd vote for anybody/anything else, I, too, can respect that. I would've voted for the more stupid of my two dogs before I'd have voted for Hillary in 2016. This has become a sporting/ego event where "we must prevail" over you. ("We" can be the left or "we" can be the right. "You" can be the left or "you" can be the right) Both political parties have given up any policy positions or differences of opinions. It's just brute force now. Both parties are spending imaginary money that would make the Weimar Republic proud of the quantities. All fun and games until the marker gets called in. So, again, I ask, whether your agree with the actions of either candidate or not, what has Biden actually done in 47 years in politics compared to Trump in 3?
  3. Thanks to all for the gouge. If others have suggestions (that are anatomically possible...) for other useful gear in the GA world, I'd be appreciative.
  4. Texas State Technical College @ Waco. Thanks for the advice re gear.
  5. Appreciate the words/advice.
  6. Sooo, this seems like the most suitable thread to ask: 1. Recommendations for size of iPad and whether to go with Foreflight or Garmin in the typical C-172/Piper/Beech? Haven't piloted anything for 30 years when it was all steam gauges and paper VFR charts. 1. Recommendations for headset? (I have my David Clark's from USAF flying but that will need an adaptor, yes? Or just unass the cash and get something new, but what?) Background: gonna use my GI bill to get my commerical/CFI. All this new-fangled fancy-dancy gee-whiz 'lectronics is gonna be brand new to me. Help?
  7. Sorry, I'm not really with you on this one. The Republicans have more than proved themselves to be, at best, Democrat-lite, and more often than not, as anti-Trump as the crazies. To wit, failing to support Trump after he won the nomination in 2016. They rejected the rank and file party's rejection of them. So I quit the GOP then. Failing to overturn Obamacare when they held both Houses of Congress and the White House. Thanks, McCain. Failing to oust Romney (Quisling is too kind a word for him) after he voted for one of the articles of impeachment. And these are just the highlights. There's literally hundreds more examples. Oh, and failing to bring forward national reciprocity when they had the chance. A pox on both parties.
  8. Stream of consciousness or lucky to be conscious. Helluva choice. One has been in Washington for 47 years. One has been there for 3. Which one has actually accomplished anything? As in done something, not talk about it.
  9. So you're the one who bought a copy. I always wondered who that was...
  10. I wouldn't know. We were always forbidden to look behind the curtain and gaze upon the great and powerful flightdeck people. I assumed it was an opening the Arc of the Covenant kind of a thing...
  11. Wow, MX? Really? Do I look like I work for a living? I was ops, baby. 961st @ RODN. As to the "old wives tale, (which is both sexist, ageist, and decidely privileged of you...20 lashes and some reparations oughtta do it...), I've not heard it about the E-3. I've heard it re the many flavors of RJ's with all their protruberances, but not the E-3. It's always someone else's jet that sucks, not your own... Story I heard was that back in the 1960s/1970s when E-3 was originally designed and fielded, everybody that flew it or in it had male genitalia because it was a "combat" aircraft and those with female genitalia weren't allowed in combat. This was a true statement for being a missileer as well (ask me how I know...). Fast forward, to the 1980s when women became a "thing," and it was politically untenable for Big Blue to put women in combat or on such coded airplanes. Viola, combat support it is for everyone! And since it wasn't a combat-coded jet, the thousands of parachutes that formerly were carried in the oh-so-comfortable hollowed out bolt-upright seats designed to put a back parachute in were deleted along with the life support for same. Big dollar savings for Big Blue as well. I'm not sure when the ashtrays were finally pulled. So if that's the case, why do E-3 and E-8 (also me at one time) have to go through survival training? If there's no way out voluntarily in an emergency, then the chances of surviving a non-8,000 ft gear down landing are slim at best. Seems like even more money could be saved, but I digress. Anyway, that's the story I was told by the old guys of my day. So since I'm a really old guy now, they may have been around when it happened. YMMV.
  12. Meanwhile in the Flynn soap opera, on Monday, the entire DC Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the panel's decision to, essentially, vacate the case and sent it back to the District Court judge with the last line of the ruling "for him to finish this espeditiously." (paraphrased). The Court did not want to set a precedent of if you didn't like a judge's ruling, you could seek to get another judge. Since Sullivan, the original District judge, hasn't ruled on dismissing the Flynn case after DOJ dropped prosecution, the Appeals Court is saying "let him rule before seeking appeal." But Sullivan's appointment of a separate counsel to defend why he, Sullivan, shouldn't proceed with sentencing makes him hardly impartial. That judge has set a 21 Sep date for the now three parties - Flynn, DOJ, and the judge's prosecutor - to come to an agreement about when to proceed. Which means any further action is even further down the road. Some have conjectured that the judge has been trying all along to delay this until, to him, a new Biden DOJ picks the prosecution back up. The times set do, IMO, seem to reinforce that belief especially given the Appeals Court's direction to "finish this."
  13. He certainly is passionate about it. While I disagree completely with his premise, he's putting on a reasonably good argument. Then ruins it with the condescending cheap shots. If the reader is going through the points and the data then gets hit (metaphorically, not literally for any SJWs thinking that words are violence) with numerous cheap shots on how to think or that they are less worthy for thinking differently, then most human reactions are going to be "F U." Don't get me wrong, I can go cheap shot and snarky with the best of them, but try to differentiate between a serious discussion that I care about, as in your example given, and the snark factor. Not always successfully, admittedly. As to your six foot advice and/or a mask, please ensure that you are completely retired and not still on terminal leave before you go completely freaky such that UCMJ wouldn't understand. 🙂 And congrats. Now back to our earnest, yet oh so wrong, follow the herd even though there are differences within the scientific let alone political communities, correspondent.
