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Everything posted by Marjackson82

  1. People get clouded by their political views. Some of the same crap was said about Ted Kennedy.
  2. I'd still hit it, but she's too skinny.
  3. No matter what anyone says, T.R will always be "badass of the week"!
  4. How much time, if any, is added to your ASDC if you transfer to the ANG/AFRES but don't actually go to UPT? (Go through either the fixed-wing course or helo transition course). You wouldn't incur the 10-year commitment, right?
  5. Very interesting. Thanks!
  6. I was reading on Wikipedia that "In some aircraft models (mostly jets), the entire horizontal stabilizer rotates and functions as an elevator". Having flown nothing but C172s, I wasn't aware of that. So in larger aircraft there are no elevators per say, just the entire horizontal stabilizer acting as an elevator?
  7. What are those numbers forward of the horizontal stabilizer in the B-52 for?
  8. Would it make any sense to make an acquisitions officer tour (sort of how Marine pilots do a FAC tour)? That way you have the users making the decisions of what to purchase?
  9. What's the big deal about tucking in your shirt?
  10. How does being a helo pilot differ from other airframe lifestyles in the ANG/AFRES? Being a rescue unit, I assume you're on call?
  11. 1. How do you pronounce AFOQT? Do you say the letters individually or A-FOQT (or something else)? 2. Is there a fee to take the AFOQT? Having the option to go to a MEPS or an university, which is better? 3. Do I have to take the TBAS with the AFOQT?
  12. Good. It's about time we stop playing world police. That being said, I am not for the cut-back/elimination of several airframes in our inventory.
  13. Sounds like my typical college course. Professor mentions letting us go early and then some idiot(s) ask stupid questions that could easily be looked up on google.
  14. Not sure if many here are familiar with Google Books. Just typed in "AFOQT" and got a few free ebooks (including Barron's), It says limited preview but it appears that all of it is available.
  15. So no hopes of a B-1R?
  16. Yep. I frankly don't know too much about guns. But I just finished "Rough Riders" and it was apparently used in the Spanish-American War. They look pretty cool.
  17. Anyone own a Krag?
  18. Astonishing stories! Hiflyer, considering the level of details in your accounts, I assume you kept a journal, correct? Do you other guys keep journals or write stuff down as well? Must be cool to look back and read all the stuff you did.
  19. Nah, still in college. Of course it will look good in the future but that's not the main incentive.
  20. Not to say that people on this website don't contribute enough as it is by being in the military. But I've recently decided to get off my ass and start getting involved and it has proven to be incredibly rewarding. Helped out Forgotten Soldiers Outreach yesterday with putting together some "care packs" to be sent to Iraq and helped out Habitat for Humanity in the afternoon. Spent my Saturday working for free and it was great. Helped others in a small way, met people (great chick to guy ratio ) and learned some skills.
  21. Check out the other books by Palahniuk as well.
  22. 1. It has been posted here before. See the thread about the gay F-15 WSO. 2. The issue seems to be that: a) Officer-enlisted relationship. b) No consent from the enlisted guy. Even if the sargeant is denying it so he doesn't look bad. Shouldn't the officer know better than to attempt anything of this sort with a sargeant? I don't see how this has much to do with DADT. *For the record, I don't think people should be kicked out for being gay.
  23. Check your local library. Ours has multiple rows of audiobooks.
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