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Everything posted by BADFNZ

  1. What's the flavor of the month for electronic logbooks? All I have is a paper logbook that at some point I need to copy over to an electronic version. That will be fun.
  2. If the hot topic in the "What is right with the AF" thread is the GTC and DTS, we are proper fucked.
  3. Deny, deny, counter-accuse, deny. This works in any situation whether it be your ROTC CC asking about booze in your room, or your wife asking why you have glitter on your face and smell like vanilla.
  4. I'll be salty about whatever I damn well please.
  5. Nice effort, cheesy execution. Excellent job, good overall.
  6. Full rate per diem.
  7. I don't care who's razor it is, just give it to me so I can slit my wrists and be done with this.
  8. Anything new on this? I'm sure Big Blue would love for the pitchfork crowd to let this fade from their memory.
  9. If a Q3-led in-house requal leads to an ADSC, this will put a huge pressure on pilots, CCs, and evaluators alike. Can you imagine being the evaluator with your hands tied, knowing your decision could potentially affect a pilot's life for years and cost him millions of dollars? I've seen Big Blue do some stupid shit, but this is next level.
  10. I have about 2 hours of C-47 time logged at cruise (in other words, my expertise is zero), but of the 100+ C-47/DC-3 takeoffs I've seen, I've never seen a takeoff from a 3-point stance. It actually goes to a 2-point fairly early
  11. The thing that I constantly hear about Fed Ex/UPS is the schedule being heavy on night lines and it takes a toll on your body/life. For you cargo dudes, what percentage of lines are overnight?
  12. "Hey baby, I could really go for a BJ right now." "Sure thing sweetie. But if I give you a BJ, you have to wash the dishes for the next 10 years." "No thanks." "You're always ranting about wanting a BJ but then you complain when I try to give you a BJ!"
  13. Why the ADSC to 20 years? Big Blue has such a hard on for keeping guys to retirement. How about you open this up and make it a normal 3 year ADSC like most training/career type moves? What if guys want to try this out but don't want to be grasped by the balls for another 6-9 years? If you make it a 3 year ADSC, you may get some takers to stick their toe in the water to see how it feels. If they like it, they may stay to 20 on their own. If they don't, hey at least you got an experienced dude to fly the line for an extra 3 years. I imagine you'll have as many takers for this as you do the return to AD. It was a good idea on paper, but of course the AF has to come in and fuck it up.
  14. WTF is the difference between the OCP and the A2CU?
  15. Interesting. I heard the -130 functional PCS'd to Italy as well.
  16. You mean dudette, right?
  17. I have no problem adding new requirements...as long as some go away. If they don't, then leadership has to know that crews will go NMR and it's just a cost of doing business. If you have a good DO/CC, they won't be afraid to show red on the slides and hopefully senior leadership has their back and can echo up the chain that these new requirements will have ripple down effects in readiness.
  18. Throw in a TAMI22 and you about hit the nail on the head.
  19. It's not like people have kids in school, right? Why PCS during the summer when you can do it in the middle of the school year?
  20. Putting two and two together here...was the OG/CC responsible for this the same WG/CC that just got shit-canned at Dyess?
  21. Just be sure you have the funds to pay it off at the end of the month because you know it'll take at least 60-90 days for your voucher to pay out.
  22. Just to make sure I'm reading this right... People are actually volunteering for a 365 to AFG?
  23. I heard the recently canned 317 AW/CC made crews create a quad chart for any non-TACC off-station mission to brief to him?
  24. I would need to see said video before making any further judgement. But if this was an honest question, yes. As a CC, if I found out one of my O's made a sex tape with a couple of E's, my punishment of that individual would be the same whether I was the only one to see the video or if it was posted on the Google home page. I'm not saying leaders think this way today, but like I said, the audience should have no bearing on the punishment.
  25. It's idiotic, over-the-top thinking like this that leads to someone getting fired for making a video for their kids. The audience it reaches should have ZERO bearing on the punishment.
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