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Everything posted by Vetter

  1. Ah, I might just have the info you are looking for... Places to live - Condos at Williams Centre is pretty good. I live here now and it's literally a 5 min drive from base. I can walk to Cactus Moon (one of the best bars in Tucson). The bar scene in Tucson is pretty spread out...you've got 4th where all the sorority bitches/hippies hang out, the Cow Pony if you like the dive bar scene, and there a few club up north (in the Scottsdale of Tuscon area). All these places, except for North, is within taxi distance of Condos at Williams Centre. I have a buddy looking for a roommate closer to 4th Ave and the college if you are single...hell he might let a wife live there if she puts out. Any other questions?
  2. This quote should piss off every single operator on this board. I've been flying for almost 5 years and I have never, ever seen this "culture of complacency". If there is a culture of complacency, it exists among the REMF, who I have to back up everytime they mess up a travel voucher, "forget" to submit paperwork so I can get my orders, or come up with some other bullshit ancillary training program I have to take. Which leads me to the real "culture" that the Air Force is exhibiting... A caveat here, I was a FAIP and I just entered ACC. Nonetheless, I have never in my life seen more overworked professionals in my life. Even in AETC, I have almost 70 days of leave built up and I am one of the ones the with least amount. 12 hour days are the norm. Why is this? It's because we have to deal with all the other extraneous bullshit that takes away from our main duty, which is to "Fly, Fight, and Win". So, if anything, the people in the Air Force who put their pink fleshies out on the line everyday (the operators, not the 9-5 REMFs) suffer from anything but a "culture of complacency"...it's more of a "culture of being worn out flying worn out equipment". So fuck you for saying that my buddies and I are enthralled in your "culture of complacency". All the problems will be fixed when we get our priorities straight...
  3. Vetter

    Bar Rules

    This is a perfect opportunity to take a jet cross country to "procure" a set of rules. Sell it to the DO that way...he may approve it. I recommend Nellis...
  4. The M-1A Abrams Tank is also a "Jet".
  5. https://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0315lukepilot-ON.html 2LT David J Mitchell Here's a toast...
  6. I got my TMO briefings a few weeks ago and every single person in the office (all government civilian types from Columbus, MS) had a different comprehension of the regs. They have no clue what's going on and I walked out of there with a headache. So I'm going to wiegh my truck and trailer seperately. When I get to DM, I am going to use my truck only as my empty weight and my truck/trailer combo as the loaded. If they balk, then I'll submit a copy of the trailer weight. From what I hear, a lot of it depends on the destination TMO office.
  7. Now here's a question...can I use the the cost of a 6x12' trailer I bought to move my stuff as an expense associated with the move so I can get less taxes taken out at the end?
  8. This is from the AF Move site found here: A member who uses a personally owned utility trailer for an authorized personally procured move may include the weight of the utility trailer in the total weight. The utility trailer weight applies one time only if the trailer is used as the means of conveyance. Such a trailer includes any authorized trailer (other than a camper trailer travel trailer, or horse trailer) that a commercial carrier could legally accept and transport as household goods. The member or member’s dependent must own the trailer prior to the effective date of the PCS or TDY order. It says the weight may be added the first time the move was made with the trailer. It doesn't say anything about not allowing an enclosed trailer. Still looking for the regs on it. I'm going to TMO next weeks, so I'll get the gouge from them.
  9. How does one go about getting selected for AIS?
  10. I'm probably way off base here and I may stupid...but just trying to think outside the box... Why not dual qual dudes in an aircraft and a UAV? With how things are these days, it seems that all the shooters are becoming synergistic. Why not add UAV detachments to fighter squadrons, AC-130 squadrons and the new COIN squadrons? I think the tactics of each could be merged and I think if I were a pilot getting shot at relying on intel from a UAV, I'd get a warm fuzzy knowing my current, qualified bro back at base is in control of the UAV providing top cover. Realize, I am ignorant of how things work in a fighter squadron...is having a guy dual qualified unrealistic?
  11. Not really a MOA, but same concept: That was on a VR route that was clearly depicted on a VFR Sectional. VFR traffic scooting right through the VR route at 600'. Legal? Absolutely! Smart? Absolutely not! All the VFR traffic had to do was climb 1000' to be above the route. Who's fault was it? Probably both...the "see and avoid" concept. But who gives a ###### whose fault it was when you end up a smoking hole.
  12. Man, I wish I could volunteer and get my foot in at AFSOC. All my closest buds are in AFSOC and they are loving it. Sure, they are deployed a lot, but they say the gratification is worth it. Nope, I am stuck as an "ACC asset"; hence I'll probably go from RTU straight to a Pred. Maybe I'll Palace Chase to the Army Guard and fly Apaches.
  13. Huh? All I hear is "Wheh wheh wheh, my pu$$y hurts." Click here for solution.
  14. Vetter