  14. Biden gave a speech yesterday in Pittsburgh. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/joe-biden-speech-pittsburgh-trump-violence-cities/ Here was the crowd (all journalists): Biden had some really weird sentences that literally made no sense. Could be he couldn't read the teleprompter. Could be the fact that he's 77. And he took no questions. From an audience of only journalists.
  15. It's the condescending posts that impress me the most. Just makes me realize that if I only agreed with my betters, I'd be "on the right side of history." Or something...
  16. 0 seats that go bang. Bail-out procedure is: Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door. Except you can only half-way stand up in the back. There's no hook-up, just remember to pull after exiting. The bail-out/main entry door is between flight deck and crew compartment. If the emergency happens quick, not many, if any get out. If it's somewhat controlled, then it's possible, but not a sure-thing. If they experience a cold cat, they try to escape via hatches over the two pilots and one in the back. Before 100,000 tons of steaming steel runs you over. As for the E-3, cost savings, baby! Think how much cash is saved by not having all those 'chutes (that the chairs were designed to hold and suck as regular seats) and all that extraneous life support shop.
  17. Even Hamilton says it's boring. Does that qualify (no pun intended) as "legit critique?"
  18. Didn't know until today that the riots occurring in proximity to BLM protests are being conducted by white supremists. I am told that by many sources in the media and by many representatives of one major political party. I am glad they are so informative.
  19. Two sides to every story and the truth somewhere in there as well. Yet, the manbun brigade didn't need to wait for the truth regarding the black guy shot to kick off the Kenosha games. So, only one side gets held to the truth standard?
  20. The kid shouldn't have been there. Neither should the rioters. Neither is in the right. However, the kid didn't start the fight or riots. The kid will undoubtedly face firearms charges, as well as the murder charges he currently has. The numerous videos available show him being chased, repeatedly. They show him being attacked after he tripped. Skateboarder guy was wailing away on him with the board and trying to take the weapon. That, too, is on video. The video prior to him tripping records shot(s) that aren't from the kid's rifle. The "hand's up" guy with the pistol then pointed it at the kid and tried to take the weapon. He is also on video at the hospital acknowledging that he "wished I'd emptied the whole magazine into him." Self-defense will most likely beat the murder charges, but the underage firearm thing and across state lines (if true) are gonna be a problem for him. I don't know him. But no 17 year old should have to deal with taking other lives, fearing for his own, and being stupid. The rioters knew better. But they largely haven't been held to account. I believe the masses are about tired of that. My comment, as dark as it was, related to the kid's ability to take out threats to him. I don't feel regret for that notice nor the term I'm using for the antifa rioters/anarchists. They aren't seeking "social justice" or a better America. They are seeking the end of America. I have no respect for that view nor those that hold it. Therefore, derision is one way I deal with it. I also noted that both sides are armed and it's not a game any more. But it's human nature to say "enough's enough." Two-way violence is only going to increase. I don't rejoice in that, but I certainly understand it. How many months have the good guys had to endure the destruction of cities and towns? Eventually, the good guys fight back.
  21. My regrets that the 17 yr old in Kenosha will have to deal with the aftermath, but from a getting it done aspect, he took out three skinnies, two permanently, while retreating/getting beaten. All three "peaceful protesters" have violent felony records. And at least one of them was armed. Both sides are playing that game now. Not a game anymore.
  22. Now Nancy Pelosi is saying that Biden shouldn't debate Trump. Wonder why?
  23. So "2' on all of the advice above from your post to now. That said, wife originally carried a S&W .38. She got an airweight for it's lightness but that made it a sumbitch to shoot and thus she wouldn't. After about 20 rounds, I too was done with it. At that time, I carried an XDS .45 and loved it. Small, thin, made a big hole in the target. However, we both switched to carrying a S&W Shield in 9mm for outside the home use. For her, it's a manageable recoil in a fairly light platform. For me, it's a case of if we both carry the same model, she can use mine and I can use hers (sts) should that necessity arise. Ability to swap magazines too. I put night sights on both. Inside the house, it's a scattering of other 9mm platforms in convenient places.
  24. A follow-up, but related questions for those on the opposite side of the view: Are you ok with the Clinton server/e-mail investigation complete with the 8-10 TS/SCI, SAP/STO e-mails? Are you ok with the use of federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to investigate an opponent for political reasons? Would you be ok if the party that used those agencies in such a manner? I would and am not. If one side does it and gets away with it - the deliberate and intentional use of federal resources, law enforcement techniques, and intelligence sources and methods - to investigate and/or hinder the policies of that oppostion, then any look at history will show that such will simply increase. If there are no consequences to misdeeds, then why not do it? As I wrote in a previous post, unmaskings of Americans, wildly overused by the Obama Administration, are at an industrial scale under the current one. It is that use of instruments of federal power against Americans, much more than the political back and forth, that interests me on this issue. One rule of law or not. If not, then you and I need to ensure we get to be on the winning side because it's gonna suck to be on the losing one. And elections won't matter then.
  25. Fox is the new NBC. Do try to keep up. So, for my edification, and others, what does it say? Is my boiled down version suitable for a thread post wrong? If so, how?
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