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Everything posted by Marjackson82

  1. Good suggestions. One of my professors suggested we read " Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" by Jimmy Carter. Is it worth it?
  2. Any suggestions? Edit: Wrong part of the forum.
  3. To what extent do you think China could help NK? Would Russia likely get involved?
  4. We have "Dueling Dragons" at Islands of Adventure (Universal-Orlando). Dueling Dragons is a pair of dueling roller coasters at Universal Studios' Islands of Adventure. The ride is the only dueling inverted roller coaster in the world. The ride is themed to two dragons, one side being Fire and the other Ice. It features a layout in which the two trains share adjacent lift hills, but then traverse two completely unique courses. The ride features three near misses between the two trains, which bring riders' feet within several inches of riders on the other train. The ride was constructed by Bolliger & Mabillard of Switzerland. The Fire Dragon reaches a top speed of 60 mph and the Ice Dragon reaches a top speed of 55 mph. At three points during the ride the Dueling Dragons coasters get within 12 inches of each other . Both dragons have a two minute and twenty-five second ride duration. Fire has 5 inversions, including two Immelmann's, a vertical loop, and two corkscrews. One Immelmann is special; it is a new type of loop. It's called Wrap-Round Immelmann.[1] Ice has 5 inversions, including a zero-g roll, cobra roll, vertical loop, and corkscrew.
  5. I hope I make it in before anything happens. (if it does)
  6. I wonder if Kim Jon Il is thinking the same about us. Edit: *Jong
  7. "The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else." ~Theodore Roosevelt
  8. Reading TRs autobio right now "The Rough Riders". Good stuff.
  9. Thanks for the replies. The biggest concern I had was that since I barely passed the written (72%), I was told that the oral was going to be a bitch. I thought about re-taking the written but was told that it'd be a waste of time. I do have both the PTS and Oral Exam Guide so I'll use that to prep.
  10. Yeah, I have it. I'll just go by that then.
  11. Anyone have any? I have the flight hour requirements down and passed the written (as in just passed). I can do the flying pretty well but the knowledge part sucks. I have the ASA Oral Exam Guide. Should I just rely on that?
  12. When I used to work at the local FBO, management would make us salute the pilots after we marshalled them off. They'd salute back. It was weird.
  13. I don't see how this is tough. Humans>dogs.
  14. What's the whole ''pointing with the elbow" deal about?
  15. Marjackson82


    I'll take the two above posts as being sarcastic. If not though, they are clearly talking about claiming your own child that was kidnapped as your dependant and not a child that is not yours and you kidnapped.
  16. I'm not saying it is exactly the same, but that'd be like Mexico trying to claim the Southwest back because it was theirs a while ago.
  17. Just a scenario I'm throwing out there. But if Israel were to attack Iran and we were to get involved, what do you guys think Russia's position in this would be?
  18. I have a buddy that's from Iran and he says many people over there love Americans. Sucks that the government has to ruin it for an entire populace. As for the crowd chanting "Death to America", I'm sure we can find our share of American crowds saying some crazy shit as well.
  19. Don't the CSAR units also assist the CG in CONUS?
  20. Nothing wrong with what he's attempting to do. Better than trying to start fights with everyone and having people hate us. I know it's not about pleasing everyone and letting them walk over our interests. But I don't mind trying the diplomatic way first before taking military action.
  21. Can't say that I enjoyed "Fate is the Hunter". The book was great and the movie did convey somewhat the idea of the book, but they could have chosen a better story from the book to talk about. "Island in the Sky" was much better.
  22. Anyone remember one about two barnstormers who sabotage each other in order to try to get the largest audience? I remember seeing it on tv a while ago but don't remember what it's called. Edit: One of the guys has a yellow bi-plane.
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