    HUD tapes

    Here's about the only thing a HUD tape in a T-38C is good for...telling your boss you really no shit about hit another airplane when he said you were probably 500' away.
  15. I know the Army Guard is hurting for helo pilots. I got offered a job with the NC Guard flying Apaches and AFPC not only said no, but hell no! I think helos kick ass!
  16. Also as a controller, I hate long perches more. I guess there really can't be anything bad about practicing maneuvers in the sim...I don't know if I would waste my time. Maybe call one of your bro's in T-6's and have them explain the flow and practice that?
  17. What happens if you don't do it? Can I still get out of the AF when my commitment is up?
  18. Being a former USEM, I saw some of the worst buffoonery right at the beginning...during the "20 Day Program". Basically, the student is given every single EXACT EP that will be given during the first 20 days. They probably even have the EXACT slides. So yes, during the first 20 days, I expect them to be perfect since everything for the most part is rote (they should go home the night before and memorize how to do it). They may not have the local area procedures down and what not, but they should be able to handle the emergency because they should have already seen the EXACT one. That said, if a student makes more than a few small mistakes (nothing unsafe), I start to question his/her prep...and even though he may not get sat down, he probably did a marginal job. I would say early on, 50% of the EPs meet this criteria. I had a huge problem with the same thing when I was a student. I payed too much attention to the grades and not enough attention to the debrief because I was pissed at myself for not getting an E on a maneuver and what not. About halfway through PIT, I started not giving a sh!t about grades and low and behold, I started flying better. The earlier you learn this, the better. ENJPPT IP, I think there is and should be a difference in how things are done between Phase 2 and 3. I expect a student coming into T-38s to show at least some SA and airmanship. Iwannagofast, if it was unclear why you got a marginal, ask. Ask but don't quibble. It'll all play out in the end and you'll get the airplane you deserve. You gotta check your ego at the door, put your hard hat on and realize that it's gonna suck...until you get good. Any questions...PM me. [ 05. January 2007, 13:31: Message edited by: Vetter ]
  19. If you just started Phase 3, every standup is going to be marginal. Just because you didn't get sat down doesn't mean you didn't mess up. Get used to being called "average" or "slightly below average". That said, go ask your USEM what you need to improve on in order to do better. He may give you crap, but he'll respect you for it.
  20. I broke in St Louis a few months after Hurrican Katrina. I had a woman convinced that I was the Shrimp Boat Captian of the "Strikin' Snake" and I sailed up the Mississippi River to get away from Katrina. Then I told her since my dock had gotten blown away and the shimp fishing was good in the Mississippi River near St Louis so I had decided to stay. Finally, when I couldn't take it anymore, I told her I was really a pilot...she scoffed, accused me of lying to her, and walked away.
  21. Can you turn in your AF commission and become a warrant officer in the Army?
  22. Nope, gliders don't require a transponder.
  23. If you're at the location less than 24 hrs, you can evidently bypass billeting and get a room off base. I don't know or have never found where this is written. Probably in the travel regs somewhere...good luck finding it!
  24. Want a fighter? Be #1 in your class or 2nd to last. Remember you have a better chance of getting FAIPed if you are in the top half of your t-38 class than actually getting a fighter...or at least that's how it works here at Columbus. Go back to Rule #1.
  25. Vetter

    UPT stress

    #1. Get drunk on the weekends. If you aren't like that, go to a church social or something like that. #2. Never pass up the opportunity to keep your mouth shut. I've passed up on this a few times (like now probably) and IPs do recognize it. That said, if you have a question, ask a buddy, then ask an IP. #3. Realize that your only job in life right now is to fly jets as best you can. You can only give 100% and is there a better thing than giving 100% in the jet? I think not! I have never been satisfied with my performance and that tells me that I expect more out of myself than those around me expect out of me. That said also, realize that you really do have the second coolest job in the world (behind porn star, so to speak). #4. Get laid. There is NOTHING like flying on a clean set of pipes. They say that all pilots talk about about women when they are flying and flying when they are with women. If you don't have to think about women when flying, think how much better you'll do. Then you'll get good and go back to thinking about women while you fly. [ 02. July 2006, 20:26: Message edited by: Vetter ]
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