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Everything posted by Marjackson82

  1. Yep, thanks. For some reason I had kiowas in my mind.
  2. Whilst on the subject of aviation movies, I remember watching a movie about a kiowa pilot. Anyone know of anything like that?
  3. Not sure if it has been metioned, but The Sky Clowns by John Tomerlin was pretty good.
  4. Does anyone know if they used any non-actors in the film? (Such as the Captain/former A-10 pilot)
  5. So for you non-citizens, what are some good enlistment opportunities? Seems like most of the ones listed on here require citizenship.
  6. Where's Waldo?
  7. Anyone else watch "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas"? Pretty good movie.
  8. Definitely. You guys think when applying for Guard/AFRES if the subject would come up during an interview? Do you think being a dual citizen might be a disadvantage in the board's eyes?
  9. So even if you don't have to, per se, renounce your original citizenship, you do have to get rid of your passport? I understand sacrifices are made to become a military officer, but giving back my passport would mean I could no longer travel to my home country for the duration of my military service, wouldn't it? My situation is potentially worse. As a Brazilian/American citizen, AFAIK, native Brazilian citizens are not allowed to renounce their citizenships (only naturalized ones can). Therefore, I can't apply for a passport after giving mine back to get a TS (for obvious reasons) and I can't go to the Brazilian embassy and get a VISA for my American passport because they recognize me as a Brazilian. Brickhistory, I don't think your question has been answered yet. There is a reluctance because people develop an attachment to the place they have been born and grown up in. Having family in the original country and being part of the culture in your formative years only enforces that attachment. That being said, I do love the US and would defend it like any other American.
  10. You mean those are used in the real mil as well? Those were a real pain in the ass back in JROTC.
  11. My apologies in advance...
  12. I understand it's just an example but Brazil's carrier would not need STOVL. They are currently operating A-4s out of it.
  13. Went to Sports Authority and bought a Crosman C11. It had some pretty good reviews online and it provides some level of fun to shoot but I don't think anything less than a real gun will do. I thought it'd be more powerful.
  14. Any recommendations? I've been looking at both Daisy and Crosman products and was looking into the Crosman C11.
  15. I know this is a "real gun" thread but does anyone have any experience with co2 guns? I'm not in a position to buy a real gun yet and was wondering if they are any fun or just a waste of money.
  16. Being a permanent resident works too.
  17. Marjackson82


    It appears like every post with the happy face as the thread icon is spam.
  18. Isn't it true though that the college you are transferring to may let you drop a few courses that you've taken at your previous college?
  19. Check to see if your school has a forgiveness policy. At my school you can retake a course and if you get a higher grade it is as if you had never taken it the first time.
  20. Congratulations! Great to see your persistance throughout so many obstacles which eventually lead you to your citizenship. Very soon I too will have the honor of calling myself an American.
  21. Thanks for the response. While it doesn't really tell me what it means at least I know somewhat the symbolic meaning of it and where it comes from.
  22. No really, what does it mean?
  23. Very tragic. May he RIP.
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