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Everything posted by Vetter

  1. Spot on.
  2. All of this firing is so…heart warming.
  3. Have they named the hero crew yet? I mean, they saved 80 people.
  4. You underestimate how many people don’t give a shit what you have to think and say…
  5. The only normalized deviance would be the helo flying high. That would be the case if it was a trend item in the unit that wasn’t properly addressed. You need deviance to have normalized deviance.
  6. Maybe it’s a bad technique.
  7. See and Avoid Pilot. When meteorological conditions permit, regardless of type of flight plan or whether or not under control of a radar facility, the pilot is responsible to see and avoid other traffic, terrain, or obstacle. I guess the pilot is never absolved of see and avoid unless popeye. But I would say that avoiding hitting the earth would be a higher priority than avoiding an aircraft that shouldn’t be there. But you raise a good point. That’s why a lot of us shy away from anything visual in Part 121, esp at night.
  8. When you’re at 300’ on an approach, your visual scan is the runway in front of you. There was not a breakdown in visual scan for the RJ.
  9. Anywhere else, I would agree with you. But it was common in DC, especially among RJs. It’s a noted procedure in the company pages (at least in ours)and it’s really a non-event even at night…unless there’s a helicopter there that hits you.
  10. Absolutely not. LTD pays until the statutorily mandated retirement age if they push this shit on us. Of course, most airline pilots don’t realize the benefits of a good LTD program until they are on it. And when it’s your time, it’s your time.
  11. You may want to research a little more about what happens after a mishap with the FAA, NTSB, and your company. All that shit you mentioned will be subpoenaed and if you or anyone else destroys it, expect action from the FAA and probably the DOJ. You expectation of privacy after an accident is pretty minimal.
  12. Something just really rubs me the wrong way about the scrubbing of the social media posts. If I was involved in an accident, you can be damn sure that the investigators will scour my personal life leading up to that accident. All text messages, phone calls, etc would be looked at. If I scrubbed them after it happened, that would raise the eyebrows of the investigators…possibly to point of obstructing an investigation, destruction of evidence, and obstruction of justice. Maybe there was nothing there. Maybe the investigators have full access. But it doesn’t look right to me.
  13. There is plenty of talk about the other guy. If he was the instructor/evaluator, he’s responsible. Period. If he wasn’t the instructor/evaluator, he still has some responsibility because he is part of the crew. 67 people were killed. Just because you are heartbroken because your child was killed doesn’t not give you the right to stifle information flow. Withholding the identity just raises more questions. There are lots of valid questions being asked.
  14. Get paid the same for an ILS as we do for a visual. If ATC can’t figure out spacing, they can give me penalty vectors and I’ll make even more money since we’re paid by the minute. I’ve been called a few times by the FOQA gatekeepers over the past 10 years. Each time was for a discrepancy on a visual approach flown by an “old school” Captain. *content subject to approval by a moderator since someone got butthurt with my previous posts.
  15. Why are they withholding the Blackhawk pilot’s name?
  16. These blanket pardons should turn the stomach of every citizen. Absolutely disgusting.
  17. A FAIP as SECAF. Dear God…
  18. This bitch is going to end up in prison. Some good stuff about to drop on how he gets “paid”. F him.
  19. The homomafia is alive and well in the Federal Government. He’ll do well.
  20. It’s sad to see the utter downfall of an individual.
  21. I wonder if he mentions this in his stupid book.
  22. Adam’s Grindr photos have been leaked. It all makes sense now. That poor woman…if she’s not in on it.
  23. Pure. Delusion. i hope you aren’t in charge of any people or weapon systems. Please be sarcasm.
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