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Posts posted by BADFNZ

  1. 7 hours ago, di1630 said:

    Apologies for the confusion. We actually just celebrated the fact we were able to afford strippers on LT pay. That was a big accomplishment however this was years before Facebook. These days I'd just make post congratulating myself and if I got over 100 likes, I'd throw myself a small party and wallow in my accomplishment.

    C'mon people....congratulating yourself on Facebook for getting something, 99+% of eligible people received....all in hopes any non-military educated family/friends think it's a big deal.....Gay.

    Well I know who won't be getting an invite to my "3 weeks without a sexual assault" party.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Shoe thread bump:


    A coworker and I got in an argument today. I say that black, or white socks are authorized with a flight suit, due to:


    8.8. Socks. Socks should be made of cotton or wool. White, black, desert tan/sand, or sage green socks may be worn with either the FDU or DFDU. For wear and description see applicable paragraphs, and


    He argues sage green only (assuming green bag), due to:

  Socks (black). Socks will be plain without design, clean, and serviceable. Black socks will be worn with low quarters, dress boots and black jungle/combat boots. Plain white socks may be worn under the black socks as long as the white socks are not visible. Socks (sage green). Sage green socks will be worn with the sage green or tan boots. Plain white socks may be worn under the sage green socks as long as the white socks are not visible. Socks (white). White socks are worn with athletic shoes and may have small logos.


    Thoughts...preferably with precedence and/or proof?

    I hate that I am even wasting 6-9 seconds to answer this, but 8.8 seems to describe what socks can be worn in general, whereas 6.4.1 describes in detail what socks go with what boots/shoes.  8.8 even states "For wear and description see applicable paragraphs 6.4.1...", so I'd say the correct answer is green for bags.

    Seppuku time.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I can't speak for everyone, but I know a sure fire way to get me to at least consider the bonus: Get rid of 365 deployments. I can deal with the queep, the SARC classes, the Freedom of Religion CBTs, and whatever other shit you can throw at me to try to get me to feel less like a pilot, but what I can't deal with is the potential kick in the junk of being away from my family for a year. You want to keep talent in the AF? Stop sending them to Bumfuckistan for a year to train pilots who couldn't care less whether they were flying planes or herding goats. There's no amount of cash on this planet that would get me to take that.

    • Upvote 6
  4. Anyone know if this guy was a Col just a couple years ago? Flew with a Col Hassan several times in the T-6. He was a former Mig-21 driver from the first Gulf War who was on his way to Vipers. I would hope he would be through the school house by now but I know how it goes with these guys.

  5. Thanks guys!

    Not sure if you're in LR, but if you are, there's a dude up near Cabot that does them for less than $100 IIRC. He's a DPE that does Mil-Comp stuff on the side. You drive to his house, he does about 30 min worth of work, write him a check, and you have your paper CFI. Definitely less ass pain than going to a FSDO. I don't remember his name but I found it on this forum.

  6. Question for the baseops masses since its currently getting passed up AFPC as we speak:

    I'm an 11U going through C-130J training and I will finish sometime in August-September time frame. 11Us in my year group don't qualify for the RIF but the 11Ms do. The latest PDSM makes me believe that the date that the AF determined who qualifies for the FY15 RIF happened in May so I wouldn't qualify for this round. With the current information that AFPC has put out is that a good assumption?

    You won't be an 11M until you PCS to your follow-on assignment. You should be safe.

  7. CZ showed up to the Captain-led roof stomp at the General's house when I was at SOS. As he approached on the porch, I said "Captains only" (to his bewilderment), pointed him in the direction of the empty beer cooler and aimed for the nearest exit.


  8. The best is when HE personally talks about toxic leadership. Apparently the FLT/CCs all take over/unders on how many times he uses the wing/sq/cc line per class.

    Me and my buddies would set an over/under time on how long it would take him to mention being a Wing/CC. It usually sat somewhere between 3-5 minutes and the under hit more often than not.

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