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Everything posted by afcowboy

  1. I'm finishing up at the school house this week at The Rock. Looks like I will finish a few days before my projected grad date. I will be staying here at one of the squadrons. Can anyone tell me what squadron indoc is like for a guy going to fly H3s?
  2. Corpus Christi 08-51 Drop 5 Mar 09 AC-130H Cannon C-130 Yokota C-130J LR X 2 C-130 LR C-130 Pope UAS Creech Overall, kind of a disappointing drop. Nobody got anything in their top 3, but everyone was ok....except for the guy that got the predator...we're going drinking!!
  3. Corpus Christi 12 Feb 09 Class 08-48 Only 4 dudes MC-130H Hurlburt C-130H Cheyenne C-130H Little Rock MQ-1 Pred Creech
  4. Corpus Christi Drop on 30 Oct 08 MC-130P Eglin NSA Cannon C-130 Yokota C-130H3 Cheyenne EC-130 DM UAV Creech
  5. They are going to start taking guys from Corpus for UAVs. They (AFPC and the UAV road show) told us that starting in 2009, they will take about 1 guy per class.
  6. ENJJPT 08-06 B-52 X 2 B-1 F-16 X 2 (Both Guard) F-15E X 2 A-10 X 2 U-28 X 6 NSA X 3 F-22 X 2
  7. ENJJPT 08-05 F-15E A-10 X 4 F-16 X 2 B-1 X 2 B-52 T-38 T-6 U-28 X 4 NSA X 2
  8. The student was Alec Littler. A great guy who everybody seemed to know. He will not be forgotten. https://www.timesrecordnews.com/news/2008/may/02/victims/
  9. ENJJPT 08-04 T-6 X 1 B-2 X 1 F-15E X 2 F-16 X 5 A-10 X 2 U-28 X 3 NSA X 2 Tornado X 3 (for zee Germans) It was a good drop and an awesome night. These guys stood in front of the "Box of Destiny". The dudes had confetti thrown in their face if they got their first choice or they got punched in the face if they didn't. It was hilarious.
  10. ENJJPT 08-02 drop F-16 X 8 (1 Guard?) F-15C X 2 F-15E X 2 B-52 X 2 B-1 T-38
  11. The tweets at Sheppard are now averaging around 20,000 hours. Flew one with 21,000+ before. It's a great airplane for training, no doubt. The topic of personal ejection minimums is something that is briefed everytime you fly the tweet. Most people agree upon 150 knots OR 500 feet. As long as you have one those, you can pull the handles. Yes, the emergency minimums are lower as well as the -1 parameters for final turn and final, but most people would rather put the airplane on the ground (as long as the airplane isn't breaking up). From what I have heard about this incident I am glad they had the better seats.
  12. ENJJPT 08-01 drop F-16 X 7 F-15C X 2 F-15E X 2 A-10 B-52 T-38 T-37/T-6
  13. Nothing. I was suprised to find that several people in my UPT class didn't drink. It doesn't make a difference...
  14. ENJJPT 07-08 drop F-16 - 6 (1 guard?) A-10 - 1 (guard) B-52 - 1 T-37 - 1 T-38 - 1
  15. Where are getting your kegs from? Is there a place in Pueblo? I'll be there in about 2 weeks and that might be some good info. Have you been taking trips on the weekends? Is there anything worth seeing if you do take a weekend trip?
  16. I was at Brooks last August for an FC1. There were two 2Lts that picked us up and dropped us off at billeting (their casual assignment). They don't do bed checks or anything like that, but if you have some 'problems' you may have to stay later during the days than others and they might even keep you an extra day.
  17. afcowboy

    Any Skydivers?

    Yeah, I was in Houston most of the summer working at NASA. Good times. Did we meet?
  18. afcowboy

    Any Skydivers?

    I started jumping this year and currently have 28 jumps (A License). I got to see the Skyfest boogie in Houston...it was awesome! I'm going to stop for a while though while I go through UPT and follow on training. My guess is that I won't get to jump again until I retire or something like that.
  19. I'm currently in my 5th year (yes, 5th year) of AFROTC due to my technical degree. I'll try to answer all of your questions in the order you asked....these are my opinions of course... Due to the current down-sizing of the Air Force, it is extremely damaging to be caught drinking while underage, or for any alcohal related incident. Only a very small percentage of cadets stay in ROTC after an incident like this. The cadre (officers in charge of the program) must really want to fight to keep you in the program in order for you to survive. That being said, if you have something like this on your record before you enter the program, I have found that ROTC is willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, even when applying for scholarships.....just don't screw up again. I came in with a 4 year scholarship in Fall 2002. At that time, they were allowing you to try the program for one year without consequence...meaning that if you dropped ROTC, you only had to pay back the AF for the money they spent on your tuition and fees. After the first year of being on scholarship, the AF is allowed to involuntarily enlist you into the AF if you drop ROTC. I have only seen 2 cadets enlisted into the AF on these terms. The others have had to pay back the money. The further you get in ROTC, the more risk of being enlisted you have...both of the cadets were Seniors who decided to drop. These scholarships are competitive. The best way to earn one is to pursue a technical degree which the AF is always looking for. About 50% of AFROTC scholarships are given to technical degrees like engineering and physics. 25% are given to cadets that pursue degrees that are considered to be a critical need for the AF, like meteorology or electrical engineering. The other 25% is non-technical degrees. So, take your chances. You need to keep your grades up, keep being involved in sports and start thinking of people to write reccommendations for you. Every university is different in their scheduling of ROTC courses, but generally, mine haven't run past 1800. You have academic courses and then leadership lab. Plus you are required to attend PT sessions and a few other things which might take place on Saturdays...like military balls or dining outs. Your academic courses cover a lot...from Air Force history to National Security issues and Leadership. ROTC is generally relaxed except when you are preparing for Field Training. Depending on which detachment you go to, this might be a year or only one semester of your training. Field Training is either a 4 week or a 6 week training camp between your sophomore and junior year. Not everyone wants to be a pilot, but yes initially, most cadets think it's what they want to do. Then they realize it's much harder than they first thought and revert to something else. However, it might seem like that to an outsider...that everyone wants to fly. You can visit the det of which ever university you are thinking of attending...they are generally very accomodating to potential cadets. They will be able to tell you what you need to do. Speak to the Unit Admissions Officer (UAO) No, you don't have to pay for your uniforms until you commission as a 2nd Lt. Treat them well though because you are responsible for any damage....and they are gov property. You can PM me if you want more info....or just ask on the thread and I'll check up on it.
  20. The video on youtube...
  21. Watched a video recently where one of the Thunderbirds pulled 9.4 g's during an orientation flight. Do Vipers pull more than 9 g's on a normal basis? Or was he just showing off?
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